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param([String]$username, [String]$password, [String]$encoded_command, [String]$execution_time_limit)
2015-11-18 20:54:42 +00:00
# Try to get the Schedule.Service object. If it fails, we are probably
# on an older version of Windows. On old versions, we can just execute
# directly since priv. escalation isn't a thing.
$schedule = $null
Try {
$schedule = New-Object -ComObject "Schedule.Service"
} Catch [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException] {
powershell.exe -EncodedCommand $encoded_command
$task_name = "WinRM_Elevated_Shell"
$out_file = "$env:SystemRoot\Temp\WinRM_Elevated_Shell.log"
if (Test-Path $out_file) {
del $out_file
$task_xml = @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
<Principal id="Author">
<LogonType><%= options[:interactive] ? 'InteractiveTokenOrPassword' : 'Password' %></LogonType>
<Actions Context="Author">
$arguments = "/c powershell.exe -EncodedCommand $encoded_command &gt; $out_file 2&gt;&amp;1"
$task_xml = $task_xml.Replace("{arguments}", $arguments)
$task_xml = $task_xml.Replace("{username}", $username)
$task_xml = $task_xml.Replace("{execution_time_limit}", $execution_time_limit)
$task = $schedule.NewTask($null)
$task.XmlText = $task_xml
$folder = $schedule.GetFolder("\")
$folder.RegisterTaskDefinition($task_name, $task, 6, $username, $password, <%= options[:interactive] ? 3 : 1 %>, $null) | Out-Null
$registered_task = $folder.GetTask("\$task_name")
$registered_task.Run($null) | Out-Null
$timeout = 10
$sec = 0
while ( (!($registered_task.state -eq 4)) -and ($sec -lt $timeout) ) {
Start-Sleep -s 1
function SlurpOutput($out_file, $cur_line) {
if (Test-Path $out_file) {
get-content $out_file | select -skip $cur_line | ForEach {
$cur_line += 1
Write-Host "$_"
return $cur_line
$cur_line = 0
do {
Start-Sleep -m 100
$cur_line = SlurpOutput $out_file $cur_line
} while (!($registered_task.state -eq 3))
$exit_code = $registered_task.LastTaskResult
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($schedule) | Out-Null
exit $exit_code