initial commit

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2024-09-24 04:23:56 -04:00
commit 3ad64d6ab9
17 changed files with 708 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

bin/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(public_name ocaml-systemd)
(name main)
(modes byte exe)
(libraries systemd systemd.xlog eio_main fmt xlog))

bin/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
include (val Xlog.logs __FUNCTION__)
open Eio.Std
let () = @@ fun env ->
let clock = Eio.Stdenv.clock env in ~name:"main" @@ fun sw ->
if Systemd.is_journald_attached () then
Xlog.add_writer (Systemd_xlog.make_writer ~sw ~env) ~min_level:Xlog.DEBUG
Xlog.init_pretty_writer stdout ~min_level:Xlog.DEBUG;
info (fun m -> m "meow meow meow");
let fds = Systemd.Fdstore.listen_fds ~sw in
List.iter (fun (name, fd) -> Stdlib.Format.printf "got fd %a=%a\n%!" (Fmt.option ~none:(Fmt.any "<none>") Fmt.string) name Eio_unix.Fd.pp fd; Eio_linux.Low_level.writev fd [Cstruct.of_string "meow"]) fds;
let ctx = Systemd.Notify.make ~sw ~env in
info (fun m -> m "notifying!");
Systemd.Notify.ready ctx;
info (fun m -> m "performing barrier");
Systemd.Notify.barrier ctx;
info (fun m -> m "done");
Eio.Time.sleep clock 2.0

dune-project Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
(lang dune 3.15)
(name systemd)
(version 0.0.1)
(generate_opam_files true)
(name systemd)
(synopsis "libsystemd-like functionality for native ocaml")
(description "utilities for interacting with systemd when running as a service")
(license "unfree")
(homepage "")
(authors "xenia <>")
(source (uri ""))
(depends ocaml dune
(cstruct (>= 6.2.0))
(dune-configurator (>= 3.15.2))
(eio (>= 1.1))
(eio_linux (>= 1.1))
(eio_main (>= 1.1))
(ppx_unicode (>= 0.0.1))
(ptime (>= 1.1))
(xlog (>= 0.1.0))))

lib/config/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module C = Configurator.V1
let () = C.main ~name:"ocaml-systemd" (fun c ->
let has_malloc_trim = C.c_test c ~c_flags:["-Werror"]
"#include <malloc.h>\nint main(){malloc_trim(0);}" in
let cflags = if has_malloc_trim then [ "-DOCAML_SYSTEMD_USE_MALLOC_TRIM" ] else [] in
C.Flags.write_sexp "c_flags.sexp" cflags

lib/config/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(name discover)
(libraries dune-configurator))

lib/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
(name systemd)
(public_name systemd)
(preprocess (pps ppx_unicode))
(libraries cstruct eio eio_linux unix)
(language c)
(names "systemd_stubs")
(flags (:include c_flags.sexp))))
(targets c_flags.sexp)
(action (run ./config/discover.exe)))

