load with bundler context
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,18 @@
# initializing which have historically resulted in stack traces.
Signal.trap("INT") { abort }
# First, make sure that we're executing using the proper Bundler context
# with our plugins. If we're not, then load that and reload Vagrant.
require "rbconfig"
ruby_path = File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"], RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_install_name"])
File.expand_path("../../lib/vagrant/pre-rubygems.rb", __FILE__),
raise "Fatal error: this line should never be reached"
# Split arguments by "--" if its there, we'll recombine them later
argv = ARGV.dup
argv_extra = []
@ -3,27 +3,262 @@
ENV["VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR"] = "/Applications/Vagrant/embedded"
if defined?(Bundler)
require "bundler/shared_helpers"
if Bundler::SharedHelpers.in_bundle?
puts "Vagrant appears to be running in a Bundler environment. Plugins"
puts "will not be loaded and plugin commands are disabled."
if !defined?(Bundler)
puts "It appears that Vagrant was not properly loaded. Specifically,"
puts "the bundler context Vagrant requires was not setup. Please execute"
puts "vagrant using only the `vagrant` executable."
require 'rubygems'
require 'log4r'
# Enable logging if it is requested. We do this before
# anything else so that we can setup the output before
# any logging occurs.
# Require Log4r and define the levels we'll be using
require 'log4r/config'
level = nil
level = Log4r.const_get(ENV["VAGRANT_LOG"].upcase)
rescue NameError
# This means that the logging constant wasn't found,
# which is fine. We just keep `level` as `nil`. But
# we tell the user.
level = nil
# Some constants, such as "true" resolve to booleans, so the
# above error checking doesn't catch it. This will check to make
# sure that the log level is an integer, as Log4r requires.
level = nil if !level.is_a?(Integer)
if !level
# We directly write to stderr here because the VagrantError system
# is not setup yet.
$stderr.puts "Invalid VAGRANT_LOG level is set: #{ENV["VAGRANT_LOG"]}"
$stderr.puts ""
$stderr.puts "Please use one of the standard log levels: debug, info, warn, or error"
exit 1
# Set the logging level on all "vagrant" namespaced
# logs as long as we have a valid level.
if level
logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant")
logger.outputters = Log4r::Outputter.stderr
logger.level = level
logger = nil
require_relative "vagrant/shared_helpers"
require 'json'
require 'pathname'
require 'stringio'
if Vagrant.plugins_enabled?
# Initialize Bundler before we load _any_ RubyGems.
require_relative "vagrant/bundler"
require_relative "vagrant/plugin/manager"
require 'childprocess'
require 'i18n'
# OpenSSL must be loaded here since when it is loaded via `autoload`
# there are issues with ciphers not being properly loaded.
require 'openssl'
# Always make the version available
require 'vagrant/version'
global_logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::global")
global_logger.info("Vagrant version: #{Vagrant::VERSION}")
global_logger.info("Ruby version: #{RUBY_VERSION}")
global_logger.info("RubyGems version: #{Gem::VERSION}")
ENV.each do |k, v|
global_logger.info("#{k}=#{v.inspect}") if k =~ /^VAGRANT_/
# Initialize Vagrant now that our Gem paths are setup
require "vagrant/init"
# We need these components always so instead of an autoload we
# just require them explicitly here.
require "vagrant/plugin"
require "vagrant/registry"
require "vagrant/shared_helpers"
module Vagrant
autoload :Action, 'vagrant/action'
autoload :BatchAction, 'vagrant/batch_action'
autoload :Box, 'vagrant/box'
autoload :BoxCollection, 'vagrant/box_collection'
autoload :CLI, 'vagrant/cli'
autoload :Command, 'vagrant/command'
autoload :Config, 'vagrant/config'
autoload :Driver, 'vagrant/driver'
autoload :Environment, 'vagrant/environment'
autoload :Errors, 'vagrant/errors'
autoload :Guest, 'vagrant/guest'
autoload :Hosts, 'vagrant/hosts'
autoload :Machine, 'vagrant/machine'
autoload :MachineState, 'vagrant/machine_state'
autoload :Plugin, 'vagrant/plugin'
autoload :UI, 'vagrant/ui'
autoload :Util, 'vagrant/util'
