208 lines
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208 lines
6.5 KiB
use ansi_term::Color;
use path_slash::PathExt;
use std::path::Path;
use super::{Context, Module};
/// Creates a module with the current directory
/// Will perform path contraction and truncation.
/// **Contraction**
/// - Paths beginning with the home directory will be contracted to `~`
/// - Paths containing a git repo will contract to begin at the repo root
/// **Truncation**
/// Paths will be limited in length to `3` path components by default.
pub fn module<'a>(context: &'a Context) -> Option<Module<'a>> {
const HOME_SYMBOL: &str = "~";
let module_color = Color::Cyan.bold();
let mut module = context.new_module("directory")?;
let truncation_length = module
let truncate_to_repo = module.config_value_bool("truncate_to_repo").unwrap_or(true);
let current_dir = &context.current_dir;
log::debug!("Current directory: {:?}", current_dir);
let dir_string;
match &context.repo_root {
Some(repo_root) if truncate_to_repo => {
// Contract the path to the git repo root
let repo_folder_name = repo_root.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
dir_string = contract_path(current_dir, repo_root, repo_folder_name);
_ => {
// Contract the path to the home directory
let home_dir = dirs::home_dir().unwrap();
dir_string = contract_path(current_dir, &home_dir, HOME_SYMBOL);
// Truncate the dir string to the maximum number of path components
let truncated_dir_string = truncate(dir_string, truncation_length as usize);
module.new_segment("path", &truncated_dir_string);
module.get_prefix().set_value("in ");
/// Contract the root component of a path
/// Replaces the `top_level_path` in a given `full_path` with the provided
/// `top_level_replacement`.
fn contract_path(full_path: &Path, top_level_path: &Path, top_level_replacement: &str) -> String {
if !full_path.starts_with(top_level_path) {
return replace_c_dir(full_path.to_slash().unwrap());
if full_path == top_level_path {
return replace_c_dir(top_level_replacement.to_string());
replacement = top_level_replacement,
separator = "/",
path = replace_c_dir(
/// Replaces "C://" with "/c/" within a Windows path
/// On non-Windows OS, does nothing
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn replace_c_dir(path: String) -> String {
return path.replace("C:/", "/c");
/// Replaces "C://" with "/c/" within a Windows path
/// On non-Windows OS, does nothing
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
const fn replace_c_dir(path: String) -> String {
/// Truncate a path to only have a set number of path components
/// Will truncate a path to only show the last `length` components in a path.
/// If a length of `0` is provided, the path will not be truncated.
fn truncate(dir_string: String, length: usize) -> String {
if length == 0 {
return dir_string;
let components = dir_string.split('/').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
if components.len() <= length {
return dir_string;
let truncated_components = &components[components.len() - length..];
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn contract_home_directory() {
let full_path = Path::new("/Users/astronaut/schematics/rocket");
let home = Path::new("/Users/astronaut");
let output = contract_path(full_path, home, "~");
assert_eq!(output, "~/schematics/rocket");
fn contract_repo_directory() {
let full_path = Path::new("/Users/astronaut/dev/rocket-controls/src");
let repo_root = Path::new("/Users/astronaut/dev/rocket-controls");
let output = contract_path(full_path, repo_root, "rocket-controls");
assert_eq!(output, "rocket-controls/src");
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn contract_windows_style_home_directory() {
let full_path = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut\\schematics\\rocket");
let home = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut");
let output = contract_path(full_path, home, "~");
assert_eq!(output, "~/schematics/rocket");
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn contract_windows_style_repo_directory() {
let full_path = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut\\dev\\rocket-controls\\src");
let repo_root = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut\\dev\\rocket-controls");
let output = contract_path(full_path, repo_root, "rocket-controls");
assert_eq!(output, "rocket-controls/src");
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn contract_windows_style_no_top_level_directory() {
let full_path = Path::new("C:\\Some\\Other\\Path");
let top_level_path = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut");
let output = contract_path(full_path, top_level_path, "~");
assert_eq!(output, "/c/Some/Other/Path");
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn contract_windows_style_root_directory() {
let full_path = Path::new("C:\\");
let top_level_path = Path::new("C:\\Users\\astronaut");
let output = contract_path(full_path, top_level_path, "~");
assert_eq!(output, "/c");
fn truncate_smaller_path_than_provided_length() {
let path = "~/starship";
let output = truncate(path.to_string(), 3);
assert_eq!(output, "~/starship")
fn truncate_same_path_as_provided_length() {
let path = "~/starship/engines";
let output = truncate(path.to_string(), 3);
assert_eq!(output, "~/starship/engines")
fn truncate_slightly_larger_path_than_provided_length() {
let path = "~/starship/engines/booster";
let output = truncate(path.to_string(), 3);
assert_eq!(output, "starship/engines/booster")
fn truncate_larger_path_than_provided_length() {
let path = "~/starship/engines/booster/rocket";
let output = truncate(path.to_string(), 3);
assert_eq!(output, "engines/booster/rocket")