lib/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
let is_systemd_booted env =
let fs = Eio.Stdenv.fs env in
Eio.Path.( / ) fs "/run/systemd/system/" |> Eio.Path.is_directory
let is_in_systemd () =
begin match Option.bind (Sys.getenv_opt "SYSTEMD_EXEC_PID") int_of_string_opt with
| None -> false
| Some(pid) ->
pid = Unix.getpid ()
let invocation_id () =
Sys.getenv "INVOCATION_ID"
let is_journald_attached () =
let stderr = Unix.fstat Unix.stderr in
let dev_ino = Format.sprintf "%d:%d" stderr.st_dev stderr.st_ino in
Sys.getenv_opt "JOURNAL_STREAM" = Some dev_ino
module Dirs = struct
let runtime_dir () =
let state_dir () =
let cache_dir () =
let logs_dir () =
let configuration_dir () =
let credentials_dir () =
module Notify = struct
type t = {
sock : Eio_unix.Fd.t;
mono_clock : Eio.Time.Mono.ty Eio.Time.Mono.t;
module Private = struct
external unix_code_of_unix_error : Unix.error -> int = "ocaml_systemd_unix_code_of_unix_error"
let make ~sw ~env =
(* debatable whether we need a whole fd for this - reference code just opens and closes the socket
each time, and this avoids keeping the fds open the whole time. however, this also means that
if we run out of fds, notify will fail. currently, we just keep the fd open forever *)
if (Eio.Stdenv.backend_id env <> "linux") then failwith "Backend must be Eio_linux";
let orig_addr = Sys.getenv "NOTIFY_SOCKET" in
let addr = Bytes.of_string orig_addr in
begin if Bytes.starts_with ~prefix:("@"[@bytes]) addr then
Bytes.set addr 0 '\x00'
else if not (Bytes.starts_with ~prefix:("/"[@bytes]) addr) then
failwith "Invalid address family"
let sock_unix = Unix.socket ~cloexec:true Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_DGRAM 0 in
let sock = Eio_unix.Fd.of_unix ~sw ~seekable:false ~close_unix:true sock_unix in
Eio_linux.Low_level.connect sock (Unix.ADDR_UNIX (String.of_bytes addr));
{ sock = sock; mono_clock = Eio.Stdenv.mono_clock env; }
let notify t ?(fds=[]) msg =
let buf = [(Cstruct.of_string msg)] in
let sent = Eio_linux.Low_level.send_msg ~fds:fds t.sock buf in
assert (sent = Cstruct.lenv buf)
let ready ?(status=None) ?(mainpid=(-1)) t =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
Buffer.add_string buf "READY=1\n";
begin match status with
| Some status -> Printf.bprintf buf "STATUS=%s\n" status
| None -> ()
if mainpid > -1 then Printf.bprintf buf "MAINPID=%u\n" mainpid;
notify t (Buffer.contents buf)
let send_status t status =
notify t ("STATUS=" ^ status ^ "\n")
let send_status_errno t status errno =
let errno = Private.unix_code_of_unix_error errno in
let msg = Format.sprintf "STATUS=%s\nERRNO=%d\n" status errno in
notify t msg
let reloading t =
(* this happens to use CLOCK_MONOTONIC on Eio_linux *)
let now = t.mono_clock in
let now_ns = Mtime.to_uint64_ns now in
let now = Int64.div now_ns 1000L in
let msg = Format.sprintf "RELOADING=1\nMONOTONIC_USEC=%Lu\n" now in
notify t msg
let stopping t =
notify t "STOPPING=1\n"
module NotifyAccess = struct
type t =
| None
| Main
| Exec
| All
let to_string = function
| None -> "none"
| Main -> "main"
| Exec -> "exec"
| All -> "all"
let update_access t acc =
notify t ("NOTIFYACCESS=" ^ (NotifyAccess.to_string acc) ^ "\n")
let extend_timeout t span =
let nsec = Mtime.Span.to_uint64_ns span in
let usec = Int64.div nsec 1000L in