# These are the various plugin versions and their components in
# a lazy loaded Hash-like structure.
PLUGIN_COMPONENTS = Registry.new.tap do |c|
c.register(:"1") { Plugin::V1::Plugin }
c.register([:"1", :command]) { Plugin::V1::Command }
c.register([:"1", :communicator]) { Plugin::V1::Communicator }
c.register([:"1", :config]) { Plugin::V1::Config }
c.register([:"1", :guest]) { Plugin::V1::Guest }
c.register([:"1", :host]) { Plugin::V1::Host }
c.register([:"1", :provider]) { Plugin::V1::Provider }
c.register([:"1", :provisioner]) { Plugin::V1::Provisioner }
c.register(:"2") { Plugin::V2::Plugin }
c.register([:"2", :command]) { Plugin::V2::Command }
c.register([:"2", :communicator]) { Plugin::V2::Communicator }
c.register([:"2", :config]) { Plugin::V2::Config }
c.register([:"2", :guest]) { Plugin::V2::Guest }
c.register([:"2", :host]) { Plugin::V2::Host }
c.register([:"2", :provider]) { Plugin::V2::Provider }
c.register([:"2", :provisioner]) { Plugin::V2::Provisioner }
c.register([:"2", :synced_folder]) { Plugin::V2::SyncedFolder }
# This returns a true/false showing whether we're running from the
# environment setup by the Vagrant installers.
# @return [Boolean]
def self.in_installer?
# Configure a Vagrant environment. The version specifies the version
# of the configuration that is expected by the block. The block, based
# on that version, configures the environment.
# Note that the block isn't run immediately. Instead, the configuration
# block is stored until later, and is run when an environment is loaded.
# @param [String] version Version of the configuration
def self.configure(version, &block)
Config.run(version, &block)
# This checks if a plugin with the given name is installed. This can
# be used from the Vagrantfile to easily branch based on plugin
# availability.
def self.has_plugin?(name)
manager = plugin("2").manager
manager.required.any? { |gem_name| gem_name == name } ||
manager.registered.any? { |plugin| plugin.name == name }
# Returns a superclass to use when creating a plugin for Vagrant.
# Given a specific version, this returns a proper superclass to use
# to register plugins for that version.
# Optionally, if you give a specific component, then it will return
# the proper superclass for that component as well.
# Plugins and plugin components should subclass the classes returned by
# this method. This method lets Vagrant core control these superclasses
# and change them over time without affecting plugins. For example, if
# the V1 superclass happens to be "Vagrant::V1," future versions of
# Vagrant may move it to "Vagrant::Plugins::V1" and plugins will not be
# affected.
# @param [String] version
# @param [String] component
# @return [Class]
def self.plugin(version, component=nil)
# Build up the key and return a result
key = version.to_s.to_sym
key = [key, component.to_s.to_sym] if component
result = PLUGIN_COMPONENTS.get(key)
# If we found our component then we return that
return result if result
# If we didn't find a result, then raise an exception, depending
# on if we got a component or not.
raise ArgumentError, "Plugin superclass not found for version/component: " +
"#{version} #{component}"
# @deprecated
def self.require_plugin(name)
puts "Vagrant.require_plugin is deprecated and has no effect any longer."
puts "Use `vagrant plugin` commands to manage plugins. This warning will"
puts "be removed in the next version of Vagrant."
# This allows a Vagrantfile to specify the version of Vagrant that is
# required. You can specify a list of requirements which will all be checked
# against the running Vagrant version.
# This should be specified at the _top_ of any Vagrantfile.
# Examples are shown below:
# Vagrant.require_version(">= 1.3.5")
# Vagrant.require_version(">= 1.3.5", "< 1.4.0")
# Vagrant.require_version("~> 1.3.5")
def self.require_version(*requirements)
logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::root")
logger.info("Version requirements from Vagrantfile: #{requirements.inspect}")
req = Gem::Requirement.new(*requirements)
if req.satisfied_by?(Gem::Version.new(VERSION))
logger.info(" - Version requirements satisfied!")
raise Errors::VagrantVersionBad,
requirements: requirements.join(", "),
version: VERSION
# Default I18n to load the en locale
I18n.load_path << File.expand_path("templates/locales/en.yml", Vagrant.source_root)
if I18n.config.respond_to?(:enforce_available_locales=)
# Make sure only available locales are used. This will be the default in the
# future but we need this to silence a deprecation warning from 0.6.9
I18n.config.enforce_available_locales = true
# A lambda that knows how to load plugins from a single directory.
plugin_load_proc = lambda do |directory|
# We only care about directories
next false if !directory.directory?
# If there is a plugin file in the top-level directory, then load
# that up.
plugin_file = directory.join("plugin.rb")
if plugin_file.file?
global_logger.debug("Loading core plugin: #{plugin_file}")
next true
# Go through the `plugins` directory and attempt to load any plugins. The
# plugins are allowed to be in a directory in `plugins` or at most one
# directory deep within the plugins directory. So a plugin can be at
# `plugins/foo` or also at `plugins/foo/bar`, but no deeper.
Vagrant.source_root.join("plugins").children(true).each do |directory|
# Ignore non-directories
next if !directory.directory?
# Load from this directory, and exit if we successfully loaded a plugin
next if plugin_load_proc.call(directory)
# Otherwise, attempt to load from sub-directories
# If we have plugins enabled, then load those
Bundler.require(:default) if Vagrant.plugins_enabled?
