Hostname and FQDN should be done in one line

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Elliot Segler 2013-10-06 15:33:00 +08:00
parent 0db87ff406
commit 9ca6fbe8f4
1 changed files with 2 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -21,10 +21,8 @@ module VagrantPlugins
# hosts should resemble:
# host
# First to set fqdn
comm.sudo("sed -i 's@#{old}@#{name}@' /etc/hosts")
# Second to set hostname
comm.sudo("sed -i 's@#{old.split('.')[0]}@#{name.split('.')[0]}@' /etc/hosts")
# Set FQDN, hostname in one line
comm.sudo("sed -i 's@#{old}@#{name} #{name.split('.')[0]}@' /etc/hosts")
if comm.test("[ `lsb_release -c -s` = hardy ]")
# returns 1, so I grep for the right name in /etc/hostname just to have a 0 exitcode