let msg = Format.sprintf "EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=%Lu\n" usec in
notify t msg
let barrier t = @@ fun sw ->
let (p0, p1) = Unix.pipe ~cloexec:true () in
let p0 = Eio_unix.Fd.of_unix ~sw ~seekable:false ~close_unix:true p0 in
let p1 = Eio_unix.Fd.of_unix ~sw ~seekable:false ~close_unix:true p1 in
notify t ~fds:[p1] "BARRIER=1\n";
Eio_unix.Fd.close p1;
(* the libsystemd source uses POLLHUP, which isn't exposed via Eio_linux at all, but POLLIN
works to the same end here - it won't return until the pipe is closed (and no one should
be writing anything to it) *)
Eio_linux.Low_level.await_readable p0;
Eio_unix.Fd.close p0
module Watchdog = struct
let get_interval_opt () =
match Option.bind (Sys.getenv_opt "WATCHDOG_USEC") Int64.of_string_opt with
| None -> None
| Some usec ->
begin match Option.bind (Sys.getenv_opt "WATCHDOG_PID") int_of_string_opt with
| None -> None
| Some pid ->
if pid = Unix.getpid () then
let nsec = Int64.mul usec 1000L in
Some (Mtime.Span.of_uint64_ns nsec)
let pet t =
Notify.notify t "WATCHDOG=1\n"
let trigger t =
Notify.notify t "WATCHDOG=trigger\n"
let set_watchdog_time t span =
let nsec = Mtime.Span.to_uint64_ns span in
let usec = Int64.div nsec 1000L in
let msg = Format.sprintf "WATCHDOG_USEC=%Lu\n" usec in
Notify.notify t msg
module Fdstore = struct
module Private = struct
let sd_listen_fds_start = 3
external unsafe_make_fd : int -> Unix.file_descr = "%identity"
let is_valid_fdname s =
let rec iter_chars i = begin
if i = String.length s then
let dec = String.get_utf_8_uchar s i in
let chr = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar dec |> Uchar.to_int in
let len = Uchar.utf_decode_length dec in
if chr >= 32 && chr <= 126 && chr != 58 then
iter_chars (i + len)
end in
iter_chars 0
let get_fd_limit () =
match Sys.getenv_opt "FDSTORE" with
| None -> 0
| Some limit -> int_of_string limit
let store t name ?(poll=true) fd =
if not (is_valid_fdname name) then failwith "Invalid fdstore name";
let msg = Format.sprintf ("FDSTORE=1\nFDNAME=%s\n" ^^ (if poll then "" else "FDPOLL=0\n")) name in
Notify.notify t ~fds:[fd] msg
let remove t name =
if not (is_valid_fdname name) then failwith "Invalid fdstore name";
Notify.notify t (Format.sprintf "FDSTOREREMOVE=1\nFDNAME=%s\n" name)
let listen_fds ~sw =
match Option.bind (Sys.getenv_opt "LISTEN_PID") int_of_string_opt with
| None -> []
| Some(pid) ->
if pid = Unix.getpid () then begin
let fd_count = Sys.getenv "LISTEN_FDS" |> int_of_string in
let fd_names = match Sys.getenv_opt "LISTEN_FDNAMES" with
| None -> List.init fd_count (fun _ -> None)
| Some names -> String.split_on_char ':' names |> (fun a -> Some a) in
assert (fd_count = List.length fd_names);
Unix.putenv "LISTEN_FDS" "";
Unix.putenv "LISTEN_FDNAMES" "";
List.mapi (fun i name ->
let fd_num = Private.sd_listen_fds_start + i in
let fd = Private.unsafe_make_fd fd_num in
Unix.set_close_on_exec fd;
let fd = Eio_unix.Fd.of_unix ~sw ~seekable:false ~close_unix:true fd in
(name, fd)
) fd_names
end else []
(* we can't do memory pressure because of a lack of exposed pollpri :( *)
module MemPressure = struct
module Private = struct
external ext_memory_trim : unit -> unit = "ocaml_systemd_memory_trim"
let memory_trim () =
Gc.compact ();
Private.ext_memory_trim ()

