All HTML elements added, I think.

This commit is contained in:
Bodil Stokke 2018-11-13 00:48:29 +00:00
parent 22e334f414
commit 0db3bfb8bc
2 changed files with 267 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ pub trait FormContent: Node {}
// Traits for elements that are more picky about their children
pub trait DescriptionListContent: Node {}
pub trait HGroupContent: Node {}
pub trait MapContent: Node {}
pub trait MediaContent: Node {} // <audio> and <video>
pub trait SelectContent: Node {}
pub trait TableContent: Node {}
pub trait TableColumnContent: Node {}
impl IntoIterator for TextNode {
type Item = TextNode;
@ -125,7 +130,7 @@ declare_element!(meta {
declare_element!(style {
type: Mime,
media: String, // FIXME media query
nonce: String, // bigint?
nonce: Nonce,
title: String, // FIXME
} [] [MetadataContent] TextNode);
declare_element!(title {} [] [MetadataContent] TextNode);
@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ declare_element!(audio {
muted: bool,
preload: Preload,
src: Uri,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent]);
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent] MediaContent);
declare_element!(b {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(bdo {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(bdi {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ declare_element!(button {
declare_element!(canvas {
height: usize,
width: usize,
} [] [FlowContent] FlowContent); // FIXME has additional child constraints
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent] FlowContent); // FIXME has additional child constraints
declare_element!(cite {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(code {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(data {
@ -185,8 +190,7 @@ declare_element!(data {
declare_element!(datalist {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] Element_option);
declare_element!(del {
cite: Uri,
datetime: String, // FIXME should be "a valid date string with an optional time",
// but I have other hells to live in right now.
datetime: Datetime,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] FlowContent);
declare_element!(details {
open: bool,
@ -262,20 +266,186 @@ declare_element!(input {
type: InputType,
value: String,
} [] [FlowContent, FormContent, PhrasingContent]);
declare_element!(ins {
cite: Uri,
datetime: Datetime,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] FlowContent);
declare_element!(kbd {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(label {
for: Id,
form: Id,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, InteractiveContent, FormContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(main {} [] [FlowContent] FlowContent);
declare_element!(map {
name: Id,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] MapContent);
declare_element!(mark {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
// TODO the <math> element
declare_element!(meter {
value: isize,
min: isize,
max: isize,
low: isize,
high: isize,
optimum: isize,
form: Id,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(nav {} [] [FlowContent, SectioningContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(noscript {} [] [MetadataContent, FlowContent, PhrasingContent] Node);
declare_element!(object {
data: Uri,
form: Id,
height: usize,
name: Id,
type: Mime,
typemustmatch: bool,
usemap: String, // TODO should be a fragment starting with '#'
width: usize,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, InteractiveContent, FormContent] Element_param);
declare_element!(ol {
reversed: bool,
start: isize,
type: OrderedListType,
} [] [FlowContent] Element_li);
declare_element!(output {
for: SpacedSet<Id>,
form: Id,
name: Id,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, FormContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(p {} [] [FlowContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(pre {} [] [FlowContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(progress {
max: f64,
value: f64,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(q {
cite: Uri,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(ruby {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(s {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(samp {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(script {
async: bool,
crossorigin: CrossOrigin,
defer: bool,
integrity: Integrity,
nomodule: bool,
nonce: Nonce,
src: Uri,
text: String,
type: String, // TODO could be an enum
} [] [MetadataContent, FlowContent, PhrasingContent, TableColumnContent] TextNode);
declare_element!(section {} [] [FlowContent, SectioningContent] FlowContent);
declare_element!(select {
autocomplete: String,
autofocus: bool,
disabled: bool,
form: Id,
multiple: bool,
name: Id,
required: bool,
size: usize,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, InteractiveContent, FormContent] SelectContent);
declare_element!(small {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(span {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(strong {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(sub {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(sup {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
// TODO the <svg> element
declare_element!(table {} [] [FlowContent] TableContent);
declare_element!(template {} [] [MetadataContent, FlowContent, PhrasingContent, TableColumnContent] Node);
declare_element!(textarea {
autocomplete: OnOff,
autofocus: bool,
cols: usize,
disabled: bool,
form: Id,
maxlength: usize,
minlength: usize,
name: Id,
placeholder: String,
readonly: bool,
required: bool,
rows: usize,
spellcheck: BoolOrDefault,
wrap: Wrap,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, InteractiveContent, FormContent] TextNode);
declare_element!(time {
datetime: Datetime,
} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(ul {} [] [FlowContent] Element_li);
declare_element!(var {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(video {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent] MediaContent);
declare_element!(wbr {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent]);
// Non-content elements
// Non-group elements
declare_element!(area {
alt: String,
coords: String, // TODO could perhaps be validated
download: bool,
href: Uri,
hreflang: LanguageTag,
ping: SpacedList<Uri>,
rel: SpacedSet<LinkType>,
shape: AreaShape,
target: Target,
} [] [MapContent]);
declare_element!(caption {} [] [TableContent] FlowContent);
declare_element!(col {
span: usize,
} [] []);
declare_element!(colgroup {
span: usize,
} [] [TableContent] Element_col);
declare_element!(dd {} [] [DescriptionListContent] FlowContent);
declare_element!(dt {} [] [DescriptionListContent] FlowContent);
declare_element!(figcaption {} [] [] FlowContent);
declare_element!(legend {} [] [] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(li {
value: isize,
} [] [] FlowContent);
declare_element!(option {
disabled: bool,
label: String,
selected: bool,
value: String,
} [] [] TextNode);
} [] [SelectContent] TextNode);
declare_element!(optgroup {
disabled: bool,
label: String,
} [] [SelectContent] Element_option);
declare_element!(param {
name: String,
value: String,
} [] []);
declare_element!(source {
src: Uri,
type: Mime,
} [] [MediaContent]);
declare_element!(summary {} [] [] PhrasingContent);
declare_element!(tbody {} [] [TableContent] Element_tr);
declare_element!(td {
colspan: usize,
headers: SpacedSet<Id>,
rowspan: usize,
} [] [TableColumnContent] FlowContent);
declare_element!(tfoot {} [] [TableContent] Element_tr);
declare_element!(th {
abbr: String,
colspan: usize,
headers: SpacedSet<Id>,
rowspan: usize,
scope: TableHeaderScope,
} [] [TableColumnContent] FlowContent);
declare_element!(thead {} [] [TableContent] Element_tr);
declare_element!(tr {} [] [TableContent] TableColumnContent);
declare_element!(track {
default: bool,
kind: VideoKind,
label: String,
src: Uri,
srclang: LanguageTag,
} [] [MediaContent]);
// Don't @ me
declare_element!(blink {} [] [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] PhrasingContent);

