implement server utils

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2020-08-18 01:40:37 -04:00
parent 1565ce19b8
commit 1c22f397ec
1 changed files with 135 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
#lang racket/base #lang racket/base
(require racket/match racket/function racket/port racket/string (require racket/match racket/function racket/port racket/string racket/bool racket/path
net/url net/url-structs net/url-string) net/url net/url-structs net/url-string)
(provide (struct-out gmi-rsp) (provide (struct-out gmi-rsp)
(struct-out gmi-rsp:success) (struct-out gmi-rsp:success)
gemini-request-read gemini-request-read
gemini-parse-success-meta gemini-parse-success-meta
gemini-response-read gemini-response-read
@ -55,7 +57,8 @@
[(list meta rst ...) [(list meta rst ...)
(values meta (for/hash ([item (in-list rst)]) (values meta (for/hash ([item (in-list rst)])
(match (regexp-match-positions "=" item) (match (regexp-match-positions "=" item)
[(list (cons pos _)) (values (substring item 0 pos) (substring item (add1 pos)))] [(list (cons pos _))
(values (substring item 0 pos) (substring item (add1 pos)))]
[_ (values item #t)])))] [_ (values item #t)])))]
['() (raise (exn:fail:network "gmi protocol error" (current-continuation-marks)))])) ['() (raise (exn:fail:network "gmi protocol error" (current-continuation-marks)))]))
@ -90,6 +93,136 @@
[_ (string-append k "=" v)]))) [_ (string-append k "=" v)])))
"; ")) "; "))
;; server
(define mimes
(hash #".gmi" "text/gemini"
#".gemini" "text/gemini"
#".json" "application/json"
#".jsonld" "application/ld+json"
#".jsonap" "application/ld+json; profile=\"\""
#".htm" "text/html"
#".html" "text/html"
#".apng" "image/png"
#".gif" "image/gif"
#".jpg" "image/jpeg"
#".jpeg" "image/jpeg"
#".png" "image/png"
#".webp" "image/webp"
#".webm" "video/webm"
#".aac" "audio/aac"
#".mp3" "audio/mpeg"
#".opus" "audio/opus"
#".weba" "audio/webm"
#".xml" "application/xml"))
(define mime-default "appliation/octet-stream")
;; handlers
;; intermediate handlers are url next-func -> gmi-rsp body-func
;; terminating handlers are url -> gmi-rsp body-func
(define default-chunk-sz 4096)
(define default-index-files '("index.gmi" "index.gemini"))
(define not-found-rsp
(gmi-rsp (hash-ref gmi-codes 'not-found)
"the requested resource was not found on this server"))
(define (make-host-checker host)
(lambda (req next)
(if (or (false? (url-host req)) (string=? host (url-host req)))
(next req)
;; string-or-path -> handler
(define (make-static-handler static-path #:directory-indices? [dir-indices? #f])
;; prevents path traversal
(define (ensure-root root path)
(let ([path-tmp (simplify-path (build-path root path))])
(for/and ([a (in-list (explode-path root))] [b (in-list (explode-path path-tmp))])
(equal? a b))
;; generates an index file if none is present
(define (generate-index fs-path orig-url)
(define parent-path (url-path orig-url))
(define links (for/list ([item (in-list (directory-list fs-path))])
(struct-copy url orig-url
[path (append parent-path
;; this couldn't possibly be more obtuse
(path/param (path-element->string item) '()))])))
(define links+
(match parent-path
['() links]
[(list firsts ... lst) (cons (struct-copy url orig-url [path firsts]) links)]))
(define document
(cons (format "# index of ~a\n" (url->string orig-url))
(map (lambda (item) (format "=> ~a" (url->string item))) links))
(define doc-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 document))
(define doc-len (bytes-length doc-bytes))
(values (gmi-rsp (hash-ref gmi-codes 'success)
(gemini-make-success-meta "text/gemini"
(hash "content-length" (number->string doc-len))))
(lambda (out) (write-bytes doc-bytes out))))
;; guesses mime type by extension
(define (lookup-mime path)
(hash-ref mimes (path-get-extension path) mime-default))
;; generates a file response
(define (generate-file-rsp fs-path)
(gmi-rsp (hash-ref gmi-codes 'success)
(lookup-mime fs-path)
(hash "content-length" (number->string (file-size fs-path)))))
(lambda (out)
;; racket people merge the hecking sendfile PR challenge 2020
(lambda (in)
(define chunk (make-bytes default-chunk-sz))
(let loop ()
(match (read-bytes-avail! chunk in)
[(? integer? n)
(write-bytes chunk out 0 n)
[(? eof-object?) (void)]
[_ (error "unexpected value from read-bytes-avail!")])))))))
(lambda (req)
(let* ([path (filter path/param-path (url-path req))]
[fs-path (ensure-root static-path path)])
[(directory-exists? fs-path)
;; check for index files, if those are found then serve that
;; otherwise if indices are enabled generate an index
;; otherwise error
(or (for/or ([check-index (in-list default-index-files)])
(define new-path (build-path fs-path check-index))
(if (file-exists? new-path) (generate-file-rsp new-path) #f))
(if dir-indices?
(generate-index fs-path req)
(values not-found-rsp #f)))]
[(file-exists? fs-path)
(generate-file-rsp fs-path)]
[else not-found-rsp]))))
(module+ test (module+ test
(require rackunit)) (require rackunit))