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Vagrant
raise "Bundler already initialized" if defined?(::Bundler)
# Setup the Bundler configuration
@configfile = Tempfile.new("vagrant-bundler-config")
@configfile = File.open(Tempfile.new("vagrant").path + "1", "w+")
# Build up the Gemfile for our Bundler context. We make sure to
@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ module Vagrant
# @return [Tempfile]
def build_gemfile(plugins)
Tempfile.new("vagrant-gemfile").tap do |gemfile|
f = File.open(Tempfile.new("vagrant").path + "2", "w+")
f.tap do |gemfile|
gemfile.puts(%Q[source "https://rubygems.org"])
gemfile.puts(%Q[source "http://gems.hashicorp.com"])
gemfile.puts(%Q[gem "vagrant", "= #{Vagrant::VERSION}"])
@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
require 'rubygems'
require 'log4r'
# Enable logging if it is requested. We do this before
# anything else so that we can setup the output before
# any logging occurs.
# Require Log4r and define the levels we'll be using
require 'log4r/config'
level = nil
level = Log4r.const_get(ENV["VAGRANT_LOG"].upcase)
rescue NameError
# This means that the logging constant wasn't found,
# which is fine. We just keep `level` as `nil`. But
# we tell the user.
level = nil
# Some constants, such as "true" resolve to booleans, so the
# above error checking doesn't catch it. This will check to make
# sure that the log level is an integer, as Log4r requires.
level = nil if !level.is_a?(Integer)
if !level
# We directly write to stderr here because the VagrantError system
# is not setup yet.
$stderr.puts "Invalid VAGRANT_LOG level is set: #{ENV["VAGRANT_LOG"]}"
$stderr.puts ""
$stderr.puts "Please use one of the standard log levels: debug, info, warn, or error"
exit 1
# Set the logging level on all "vagrant" namespaced
# logs as long as we have a valid level.
if level
logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant")
logger.outputters = Log4r::Outputter.stderr
logger.level = level
logger = nil
require 'json'
require 'pathname'
require 'stringio'
require 'childprocess'
require 'i18n'
# OpenSSL must be loaded here since when it is loaded via `autoload`
# there are issues with ciphers not being properly loaded.
require 'openssl'
# Always make the version available
require 'vagrant/version'
global_logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::global")
global_logger.info("Vagrant version: #{Vagrant::VERSION}")
global_logger.info("Ruby version: #{RUBY_VERSION}")
global_logger.info("RubyGems version: #{Gem::VERSION}")
ENV.each do |k, v|
global_logger.info("#{k}=#{v.inspect}") if k =~ /^VAGRANT_/
# We need these components always so instead of an autoload we
# just require them explicitly here.
require "vagrant/plugin"
require "vagrant/registry"
module Vagrant
autoload :Action, 'vagrant/action'
autoload :BatchAction, 'vagrant/batch_action'
autoload :Box, 'vagrant/box'
autoload :BoxCollection, 'vagrant/box_collection'
autoload :CLI, 'vagrant/cli'
autoload :Command, 'vagrant/command'
autoload :Config, 'vagrant/config'
autoload :Driver, 'vagrant/driver'
autoload :Environment, 'vagrant/environment'
autoload :Errors, 'vagrant/errors'
autoload :Guest, 'vagrant/guest'
autoload :Hosts, 'vagrant/hosts'
autoload :Machine, 'vagrant/machine'
autoload :MachineState, 'vagrant/machine_state'
autoload :Plugin, 'vagrant/plugin'
autoload :UI, 'vagrant/ui'
autoload :Util, 'vagrant/util'
# These are the various plugin versions and their components in
# a lazy loaded Hash-like structure.
PLUGIN_COMPONENTS = Registry.new.tap do |c|
c.register(:"1") { Plugin::V1::Plugin }
c.register([:"1", :command]) { Plugin::V1::Command }
c.register([:"1", :communicator]) { Plugin::V1::Communicator }
c.register([:"1", :config]) { Plugin::V1::Config }
c.register([:"1", :guest]) { Plugin::V1::Guest }
c.register([:"1", :host]) { Plugin::V1::Host }
c.register([:"1", :provider]) { Plugin::V1::Provider }
c.register([:"1", :provisioner]) { Plugin::V1::Provisioner }
c.register(:"2") { Plugin::V2::Plugin }
c.register([:"2", :command]) { Plugin::V2::Command }
c.register([:"2", :communicator]) { Plugin::V2::Communicator }
c.register([:"2", :config]) { Plugin::V2::Config }
c.register([:"2", :guest]) { Plugin::V2::Guest }
c.register([:"2", :host]) { Plugin::V2::Host }
c.register([:"2", :provider]) { Plugin::V2::Provider }
c.register([:"2", :provisioner]) { Plugin::V2::Provisioner }
c.register([:"2", :synced_folder]) { Plugin::V2::SyncedFolder }
# This returns a true/false showing whether we're running from the
# environment setup by the Vagrant installers.
# @return [Boolean]
def self.in_installer?
# Configure a Vagrant environment. The version specifies the version
# of the configuration that is expected by the block. The block, based
# on that version, configures the environment.
# Note that the block isn't run immediately. Instead, the configuration
# block is stored until later, and is run when an environment is loaded.
# @param [String] version Version of the configuration
def self.configure(version, &block)
Config.run(version, &block)
# This checks if a plugin with the given name is installed. This can
# be used from the Vagrantfile to easily branch based on plugin
# availability.
def self.has_plugin?(name)
manager = plugin("2").manager
manager.required.any? { |gem_name| gem_name == name } ||
manager.registered.any? { |plugin| plugin.name == name }
# Returns a superclass to use when creating a plugin for Vagrant.
# Given a specific version, this returns a proper superclass to use
# to register plugins for that version.
# Optionally, if you give a specific component, then it will return
# the proper superclass for that component as well.
# Plugins and plugin components should subclass the classes returned by
# this method. This method lets Vagrant core control these superclasses
# and change them over time without affecting plugins. For example, if
# the V1 superclass happens to be "Vagrant::V1," future versions of
# Vagrant may move it to "Vagrant::Plugins::V1" and plugins will not be
# affected.
# @param [String] version
# @param [String] component
# @return [Class]
def self.plugin(version, component=nil)
# Build up the key and return a result
key = version.to_s.to_sym
key = [key, component.to_s.to_sym] if component
result = PLUGIN_COMPONENTS.get(key)
# If we found our component then we return that
return result if result
# If we didn't find a result, then raise an exception, depending
# on if we got a component or not.
raise ArgumentError, "Plugin superclass not found for version/component: " +
"#{version} #{component}"
# @deprecated
def self.require_plugin(name)
puts "Vagrant.require_plugin is deprecated and has no effect any longer."
puts "Use `vagrant plugin` commands to manage plugins. This warning will"
puts "be removed in the next version of Vagrant."
# This allows a Vagrantfile to specify the version of Vagrant that is
# required. You can specify a list of requirements which will all be checked
# against the running Vagrant version.
# This should be specified at the _top_ of any Vagrantfile.
# Examples are shown below:
# Vagrant.require_version(">= 1.3.5")
# Vagrant.require_version(">= 1.3.5", "< 1.4.0")
# Vagrant.require_version("~> 1.3.5")
def self.require_version(*requirements)
logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::root")
logger.info("Version requirements from Vagrantfile: #{requirements.inspect}")
req = Gem::Requirement.new(*requirements)
if req.satisfied_by?(Gem::Version.new(VERSION))
logger.info(" - Version requirements satisfied!")
raise Errors::VagrantVersionBad,
requirements: requirements.join(", "),
version: VERSION
# Default I18n to load the en locale
I18n.load_path << File.expand_path("templates/locales/en.yml", Vagrant.source_root)
if I18n.config.respond_to?(:enforce_available_locales=)
# Make sure only available locales are used. This will be the default in the
# future but we need this to silence a deprecation warning from 0.6.9
I18n.config.enforce_available_locales = true
# A lambda that knows how to load plugins from a single directory.
plugin_load_proc = lambda do |directory|
# We only care about directories
next false if !directory.directory?
# If there is a plugin file in the top-level directory, then load
# that up.
plugin_file = directory.join("plugin.rb")
if plugin_file.file?
global_logger.debug("Loading core plugin: #{plugin_file}")
next true
# Go through the `plugins` directory and attempt to load any plugins. The
# plugins are allowed to be in a directory in `plugins` or at most one
# directory deep within the plugins directory. So a plugin can be at
# `plugins/foo` or also at `plugins/foo/bar`, but no deeper.
Vagrant.source_root.join("plugins").children(true).each do |directory|
# Ignore non-directories
next if !directory.directory?
# Load from this directory, and exit if we successfully loaded a plugin
next if plugin_load_proc.call(directory)
# Otherwise, attempt to load from sub-directories
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# This file is to be loaded _before_ any RubyGems are loaded. This file
# initializes the Bundler context so that Vagrant and its associated plugins
# can load properly, and then execs out into Vagrant again.
require_relative "bundler"
require_relative "plugin/manager"
require_relative "shared_helpers"
if defined?(Bundler)
require "bundler/shared_helpers"
if Bundler::SharedHelpers.in_bundle?
puts "Vagrant appears to be running in a Bundler environment. Plugins"
puts "will not be loaded and plugin commands are disabled."
plugins = []
plugins = Vagrant::Plugin::Manager.instance.installed_plugins if Vagrant.plugins_enabled?
Kernel.exec("vagrant", *ARGV)
Reference in New Issue