Previously, configuring and enabling network interfaces failed with:
"The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
/usr/sbin/biosdevname --policy=all_ethN -i bash: /usr/sbin/biosdevname:
No such file or directory
Stdout from the command:
bash: /usr/sbin/biosdevname: No such file or directory"
The previous attempt to fix this (ccc4162) doesn't work since it doesn't
properly parse the 'bash: /usr/sbin/biosdevname: No such file or
directory' error message.
This patch works around that problem and adds a comment explaining the
meaning of the return codes.
Configuring by :interface doesn't work very well because Vagrant has
no idea about what interfaces are present in the VM, for example if
the image has 'docker' installed but not biosdevname, then
interface_names[0] = "docker0" which is usually not what you want
mapped to the first network from the Vagrantfile.
So if the plugins (like vagrant-libvirt) or the Vagrantfile has
given us a network with a MAC address, use that to find the interface
name for the network. Otherwise use slot numbers as before.
If biosdevname isn't installed it doesn't make sense to try using it
for persistent device names. Just treat lack of biosdevname as
virtual networking.
When using pty=true, removing files using sudo may request confirmation,
which will hang the connection.
Similarly, sometimes assumptions about file existence may be wrong and
in those cases it seems better to continue on as long as the file does
not exist, so -f makes sense there, too.
On Fedora 20 virtual machines biosdevname command
'Returns 4 if running in a virtual machine.'
This patch:
- