Prior to this commit, if you specified a `version` for the salt provider
but no `install_type` Vagrant would fail to pass the proper parameters
to the bootstrap install script. This commit fixes that by adding some
validation to the salt provider if `version` is specified but not
`install_type`. It also adds some extra context for certain config
validation error messages so that the user knows what option was
incorrect, rather than the message just referring to the option as
In some cases the E1000 NIC type is the only acceptable value. Since
defaulting causes breakages to existing boxes, leave the default value
as `nil` but check the VirtualBox version in use and print warning to
user if VirtualBox version is vulnerable and E1000 NIC types are
configured for use within defined network adapters.
This commit adds a new flag to the `vagrant validate` command which
allows users to completely ignore the provider block of a config file.
This is useful for when you are running `vagrant validate` in CI and
don't want to install a valid provider to check the syntax of your
Vagratnfile. When the flag is invoked, a warning will be displayed
saying that the provider block will be ignored and not validated.
This commit introduces a new uploader class for uploading files and
splits up some commonly used functionality between it and the downloader
class into a curl helper library.
This commit introduces a new option to the core trigger feature: `ruby`.
It can be defined to run ruby code when the trigger is configured to
fire. If you give the ruby block an env and machine argument, the
defined ruby code can use those variables internally.
This commit adds a new option `abort`, which when configured, will exit
the Vagrant process completely. If set to `true`, it will exit cleanly
with exit code 0. Otherwise, the exit code can be configured.
Reloading the Vagrantfile causes issue with multiple evaluations
where users expect single evaluation. Instead of allowing local
plugin installation to happen prior to command execution, force
halt after installation and the command to be re-run. This will
prevent multiple loads of the Vagrantfile within a single run.
Prior to this commit, the run trigger option wouldn't catch for failures
outside of the #Subprocess.execute raising exceptions. This commit fixes
that by inspecting the exit code result of the subprocess and using the
new `exit_codes` option to determine how to move forward with the
Prior to this commit, vagrant would halt if it could not parse the
metadata file for a box to check for updates with. This commit changes
that to behave like when vagrant fails to download a metadata file and
continue on but warn the user it failed to check for box updates.
This commit adds a bit more helpful messaging for the user when asking
for a provider that might not exist or does not follow the correct
casing. If it can find a match on a provider it knows about, it will
suggest it.