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different_target: |-
Vagrant has detected a custom Vagrant server in use for downloading
box files. An authentication token is currently set which will be
added to the box request. If the custom Vagrant server should not
be receiving the authentication token, please unset it.
Known Vagrant server: %{known_host}
Custom Vagrant server: %{custom_host}
Press ctrl-c to cancel...
update_continue: |-
%{obj} already exists, updating instead...
Creating a box entry...
Creating a version entry...
Creating a provider entry...
Uploading provider with file %{file}
Releasing box...
Complete! Published %{org}/%{box_name}
warn: |-
You are about to publish a box on Vagrant Cloud with the following options:
box: |-
%{org}/%{box_name}: (v%{version}) for provider '%{provider_name}'
private: |-
Private: true
release: |-
Automatic Release: true
box_url: |-
Remote Box file: %{url}
box_description: |-
Box Description: %{description}
box_short_desc: |-
Box Short Description: %{short_description}
version_desc: |-
Version Description: %{version_description}
continue: |-
Do you wish to continue? [y/N]
show_filter_empty: |-
No version matched %{version} for %{org}/%{box_name}
create_success: |-
Created box %{org}/%{box_name}
delete_success: |-
Deleted box %{org}/%{box_name}
delete_warn: |-
This will completely remove %{box} from Vagrant Cloud. This cannot be undone.
update_success: |-
Updated box %{org}/%{box_name}
no_results: |-
No results found for `%{query}`
no_url: |-
No URL was provided to upload the provider
You will need to run the `vagrant cloud provider upload` command to provide a box
upload: |-
Uploading box file for '%{org}/%{box_name}' (v%{version}) for provider: '%{provider}'
upload_success: |-
Uploaded provider %{provider} on %{org}/%{box_name} for version %{version}
delete_warn: |-
This will completely remove provider %{provider} on version %{version} from %{box} on Vagrant Cloud. This cannot be undone.
create_success: |-
Created provider %{provider} on %{org}/%{box_name} for version %{version}
delete_success: |-
Deleted provider %{provider} on %{org}/%{box_name} for version %{version}
update_success: |-
Updated provider %{provider} on %{org}/%{box_name} for version %{version}
create_success: |-
Created version %{version} on %{org}/%{box_name} for version %{version}
delete_success: |-
Deleted version %{version} on %{org}/%{box_name}
release_success: |-
Released version %{version} on %{org}/%{box_name}
revoke_success: |-
Revoked version %{version} on %{org}/%{box_name}
update_success: |-
Updated version %{version} on %{org}/%{box_name}
revoke_warn: |-
This will revoke version %{version} from %{box} from Vagrant Cloud. This cannot be undone.
release_warn: |-
This will release version %{version} from %{box} to Vagrant Cloud and be available to download.
delete_warn: |-
This will completely remove version %{version} from %{box} from Vagrant Cloud. This cannot be undone.
fail: |-
Could not complete search request
fail: |-
Failed to create box %{org}/%{box_name}
create_fail: |-
Failed to create box %{org}/%{box_name}
delete_fail: |-
Failed to delete box %{org}/%{box_name}
show_fail: |-
Could not get information about box %{org}/%{box_name}
update_fail: |-
Failed to update box %{org}/%{box_name}
read_error: |-
Failed to read organization %{org}
create_fail: |-
Failed to create provider %{provider} on box %{org}/%{box_name} for version %{version}
update_fail: |-
Failed to update provider %{provider} on box %{org}/%{box_name} for version %{version}
delete_fail: |-
Failed to delete provider %{provider} on box %{org}/%{box_name} for version %{version}
upload_fail: |-
Failed to upload provider %{provider} on box %{org}/%{box_name} for version %{version}
create_fail: |-
Failed to create version %{version} on box %{org}/%{box_name}
delete_fail: |-
Failed to delete version %{version} on box %{org}/%{box_name}
release_fail: |-
Failed to release version %{version} on box %{org}/%{box_name}
revoke_fail: |-
Failed to revoke version %{version} on box %{org}/%{box_name}
update_fail: |-
Failed to update version %{version} on box %{org}/%{box_name}
server_error: |-
The Vagrant Cloud server responded with a not-OK response:
server_unreachable: |-
The Vagrant Cloud server is not currently accepting connections. Please check
your network connection and try again later.
unauthorized: |-
Invalid username or password. Please try again.
unexpected_error: |-
An unexpected error occured: %{error}
check_logged_in: |-
You are already logged in.
check_not_logged_in: |-
You are not currently logged in. Please run `vagrant login` and provide
your login information to authenticate.
command_header: |-
In a moment we will ask for your username and password to HashiCorp's
Vagrant Cloud. After authenticating, we will store an access token locally on
disk. Your login details will be transmitted over a secure connection, and
are never stored on disk locally.
If you do not have an Vagrant Cloud account, sign up at
invalid_login: |-
Invalid username or password. Please try again.
invalid_token: |-
Invalid token. Please try again.
logged_in: |-
You are now logged in.
logged_out: |-
You are logged out.
token_saved: |-
The token was successfully saved.