
193 lines
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(** [Systemd] is a module for interacting with the {{:}systemd} service manager.
It provides functions for most common systemd functionality, such as the protocols for
detecting systemd/journald presence, startup/status notifications, the file descriptor store,
and the watchdog. See also {!Systemd_xlog} for integration with {!Xlog} to log via journald *)
(** [is_systemd_booted env] checks if the current system is running on systemd. [env] is the Eio
environment from [] *)
val is_systemd_booted : Eio_unix.Stdenv.base -> bool
(** [is_in_systemd ()] checks if the program was started as a systemd service *)
val is_in_systemd : unit -> bool
(** [invocation_id ()] returns the systemd invocation ID if the program was started using systemd,
or if it is the child of a systemd service that has not unset the environment variable *)
val invocation_id : unit -> string
(** [is_journald_attached ()] checks if the program is currently connected to a journald stream.
This can indicate the ability to upgrade to rich log messages, eg with {!Systemd_xlog}. *)
val is_journald_attached : unit -> bool
(** [Systemd.Dirs] provides convenience functions for various directories passed in by systemd *)
module Dirs : sig
(** When started with a [RuntimeDirectory=] option, provides the runtime directory given by
systemd *)
val runtime_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [StateDirectory=] option, provides the state directory given by systemd *)
val state_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [CacheDirectory=] option, provides the cache directory given by systemd *)
val cache_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [LogsDirectory=] option, provides the logs directory given by systemd *)
val logs_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [ConfigurationDirectory=] option, provides the configuration directory
given by systemd *)
val configuration_dir : unit -> string
(** When started with a [LoadCredential=] or [LoadCredentialEncrypted=] option, provides the
directory with the credentials given by systemd *)
val credentials_dir : unit -> string
(** [Systemd.Notify] implements the notification protocol to inform systemd of service readiness
and other state changes *)
module Notify : sig
(** Holds context for using this module *)
type t
(** [Notify.make ~sw ~env] creates a new notify context, which must be passed to the other
functions in this module. [sw] is a [Eio.Switch] which will register the resources associated
with the context, and [env] is the Eio environment from [] *)
val make :
sw:Eio.Switch.t ->
env:Eio_unix.Stdenv.base -> t
(** [Notify.notify t ~fds msg] sends [msg] and optionally file descriptors in [fds] to systemd.
This is a low-level function and should only be used if the convenience functions in this
module do not provide the functionality you need. In particular, [fds] should only be set
if [msg] corresponds to a command that accepts file descriptors. *)
val notify :
t ->
?fds:Eio_unix.Fd.t list ->
string -> unit
(** [Notify.ready t] tells systemd that this program has finished initialization and can be
considered fully operational. An optional [status] can be sent containing a status message.
Status messages should not contain any newlines.
[mainpid] corresponds to the [MAINPID=] field of the underlying notification command and is
typically not needed. *)
val ready :
?status:string option ->
?mainpid:int ->
t -> unit
(** [Notify.send_status t status] updates the status message of this program as reported by
systemd to the given text. Note that status messages should not contain any newlines. *)
val send_status :
t ->
string -> unit
(** [Notify.send_status_errno t status errno] is like [Notify.send_status t status] but contains
an additional [Unix.error] corresponding to some error condition encountered by the program. *)
val send_status_errno :
t ->
string ->
Unix.error -> unit
(** [Notify.reloading t] reports that the program is currently reloading its configuration.
If used, [Notify.ready t] must be called at some point to report completion. *)
val reloading : t -> unit
(** [Notify.stopping t] reports that the program is stopping. The program should exit soon after
calling this function. *)
val stopping : t -> unit
(** Represents the different values of the systemd [NotifyAccess=] setting. *)
module NotifyAccess : sig
(** Possible values for systemd [NotifyAccess=] *)
type t =
| None (** ["none"] *)
| Main (** ["main"] *)
| Exec (** ["exec"] *)
| All (** ["all"] *)
(** [to_string t] returns the systemd-compatible string representation of [t] *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** [Notify.update_access t acc] changes the access setting for the notification socket,
overriding the systemd [NotifyAccess=] setting *)
val update_access :
t ->
NotifyAccess.t -> unit
(** [Notify.extend_timeout t span] attempts to add a duration [span] to the
current startup, runtime or shutdown service timeout. A further notification message must be
sent within the duration specified by [span]. *)
val extend_timeout :
t ->
Mtime.Span.t -> unit
(** [Notify.barrier t] performs a barrier protocol to synchronize systemd with the program. Once
this function returns, systemd is guaranteed to have processed all notification messages sent
before this function was called. *)
val barrier : t -> unit
(** [Systemd.Watchdog] implements the systemd watchdog protocol, when the program is used with eg
[WatchdogSec=] *)
module Watchdog : sig
(** [Watchdog.get_interval_opt ()] returns either the interval on which the program must send
watchdog notifications, or [None] if the watchdog is not enabled *)
val get_interval_opt : unit -> Mtime.Span.t option
(** [ t] sends a keep-alive notification to systemd *)
val pet : Notify.t -> unit
(** [Watchdog.trigger t] tells systemd to trigger the watchdog action, as if a failure has
occurred *)
val trigger : Notify.t -> unit
(** [Watchdog.set_watchdog_time t span] updates the watchdog interval to [span] *)
val set_watchdog_time :
Notify.t ->
Mtime.Span.t -> unit
(** [Systemd.Fdstore] implements the systemd
{{:}file descriptor store} and socket-passing protocol,
when relevent options are enabled *)
module Fdstore : sig
(** [Fdstore.is_valid_fdname s] checks if [s] is a valid fdstore name according to systemd *)
val is_valid_fdname : string -> bool
(** [Fdstore.get_fd_limit ()] retrieves the maximum number of file descriptors that can be stored
with systemd. Returns 0 if fdstore is not enabled *)
val get_fd_limit : unit -> int
(** [ t name fd] registers [fd] with [name] in the systemd fdstore. If
[poll=false] then systemd will not automatically remove the fd when it's closed, so it must
be manually unregistered. *)
val store :
Notify.t ->
string ->
?poll:bool ->
Eio_unix.Fd.t -> unit
(** [Fdstore.remove t name] removes any file descriptor previously registered with [name] from
systemd *)
val remove :
Notify.t ->
string -> unit
(** [Fdstore.listen_fds ~sw] returns a list of file descriptors passed into this process by
systemd. This can be fds previously registered with [], or fds associatd with
systemd socket activation (or both). The fds get registered with Eio Switch [sw]. Environment
variables corresponding to this fd-passing protocol get unset when this function completes. *)
val listen_fds :
sw:Eio.Switch.t ->
(string option * Eio_unix.Fd.t) list
module MemPressure : sig
val memory_trim : unit -> unit