Revert accidental de-Booling and add missing <input> attrs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ declare_elements!{
article in [FlowContent, SectioningContent] with FlowContent;
aside in [FlowContent, SectioningContent] with FlowContent;
audio {
autoplay: bool,
controls: bool,
autoplay: Bool,
controls: Bool,
crossorigin: CrossOrigin,
loop: bool,
muted: bool,
loop: Bool,
muted: Bool,
preload: Preload,
src: Uri,
} in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent] with MediaContent;
@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ declare_elements!{
} in [FlowContent] with FlowContent;
br in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent];
button {
autofocus: bool,
disabled: bool,
autofocus: Bool,
disabled: Bool,
form: Id,
formaction: Uri,
formenctype: FormEncodingType,
formmethod: FormMethod,
formnovalidate: bool,
formnovalidate: Bool,
formtarget: Target,
name: Id,
type: ButtonType,
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ declare_elements!{
datetime: Datetime,
} in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] with FlowContent;
details {
open: bool,
open: Bool,
} in [FlowContent, SectioningContent, InteractiveContent] with [summary] FlowContent;
dfn in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] with PhrasingContent;
div in [FlowContent] with FlowContent;
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ declare_elements!{
enctype: FormEncodingType,
method: FormMethod,
name: Id,
novalidate: bool,
novalidate: Bool,
target: Target,
} in [FlowContent] with FlowContent;
h1 in [FlowContent, HeadingContent, HGroupContent] with PhrasingContent;
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ declare_elements!{
i in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] with PhrasingContent;
iframe {
allow: FeaturePolicy,
allowfullscreen: bool,
allowpaymentrequest: bool,
allowfullscreen: Bool,
allowpaymentrequest: Bool,
height: usize,
name: Id,
referrerpolicy: ReferrerPolicy,
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ declare_elements!{
crossorigin: CrossOrigin,
decoding: ImageDecoding,
height: usize,
ismap: bool,
ismap: Bool,
sizes: SpacedList<String>, // FIXME it's not really just a string
src: Uri,
srcset: String, // FIXME this is much more complicated
@ -205,16 +205,39 @@ declare_elements!{
width: usize,
} in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent];
input {
accept: String,
alt: String,
autocomplete: String,
autofocus: bool,
disabled: bool,
autofocus: Bool,
capture: String,
checked: Bool,
disabled: Bool,
form: Id,
formaction: Uri,
formenctype: FormEncodingType,
formmethod: FormDialogMethod,
formnovalidate: Bool,
formtarget: Target,
height: isize,
list: Id,
max: String,
maxlength: usize,
min: String,
minlength: usize,
multiple: Bool,
name: Id,
required: bool,
pattern: String,
placeholder: String,
readonly: Bool,
required: Bool,
size: usize,
spellcheck: Bool,
src: Uri,
step: String,
tabindex: usize,
type: InputType,
value: String,
width: isize,
} in [FlowContent, FormContent, PhrasingContent];
ins {
cite: Uri,
@ -248,12 +271,12 @@ declare_elements!{
height: usize,
name: Id,
type: Mime,
typemustmatch: bool,
typemustmatch: Bool,
usemap: String, // TODO should be a fragment starting with '#'
width: usize,
} in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, InteractiveContent, FormContent] with param;
ol {
reversed: bool,
reversed: Bool,
start: isize,
type: OrderedListType,
} in [FlowContent] with li;
@ -275,11 +298,11 @@ declare_elements!{
s in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] with PhrasingContent;
samp in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] with PhrasingContent;
script {
async: bool,
async: Bool,
crossorigin: CrossOrigin,
defer: bool,
defer: Bool,
integrity: Integrity,
nomodule: bool,
nomodule: Bool,
nonce: Nonce,
src: Uri,
text: String,
@ -288,12 +311,12 @@ declare_elements!{
section in [FlowContent, SectioningContent] with FlowContent;
select {
autocomplete: String,
autofocus: bool,
disabled: bool,
autofocus: Bool,
disabled: Bool,
form: Id,
multiple: bool,
multiple: Bool,
name: Id,
required: bool,
required: Bool,
size: usize,
} in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent, InteractiveContent, FormContent] with SelectContent;
small in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] with PhrasingContent;
@ -305,16 +328,16 @@ declare_elements!{
template in [MetadataContent, FlowContent, PhrasingContent, TableColumnContent] with Node;
textarea {
autocomplete: OnOff,
autofocus: bool,
autofocus: Bool,
cols: usize,
disabled: bool,
disabled: Bool,
form: Id,
maxlength: usize,
minlength: usize,
name: Id,
placeholder: String,
readonly: bool,
required: bool,
readonly: Bool,
required: Bool,
rows: usize,
spellcheck: BoolOrDefault,
wrap: Wrap,
@ -331,7 +354,7 @@ declare_elements!{
area {
alt: String,
coords: String, // TODO could perhaps be validated
download: bool,
download: Bool,
href: Uri,
hreflang: LanguageTag,
ping: SpacedList<Uri>,
@ -354,13 +377,13 @@ declare_elements!{
value: isize,
} with FlowContent;
option {
disabled: bool,
disabled: Bool,
label: String,
selected: bool,
selected: Bool,
value: String,
} in [SelectContent] with TextNode;
optgroup {
disabled: bool,
disabled: Bool,
label: String,
} in [SelectContent] with option;
param {
@ -389,7 +412,7 @@ declare_elements!{
thead in [TableContent] with tr;
tr in [TableContent] with TableColumnContent;
track {
default: bool,
default: Bool,
kind: VideoKind,
label: String,
src: Uri,
@ -407,7 +430,7 @@ declare_elements!{
loop: isize,
scrollamount: usize,
scrolldelay: usize,
truespeed: bool,
truespeed: Bool,
vspace: String, // FIXME size
width: String, // FIXME size
} in [FlowContent, PhrasingContent] with PhrasingContent;
Reference in New Issue