Merge pull request #2952 from gildegoma/ansible-ssh-fixes

provisioner/ansible: Support SSH-Forwarding and Multiple SSH Private Keys
This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Hashimoto 2014-02-28 18:04:13 +01:00
commit ee4fd10b1f
1 changed files with 59 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -1,24 +1,43 @@
module VagrantPlugins
module Ansible
class Provisioner < Vagrant.plugin("2", :provisioner)
def provision
@logger ="vagrant::provisioners::ansible")
ssh = @machine.ssh_info
# Connect with Vagrant user (unless --user or --private-key are
# overidden by 'raw_arguments').
def initialize(machine, config)
@logger ="vagrant::provisioners::ansible")
@ssh_info = @machine.ssh_info
def provision
# TODO: multiple private key support
options = %W[--private-key=#{ssh[:private_key_path][0]} --user=#{ssh[:username]}]
# 1) Default Settings (lowest precedence)
# Connect with Vagrant SSH identity
options = %W[--private-key=#{@ssh_info[:private_key_path][0]} --user=#{@ssh_info[:username]}]
# Multiple SSH keys and/or SSH forwarding can be passed via
# ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS environment variable, which requires 'ssh' mode.
# Note that multiple keys and ssh-forwarding settings are not supported
# by deprecated 'paramiko' mode.
options << "--connection=ssh" unless ansible_ssh_args.empty?
# By default we limit by the current machine.
# This can be overridden by the limit config option.
options << "--limit=#{}"
# Joker! Not (yet) supported arguments can be passed this way.
# 2) Configuration Joker
options.concat(self.as_array(config.raw_arguments)) if config.raw_arguments
# Append Provisioner options (highest precedence):
# 3) Append Provisioner options (highest precedence):
options << "--inventory-file=#{self.setup_inventory_file}"
options << "--extra-vars=#{self.get_extra_vars_argument}" if config.extra_vars
options << "--sudo" if config.sudo
@ -33,15 +52,21 @@ module VagrantPlugins
# Assemble the full ansible-playbook command
command = (%w(ansible-playbook) << options << config.playbook).flatten
# Some Ansible options must be passed as environment variables
env = {
"ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING" => "#{config.host_key_checking}",
# Ensure Ansible output isn't buffered so that we receive ouput
# on a task-by-task basis.
# Support Multiple SSH keys and SSH forwarding:
env["ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS"] = ansible_ssh_args unless ansible_ssh_args.empty?
# Write stdout and stderr data, since it's the regular Ansible output
command << {
:env => {
"ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING" => "#{config.host_key_checking}",
# Ensure Ansible output isn't buffered so that we receive ouput
# on a task-by-task basis.
:env => env,
:notify => [:stdout, :stderr],
:workdir => @machine.env.root_path.to_s
@ -149,6 +174,24 @@ module VagrantPlugins
def ansible_ssh_args
@ansible_ssh_args ||= get_ansible_ssh_args
def get_ansible_ssh_args
ssh_options = []
# Multiple Private Keys
@ssh_info[:private_key_path].drop(1).each do |key|
ssh_options << "-o IdentityFile=#{key}"
# SSH Forwarding
ssh_options << "-o ForwardAgent=yes" if @ssh_info[:forward_agent]
ssh_options.join(' ')
def as_list_argument(v)
v.kind_of?(Array) ? v.join(',') : v