Prior to this commit, the rsync helper expanded all exclude paths that
should be ignored to be full qualified and regexp escaped. However the
Listen gem expects these ignore paths to be relative to the path passed
into the listener, not a full path. This commit fixes that by using the
path given by the user for the `rsync__exclude` option
Prior to this commit, if a user specified that their `rsync__excludes`
option was an empty array, Vagrant would treat that as if it included
options inside the array rather than ignoring it. This commit fixes that
by only adding the excludes option when it exists and is not empty.
Adds a new `rsync__rsync_ownership` option to rsync based synced folders
which will allow rsync to use the `--chown` flag if it is available. The
`rsync` and `rsync-auto` commands have a new `--rsync-chown` flag which
can be used to force the option on folders when running the commands.
Rescue and re-wrap any errors encountered when running the post
rsync capability. Rescue this exception type and notify of error
when encountered by rsync auto. Include test coverage.
Include config option within ssh_config command output template. Default
remote_user value to set username value. Include existence check on
provided config value to ensure file is available. Update tests to
include coverage on all changes. Add new options to the docs.
Prior to this commit, when creating the ControlPath tmp dir for
socket path, Vagrant would simply rely on `rand(1000)` for making unique
dirs for rsyncing files which could result in collisions. This commit
updates that be properly using `Dir.mktmpdir` with a `vagrant-rsync-`
As of `net-ssh` version 4.2.0, the key :paranoid has been deprecated in
favor of using :verify_host_key. This commit updates Vagrants ssh config
to use the new key, and deprecates the use of :paranoid.
Prior to this commit, rsync-auto would not properly rsync realtive dirs
outside the cwd if defined in the Vagrantfile. This commit updates that
to ensure that the command looks at the Vagrant config to ensure that
folder was intended to be rsync'd to the machine even if outside the
current working dir.
Prior to this commit, when users invoked the `rsync-auto` command using
the docker provider with boot2docker, vagrant would rsync all known
containers using the boot2docker vm rather than the current working dir.
This commit updates that behavior to ensure that only the current
working dirs vagrant machines will be rsynced.