View File

@ -16,9 +16,38 @@ pub use http::Uri;
pub use language_tags::LanguageTag;
pub use mime::Mime;
pub type Target = String;
pub type CharacterEncoding = String;
pub type Datetime = String;
pub type FeaturePolicy = String;
pub type Integrity = String;
pub type Nonce = String;
pub type Target = String;
enum_set_type! {
#[derive(EnumString, Display)]
pub enum AreaShape {
#[strum(to_string = "rect")]
#[strum(to_string = "circle")]
#[strum(to_string = "poly")]
#[strum(to_string = "default")]
enum_set_type! {
#[derive(EnumString, Display)]
pub enum BoolOrDefault {
#[strum(to_string = "true")]
#[strum(to_string = "default")]
#[strum(to_string = "false")]
enum_set_type! {
#[derive(EnumString, Display)]
@ -186,6 +215,22 @@ enum_set_type! {
enum_set_type! {
#[derive(EnumString, Display)]
pub enum OrderedListType {
#[strum(to_string = "a")]
#[strum(to_string = "A")]
#[strum(to_string = "i")]
#[strum(to_string = "I")]
#[strum(to_string = "1")]
enum_set_type! {
#[derive(EnumString, Display)]
pub enum Preload {
@ -242,6 +287,22 @@ enum_set_type! {
enum_set_type! {
#[derive(EnumString, Display)]
pub enum TableHeaderScope {
#[strum(to_string = "row")]
#[strum(to_string = "col")]
#[strum(to_string = "rowgroup")]
#[strum(to_string = "colgroup")]
#[strum(to_string = "auto")]
enum_set_type! {
#[derive(EnumString, Display)]
pub enum TextDirection {
@ -251,3 +312,31 @@ enum_set_type! {
enum_set_type! {
#[derive(EnumString, Display)]
pub enum VideoKind {
#[strum(to_string = "subtitles")]
#[strum(to_string = "captions")]
#[strum(to_string = "descriptions")]
#[strum(to_string = "chapters")]
#[strum(to_string = "metadata")]
enum_set_type! {
#[derive(EnumString, Display)]
pub enum Wrap {
#[strum(to_string = "hard")]
#[strum(to_string = "soft")]
#[strum(to_string = "off")]