lib/systemd.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
(** [Systemd] is a module for interacting with the {{:}systemd} service manager.
It provides functions for most common systemd functionality, such as the protocols for
detecting systemd/journald presence, startup/status notifications, the file descriptor store,
and the watchdog. See also {!Systemd_xlog} for integration with {!Xlog} to log via journald *)
(** [is_systemd_booted env] checks if the current system is running on systemd. [env] is the Eio
environment from [] *)
val is_systemd_booted : Eio_unix.Stdenv.base -> bool
(** [is_in_systemd ()] checks if the program was started as a systemd service *)
val is_in_systemd : unit -> bool
(** [invocation_id ()] returns the systemd invocation ID if the program was started using systemd,
or if it is the child of a systemd service that has not unset the environment variable *)
val invocation_id : unit -> string
(** [is_journald_attached ()] checks if the program is currently connected to a journald stream.
This can indicate the ability to upgrade to rich log messages, eg with {!Systemd_xlog}. *)
val is_journald_attached : unit -> bool
(** [Systemd.Dirs] provides convenience functions for various directories passed in by systemd *)
module Dirs : sig
(** When started with a [RuntimeDirectory=] option, provides the runtime directory given by
systemd *)
val runtime_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [StateDirectory=] option, provides the state directory given by systemd *)
val state_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [CacheDirectory=] option, provides the cache directory given by systemd *)
val cache_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [LogsDirectory=] option, provides the logs directory given by systemd *)
val logs_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [ConfigurationDirectory=] option, provides the configuration directory
given by systemd *)
val configuration_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [LoadCredential=] or [LoadCredentialEncrypted=] option, provides the
directory with the credentials given by systemd *)
val credentials_dir : unit -> string
(** [Systemd.Notify] implements the notification protocol to inform systemd of service readiness
and other state changes *)
module Notify : sig
(** Holds context for using this module *)
type t
(** [Notify.make ~sw ~env] creates a new notify context, which must be passed to the other
functions in this module. [sw] is a [Eio.Switch] which will register the resources associated
with the context, and [env] is the Eio environment from [] *)
val make :
sw:Eio.Switch.t ->
env:Eio_unix.Stdenv.base -> t
(** [Notify.notify t ~fds msg] sends [msg] and optionally file descriptors in [fds] to systemd.
This is a low-level function and should only be used if the convenience functions in this
module do not provide the functionality you need. In particular, [fds] should only be set
if [msg] corresponds to a command that accepts file descriptors. *)
val notify :
t ->
?fds:Eio_unix.Fd.t list ->
string -> unit
(** [Notify.ready t] tells systemd that this program has finished initialization and can be
considered fully operational. An optional [status] can be sent containing a status message.
Status messages should not contain any newlines.
[mainpid] corresponds to the [MAINPID=] field of the underlying notification command and is
typically not needed. *)
val ready :
?status:string option ->
?mainpid:int ->
t -> unit
(** [Notify.send_status t status] updates the status message of this program as reported by
systemd to the given text. Note that status messages should not contain any newlines. *)
val send_status :
t ->
string -> unit
(** [Notify.send_status_errno t status errno] is like [Notify.send_status t status] but contains
an additional [Unix.error] corresponding to some error condition encountered by the program. *)
val send_status_errno :
t ->
string ->
Unix.error -> unit
(** [Notify.reloading t] reports that the program is currently reloading its configuration.
If used, [Notify.ready t] must be called at some point to report completion. *)
val reloading : t -> unit
(** [Notify.stopping t] reports that the program is stopping. The program should exit soon after
calling this function. *)
val stopping : t -> unit
(** Represents the different values of the systemd [NotifyAccess=] setting. *)
module NotifyAccess : sig
(** Possible values for systemd [NotifyAccess=] *)
type t =
| None (** ["none"] *)
| Main (** ["main"] *)
| Exec (** ["exec"] *)
| All (** ["all"] *)
(** [to_string t] returns the systemd-compatible string representation of [t] *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** [Notify.update_access t acc] changes the access setting for the notification socket,
overriding the systemd [NotifyAccess=] setting *)
val update_access :
t ->
NotifyAccess.t -> unit
(** [Notify.extend_timeout t span] attempts to add a duration [span] to the
current startup, runtime or shutdown service timeout. A further notification message must be
sent within the duration specified by [span]. *)
val extend_timeout :
t ->
Mtime.Span.t -> unit
(** [Notify.barrier t] performs a barrier protocol to synchronize systemd with the program. Once
this function returns, systemd is guaranteed to have processed all notification messages sent
before this function was called. *)
val barrier : t -> unit
(** [Systemd.Watchdog] implements the systemd watchdog protocol, when the program is used with eg
[WatchdogSec=] *)
module Watchdog : sig
(** [Watchdog.get_interval_opt ()] returns either the interval on which the program must send
watchdog notifications, or [None] if the watchdog is not enabled *)
val get_interval_opt : unit -> Mtime.Span.t option
(** [ t] sends a keep-alive notification to systemd *)
val pet : Notify.t -> unit
(** [Watchdog.trigger t] tells systemd to trigger the watchdog action, as if a failure has
occurred *)
val trigger : Notify.t -> unit
(** [Watchdog.set_watchdog_time t span] updates the watchdog interval to [span] *)
val set_watchdog_time :
Notify.t ->
Mtime.Span.t -> unit
(** [Systemd.Fdstore] implements the systemd
{{:}file descriptor store} and socket-passing protocol,
when relevent options are enabled *)
module Fdstore : sig
(** [Fdstore.is_valid_fdname s] checks if [s] is a valid fdstore name according to systemd *)
val is_valid_fdname : string -> bool
(** [Fdstore.get_fd_limit ()] retrieves the maximum number of file descriptors that can be stored
with systemd. Returns 0 if fdstore is not enabled *)
val get_fd_limit : unit -> int
(** [ t name fd] registers [fd] with [name] in the systemd fdstore. If
[poll=false] then systemd will not automatically remove the fd when it's closed, so it must
be manually unregistered. *)
val store :
Notify.t ->
string ->
?poll:bool ->
Eio_unix.Fd.t -> unit
(** [Fdstore.remove t name] removes any file descriptor previously registered with [name] from
systemd *)
val remove :
Notify.t ->
string -> unit
(** [Fdstore.listen_fds ~sw] returns a list of file descriptors passed into this process by
systemd. This can be fds previously registered with [], or fds associatd with
systemd socket activation (or both). The fds get registered with Eio Switch [sw]. Environment
variables corresponding to this fd-passing protocol get unset when this function completes. *)
val listen_fds :
sw:Eio.Switch.t ->
(string option * Eio_unix.Fd.t) list
module MemPressure : sig
val memory_trim : unit -> unit

