Next-to-last ruby to avoid unsupported version from gemspec

This commit is contained in:
Ricardo Aielo 2019-08-08 15:42:45 -07:00
parent 7167c9a2fe
commit 068e348826
1 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

Vagrantfile vendored
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@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ apt-get install -qy build-essential bsdtar rvm
# Import the mpapis public key to verify downloaded releases
su -l -c 'gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3' vagrant
# Install latest Ruby that complies with Vagrant's version constraint
RUBY_VER_LATEST=$(su -l -c 'rvm list known' vagrant | tr '[]-' ' ' | awk "/^ ruby ${RUBY_VER_REQ:0:1}\./ { print \$2 }" | sort | tail -n1)
su -l -c "rvm install ${RUBY_VER_LATEST}" vagrant
su -l -c "rvm --default use ${RUBY_VER_LATEST}" vagrant
# Install next-to-last Ruby that complies with Vagrant's version constraint
RUBY_VER=$(su -l -c 'rvm list known' vagrant | tr '[]-' ' ' | awk "/^ ruby ${RUBY_VER_REQ:0:1}\./ { print \$2 }" | sort -r | sed -n '2p')
su -l -c "rvm install ${RUBY_VER}" vagrant
su -l -c "rvm --default use ${RUBY_VER}" vagrant
# Output the Ruby version (for sanity)
su -l -c 'ruby --version' vagrant
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ su -l -c 'ruby --version' vagrant
apt-get install -qy git
# Upgrade Rubygems
su -l -c "rvm ${RUBY_VER_LATEST} do gem update --system" vagrant
su -l -c "rvm ${RUBY_VER} do gem update --system" vagrant
# Install bundler and prepare to run unit tests
su -l -c "gem install bundler -v ${BUNDLER_VER_REQ}" vagrant