Test: Add "timeout" parameter to execute in tests

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Mitchell Hashimoto 2011-11-20 10:38:41 -08:00
parent 0036d1e131
commit 224c981846
1 changed files with 38 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ module Acceptance
options = argN.last
options[:chdir] ||= @workdir.to_s
# Determine the timeout for the process
timeout = options.delete(:timeout)
# Execute in a separate process, wait for it to complete, and
# return the IO streams.
@logger.info("Executing: #{command} #{argN.inspect}. Output will stream in...")
@ -71,7 +74,12 @@ module Acceptance
stderr => ""
while results = IO.select([stdout, stderr], [stdin], nil, 5)
# Record the start time for timeout purposes
start_time = Time.now.to_i
while results = IO.select([stdout, stderr], [stdin], nil, timeout || 5)
raise TimeoutExceeded, pid if timeout && (Time.now.to_i - start_time) > timeout
# Check the readers first to see if they're ready
readers = results[0]
if !readers.empty?
@ -102,11 +110,24 @@ module Acceptance
# Only load the exit status if we don't already have it, since
# it is possible that it could've been obtained in the above
# while loop.
_pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) if !status
@logger.debug("Exit status: #{status.exitstatus}")
# Continually try to wait for the process to end, but do so asynchronously
# so that we can also check to see if we have exceeded a timeout.
while true
# Break if status because it was already obtained above
break if status
# Try to wait for the PID to exit, and exit this loop if it does
exitpid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid, Process::WNOHANG)
break if exitpid
# Check to see if we exceeded our process timeout while waiting for
# it to end.
raise TimeoutExceeded, pid if timeout && (Time.now.to_i - start_time) > timeout
# Sleep between checks so that we're not constantly hitting the syscall
sleep 0.5
@logger.debug("Exit status: #{status.exitstatus}")
return ExecuteProcess.new(status.exitstatus, io_data[stdout], io_data[stderr])
@ -169,5 +190,16 @@ module Acceptance
@exit_status == 0
# This exception is raised if the timeout for a process is exceeded.
class TimeoutExceeded < StandardError
attr_reader :pid
def initialize(pid)
@pid = pid