.. | ||
Paramètres par défaut
Voici un ensemble de configurations soumises par la communauté pour Starship. Si vous avez une configuration à partager, veuillez proposer une PR pour mettre à jour ce fichier! 😊
Symboles Nerd Font
Cette configuration ne modifie rien sauf les symboles utilisés pour chaque module. Si les émoticônes ne sont pas votre tasse de thé, elle pourrait retenir votre attention!
- Une Nerd Font est installée et activée dans votre terminal (l'exemple utilise Fira Code Nerd Font)
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
read_only = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = " "
symbol = "ﯣ "
Segments entre crochets
Cette configuration modifie le format de tous les modules intégrés pour afficher leur segment entre crochets au lieu d'utiliser le label par défaut de Starship ("via", "sur", etc.).
format = '\[[$symbol($profile)(\($region\))(\[$duration\])]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[⏱ $duration ]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$environment]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$context]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)(🎯 $tfm)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version \(OTP $otp_version\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$account(@$domain)(\($region\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$branch]($style)\]'
format = '([\[$all_status$ahead_behind\]]($style))'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$branch]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$context( \($namespace\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[$symbol[$ram( | $swap)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$state( \($name\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)(\($switch_indicator$switch_name\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$cloud(\($project\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$version]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$stack]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}(${version})(\($virtualenv\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[as $symbol]\]
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$workspace]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$time]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$user]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
Texte uniquement
Cette configuration change les symboles en texte brut. Si votre terminal/police ne peuvent pas afficher les émoticônes ou les symboles NerdFonts, vous pouvez peut-être essayer cette configuration !
Avant (réglage par défaut avec la police Fixedsys):
Après (Texte uniquement):
success_symbol = "[>](bold green)"
error_symbol = "[x](bold red)"
vicmd_symbol = "[<](bold green)"
tag_symbol = " tag "
ahead = ">"
behind = "<"
diverged = "<>"
renamed = "r"
deleted = "x"
symbol = "aws "
symbol = "cobol "
symbol = "conda "
symbol = "cr "
symbol = "cmake "
symbol = "dart "
symbol = "deno "
symbol = ".NET "
read_only = " ro"
symbol = "docker "
symbol = "exs "
symbol = "elm "
symbol = "git "
symbol = "go "
symbol = "hg "
symbol = "java "
symbol = "jl "
symbol = "kt "
symbol = "nodejs "
symbol = "memory "
symbol = "nim "
symbol = "nix "
symbol = "ml "
symbol = "pkg "
symbol = "pl "
symbol = "php "
symbol = "pulumi "
symbol = "purs "
symbol = "py "
symbol = "rb "
symbol = "rs "
symbol = "scala "
symbol = "sudo "
symbol = "swift "
Hide Runtime Versions
This preset hides the version of language runtimes. If you work in containers or virtualized environments, this one is for you!
format = "via [$symbol]($style)"
format = "via [$symbol]($style)"
format = "via [$symbol]($style)"
format = "via [$symbol]($style)"
format = "via [$symbol]($style)"
format = "[$symbol(🎯 $tfm )]($style)"
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol(\($switch_indicator$switch_name\) )]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol$stack]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
format = 'via [$symbol]($style)'
This preset emulates the look and behavior of Pure.
format = """
style = "blue"
success_symbol = "[❯](purple)"
error_symbol = "[❯](red)"
vicmd_symbol = "[❮](green)"
format = "[$branch]($style)"
style = "bright-black"
format = "[[(*$conflicted$untracked$modified$staged$renamed$deleted)](218) ($ahead_behind$stashed)]($style)"
style = "cyan"
conflicted = ""
untracked = ""
modified = ""
staged = ""
renamed = ""
deleted = ""
stashed = "≡"
format = '\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\) '
style = "bright-black"
format = "[$duration]($style) "
style = "yellow"
format = "[$virtualenv]($style) "
style = "bright-black"