lib/systemd_stubs.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include <malloc.h>
#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
#include <caml/memory.h>
#include <caml/alloc.h>
#include <caml/custom.h>
#include <caml/unixsupport.h>
* Wrapper for caml_unix_code_of_unix_error that returns a real OCaml int value
CAMLprim value ocaml_systemd_unix_code_of_unix_error(value code) {
int raw_code = caml_unix_code_of_unix_error(code);
result = Val_int(raw_code);
CAMLprim value ocaml_systemd_memory_trim(value unit) {

lib_xlog/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name systemd_xlog)
(public_name systemd.xlog)
(preprocess (pps ppx_unicode))
(libraries cstruct eio eio_linux unix xlog ptime))

lib_xlog/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
open Xlog
let default_socket_path = "/run/systemd/journal/socket"
type t = {
mutex : Mutex.t;
sock_fd : Eio_unix.Fd.t;
buf : Buffer.t;
let add_field dgram key value =
if String.contains value '\n' then
Buffer.add_string dgram key;
Buffer.add_char dgram '\n';
Buffer.add_int64_le dgram (Int64.of_int (String.length value));
Buffer.add_string dgram value;
Buffer.add_char dgram '\n';
Printf.bprintf dgram "%s=%s\n" key value
let syslog_priority = function
| DEBUG -> "7" (* LOG_DEBUG *)
| INFO -> "6" (* LOG_INFO *)
| WARN -> "4" (* LOG_WARNING *)
| ERROR -> "3" (* LOG_ERR *)
external unix_code_of_unix_error : Unix.error -> int = "ocaml_systemd_unix_code_of_unix_error"
let get_errno errno exn =
if errno != 0 then
match exn with
| Some ((Unix.Unix_error (err, _, _)), _) -> unix_code_of_unix_error err
| _ -> 0
let writer t ~ts ~ns ~filename ~lineno ~func ~errno ~exn ~lvl msg =
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
let dgram =
Buffer.clear t.buf;
ignore ts;
let maybe_exn = match exn with
| Some (exn, bt) ->
Printf.sprintf "\nException: %s\n%s" (Printexc.to_string exn)
(Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string bt)
| None -> ""
add_field t.buf "MESSAGE" (Printf.sprintf "%s: %s%s" ns msg maybe_exn);
add_field t.buf "PRIORITY" (syslog_priority lvl);
begin if not (filename = "") then
add_field t.buf "CODE_FILE" filename;
add_field t.buf "CODE_LINE" (Printf.sprintf "%d" lineno)
begin if not (func = "") then
add_field t.buf "CODE_FUNC" func
let errno = get_errno errno exn in
begin if errno != 0 then
add_field t.buf "ERRNO" (Printf.sprintf "%d" errno)
Buffer.to_bytes t.buf
Mutex.unlock t.mutex;
let buf = [(Cstruct.of_bytes dgram)] in
let sent = Eio_linux.Low_level.send_msg t.sock_fd buf in
assert (sent = Cstruct.lenv buf)
let make_writer ~sw ~env =
if (Eio.Stdenv.backend_id env <> "linux") then failwith "Backend must be Eio_linux";
let sock = Unix.socket ~cloexec:true Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_DGRAM 0 in
let sock = Eio_unix.Fd.of_unix ~sw ~seekable:false ~close_unix:true sock in
(* this path isn't configurable in libsystemd, so i don't see a reason to take an argument for
it here *)
Eio_linux.Low_level.connect sock (Unix.ADDR_UNIX default_socket_path);
writer {
mutex = Mutex.create ();
sock_fd = sock;
buf = Buffer.create 256;

package.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
withShell ? false
buildDunePackage rec {
pname = "systemd";
version = "0.0.1";
src = gitSource { root = ./.; };
minimalOCamlVersion = "5.1";
dontStrip = true;
buildInputs = [
] ++ lib.optionals withShell [ utop ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ ppx_unicode dune-configurator ] ++ lib.optionals withShell [
ocaml dune_3 odoc utop

shell.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(import <nixpkgs> {}).ocamlPackages.callPackage ./package.nix { withShell = true; }

systemd.opam Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
version: "0.0.1"
synopsis: "libsystemd-like functionality for native ocaml"
"utilities for interacting with systemd when running as a service"
authors: ["xenia <>"]
license: "unfree"
tags: ["meow"]
homepage: ""
depends: [
"dune" {>= "3.15"}
"cstruct" {>= "6.2.0"}
"dune-configurator" {>= "3.15.2"}
"eio" {>= "1.1"}
"eio_linux" {>= "1.1"}
"eio_main" {>= "1.1"}
"ppx_unicode" {>= "0.0.1"}
"ptime" {>= "1.1"}
"xlog" {>= "0.1.0"}
"odoc" {with-doc}
build: [
["dune" "subst"] {dev}
"@runtest" {with-test}
"@doc" {with-doc}
dev-repo: ""

test/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(name test_systemd))

test/ Normal file
View File