2018-11-06 18:06:09 +00:00
require File.expand_path("../version_5_0", __FILE__)
module VagrantPlugins
module ProviderVirtualBox
module Driver
# Driver for VirtualBox 6.0.x
class Version_6_0 < Version_5_0
def initialize(uuid)
@logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::provider::virtualbox_6_0")
2018-11-15 19:04:08 +00:00
def import(ovf)
ovf = Vagrant::Util::Platform.windows_path(ovf)
output = ""
total = ""
last = 0
# Dry-run the import to get the suggested name and path
@logger.debug("Doing dry-run import to determine parallel-safe name...")
output = execute("import", "-n", ovf)
result = /Suggested VM name "(.+?)"/.match(output)
if !result
raise Vagrant::Errors::VirtualBoxNoName, output: output
suggested_name = result[1].to_s
# Append millisecond plus a random to the path in case we're
# importing the same box elsewhere.
specified_name = "#{suggested_name}_#{(Time.now.to_f * 1000.0).to_i}_#{rand(100000)}"
@logger.debug("-- Parallel safe name: #{specified_name}")
# Build the specified name param list
name_params = [
"--vsys", "0",
"--vmname", specified_name,
# Target path for disks is no longer a full path. Extract the path for the
# settings file to determine the base directory which we can then use to
# build the disk paths
result = /Suggested VM settings file name "(?<settings_path>.+?)"/.match(output)
if !result
@logger.warn("Failed to locate base path for disks. Using current working directory.")
base_path = "."
base_path = File.dirname(result[:settings_path])
@logger.info("Base path for disk import: #{base_path}")
# Extract the disks list and build the disk target params
disk_params = []
disks = output.scan(/(\d+): Hard disk image: source image=.+, target path=(.+),/)
disks.each do |unit_num, path|
path = File.join(base_path, File.basename(path))
disk_params << "--vsys"
disk_params << "0"
disk_params << "--unit"
disk_params << unit_num
disk_params << "--disk"
if Vagrant::Util::Platform.windows?
# we use the block form of sub here to ensure that if the specified_name happens to end with a number (which is fairly likely) then
# we won't end up having the character sequence of a \ followed by a number be interpreted as a back reference. For example, if
# specified_name were "abc123", then "\\abc123\\".reverse would be "\\321cba\\", and the \3 would be treated as a back reference by the sub
disk_params << path.reverse.sub("\\#{suggested_name}\\".reverse) { "\\#{specified_name}\\".reverse }.reverse # Replace only last occurrence
disk_params << path.reverse.sub("/#{suggested_name}/".reverse, "/#{specified_name}/".reverse).reverse # Replace only last occurrence
execute("import", ovf , *name_params, *disk_params, retryable: true) do |type, data|
if type == :stdout
# Keep track of the stdout so that we can get the VM name
output << data
elsif type == :stderr
# Append the data so we can see the full view
total << data.gsub("\r", "")
# Break up the lines. We can't get the progress until we see an "OK"
lines = total.split("\n")
if lines.include?("OK.")
# The progress of the import will be in the last line. Do a greedy
# regular expression to find what we're looking for.
match = /.+(\d{2})%/.match(lines.last)
if match
current = match[1].to_i
if current > last
last = current
yield current if block_given?
return get_machine_id specified_name
2018-11-06 18:06:09 +00:00