140 lines
4.8 KiB
140 lines
4.8 KiB
#lang racket/base
(require racket/function racket/list racket/match racket/set
(prefix-in : parser-tools/lex-sre)
(define-tokens kaitai-expr [boolean number string identifier])
(define-empty-tokens kaitai-sym [eof + - * / % < <= > >= == != << >> & pipe ^ not and or ? : ~
lparen rparen lbracket comma dot rbracket])
(define (kaitai-numstr->number str)
(match (regexp-replace* #px"_" str "")
[(pregexp #px"^0x(.*?)$" (list _ num)) (string->number num 16)]
[(pregexp #px"^0b(.*?)$" (list _ num)) (string->number num 2)]
[(pregexp #px"^0o(.*?)$" (list _ num)) (string->number num 8)]
[num (string->number num)]))
(define (kaitai-subst-string str)
;; racket's built in string translation works fine
(read (open-input-string
(string-append "\"" (substring str 1 (sub1 (string-length str))) "\""))))
(define kaitai-lexer
[(:or "true" "false") (token-boolean (string=? "true" lexeme))]
[(:or (:: "0x" (:+ (:or numeric (char-set "abcdefABCDEF_"))))
(:: "0b" (:+ (char-set "01_")))
(:: "0o" (:+ (char-set "01234567_")))
(:: (:? (char-set "+-"))
(:+ (:or numeric "_"))
(:? (:: "." (:* (:or numeric "_"))))
(:? (:: (char-set "eE") (:? (char-set "+-")) (:+ (:or numeric "_"))))))
(token-number (kaitai-numstr->number lexeme))]
[(:or (:: "'" (:* (:or (:- any-char "'") "\\'")) "'")
(:: "\"" (:* (:or (:- any-char "\"") "\\\"")) "\""))
(token-string (kaitai-subst-string lexeme))]
[whitespace (kaitai-lexer input-port)]
["+" (token-+)]
["-" (token--)]
["*" (token-*)]
["/" (token-/)]
["%" (token-%)]
["<" (token-<)]
["<=" (token-<=)]
[">" (token->)]
[">=" (token->=)]
["==" (token-==)]
["!=" (token-!=)]
[">>" (token->>)]
["<<" (token-<<)]
["&" (token-&)]
["|" (token-pipe)]
["^" (token-^)]
["~" (token-~)]
["not" (token-not)]
["and" (token-and)]
["or" (token-or)]
["?" (token-?)]
[":" (token-:)]
["(" (token-lparen)]
[")" (token-rparen)]
["[" (token-lbracket)]
["," (token-comma)]
["." (token-dot)]
["]" (token-rbracket)]
[(:: (:+ (:or alphabetic "_"))
(:* (:or alphabetic numeric "_" "::")))
(token-identifier (string->symbol lexeme))]
[(eof) (token-eof)]))
(define kaitai-parser
[start exp]
[end eof]
[error (lambda (tok-ok? tok-name tok-value)
(error "parser error" tok-ok? tok-name tok-value))]
[tokens kaitai-expr kaitai-sym]
[precs (left comma)
(right ? :)
(left and or)
(left & pipe ^)
(left < <= > >= != ==)
(left << >>)
(left + - ~)
(left * / %)
(right not)
(left dot lparen rparen lbracket rbracket)]
(exp [(number) $1]
[(string) $1]
[(boolean) $1]
[(identifier) $1]
[(lbracket apply-args rbracket) (cons 'array $2)]
[(exp dot identifier) (list 'get $1 $3)]
[(exp lparen apply-args rparen) `(apply ,$1 ,@$3)]
[(exp * exp) (list '* $1 $3)]
[(exp / exp) (list '/ $1 $3)]
[(exp % exp) (list '% $1 $3)]
[(exp + exp) (list '+ $1 $3)]
[(exp - exp) (list '- $1 $3)]
[(exp < exp) (list '< $1 $3)]
[(exp <= exp) (list '<= $1 $3)]
[(exp > exp) (list '> $1 $3)]
[(exp >= exp) (list '>= $1 $3)]
[(exp != exp) (list '!= $1 $3)]
[(exp == exp) (list '== $1 $3)]
[(exp >> exp) (list '>> $1 $3)]
[(exp << exp) (list '<< $1 $3)]
[(exp & exp) (list '& $1 $3)]
[(exp pipe exp) (list 'pipe $1 $3)]
[(exp ^ exp) (list '^ $1 $3)]
[(exp and exp) (list 'and $1 $3)]
[(exp or exp) (list 'or $1 $3)]
[(not exp) (list 'not $2)]
[(+ exp) (list '+ $2)]
[(- exp) (list '- $2)]
[(~ exp) (list '~ $2)]
[(exp ? exp : exp) (list 'if $1 $3 $5)]
[(lparen exp rparen) $2])
[(exp) (list $1)]
[(exp comma apply-args) (cons $1 $3)])]))
;; kaitai expr AST
;; it's like racket mostly. builtins are
;; - all the builtin operators
;; - (apply func args ...): applies a function
;; - (array args ...): constructs array
;; - (get obj attr): references an attribute on an object
;; primitive types: boolean, number, string, symbol (identifier)
(define test2 "true and 'a' != 'b' ? -1 + ~bits : ('hello' + 'world').substring(2, 3)")
;; => '(if (and #t (!= "a" "b"))
;; (+ -1 (~ bits))
;; (apply (get (+ "hello" "world") substring) 2 3))
(let ([input (open-input-string test2)])
(kaitai-parser (lambda () (kaitai-lexer input))))