
216 lines
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2014-02-16 19:42:20 +00:00
2014-02-16 19:42:20 +00:00
2016-07-26 12:56:20 +00:00
# Include the following modules
$Dir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
2014-02-16 19:42:20 +00:00
. ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($Dir, "utils\write_messages.ps1"))
[xml]$vmconfig = Get-Content -Path $vm_config
$generation = [int]($'#text')+1
if (!$vmname) {
# Get the name of the vm
$vm_name = $'#text'
}else {
$vm_name = $vmname
if (!$cpus) {
# Get the name of the vm
$processors = $vmconfig.configuration.settings.processors.count.'#text'
}else {
$processors = $cpus
function GetUniqueName($name) {
Get-VM | ForEach-Object -Process {
if ($name -eq $_.Name) {
$name = $name + "_1"
return $name
do {
$name = $vm_name
$vm_name = GetUniqueName $name
} while ($vm_name -ne $name)
if (!$memory) {
$xmlmemory = (Select-Xml -xml $vmconfig -XPath "//memory").node.Bank
if ($xmlmemory.dynamic_memory_enabled."#text" -eq "True") {
$dynamicmemory = $True
else {
$dynamicmemory = $False
# Memory values need to be in bytes
$MemoryMaximumBytes = ($xmlmemory.limit."#text" -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryStartupBytes = ($xmlmemory.size."#text" -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryMinimumBytes = ($xmlmemory.reservation."#text" -as [int]) * 1MB
else {
if (!$maxmemory){
$dynamicmemory = $False
$MemoryMaximumBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryStartupBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryMinimumBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
else {
$dynamicmemory = $True
$MemoryMaximumBytes = ($maxmemory -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryStartupBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
$MemoryMinimumBytes = ($memory -as [int]) * 1MB
if (!$switchname) {
# Get the name of the virtual switch
$switchname = (Select-Xml -xml $vmconfig -XPath "//AltSwitchName").node."#text"
if ($generation -eq 1) {
# Determine boot device
Switch ((Select-Xml -xml $vmconfig -XPath "//boot").node.device0."#text") {
"Floppy" { $bootdevice = "Floppy" }
"HardDrive" { $bootdevice = "IDE" }
"Optical" { $bootdevice = "CD" }
"Network" { $bootdevice = "LegacyNetworkAdapter" }
"Default" { $bootdevice = "IDE" }
} #switch
} else {
# Determine boot device
Switch ((Select-Xml -xml $vmconfig -XPath "//boot").node.device0."#text") {
"HardDrive" { $bootdevice = "VHD" }
"Optical" { $bootdevice = "CD" }
"Network" { $bootdevice = "NetworkAdapter" }
"Default" { $bootdevice = "VHD" }
} #switch
# Determine secure boot options
$secure_boot_enabled = (Select-Xml -xml $vmconfig -XPath "//secure_boot_enabled").Node."#text"
# Define a hash map of parameter values for New-VM
$vm_params = @{
Name = $vm_name
NoVHD = $True
MemoryStartupBytes = $MemoryStartupBytes
SwitchName = $switchname
BootDevice = $bootdevice
ErrorAction = "Stop"
# Generation parameter was added in ps v4
if((get-command New-VM).Parameters.Keys.Contains("generation")) {
$vm_params.Generation = $generation
# Create the VM using the values in the hash map
$vm = New-VM @vm_params
$notes = (Select-Xml -xml $vmconfig -XPath "//notes").node.'#text'
# Set-VM parameters to configure new VM with old values
$more_vm_params = @{
ProcessorCount = $processors
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
MemoryStartupBytes = $MemoryStartupBytes
If ($dynamicmemory) {
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
$more_vm_params.Add("MemoryMaximumBytes", $MemoryMaximumBytes)
} else {
if ($notes) {
if ($auto_start_action) {
2016-07-26 12:56:20 +00:00
if ($auto_stop_action) {
2016-07-26 12:56:20 +00:00
# Set the values on the VM
$vm | Set-VM @more_vm_params -Passthru
# Add drives to the virtual machine
$controllers = Select-Xml -xml $vmconfig -xpath "//*[starts-with(name(.),'controller')]"
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
# Only set EFI secure boot for Gen 2 machines, not gen 1
if ($generation -ne 1) {
2016-07-26 12:56:20 +00:00
# Set EFI secure boot
if ($secure_boot_enabled -eq "True") {
Set-VMFirmware -VM $vm -EnableSecureBoot On
} else {
Set-VMFirmware -VM $vm -EnableSecureBoot Off
# A regular expression pattern to pull the number from controllers
foreach ($controller in $controllers) {
$node = $controller.Node
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
# Check for SCSI
if ($node.ParentNode.ChannelInstanceGuid) {
$ControllerType = "SCSI"
} else {
$ControllerType = "IDE"
$drives = $node.ChildNodes | where {$_.pathname."#text"}
foreach ($drive in $drives) {
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
#if drive type is ISO then set DVD Drive accordingly
$driveType = $drive.type."#text"
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
$addDriveParam = @{
ControllerNumber = $rx.Match($
Path = $image_path
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
if ($drive.pool_id."#text") {
$ResourcePoolName = $drive.pool_id."#text"
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
if ($drivetype -eq 'VHD') {
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
$vm | Add-VMHardDiskDrive @AddDriveparam
$vm_id = (Get-VM $vm_name).id.guid
$resultHash = @{
name = $vm_name
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
id = $vm_id
2014-02-27 05:29:55 +00:00
$result = ConvertTo-Json $resultHash
Write-Output-Message $result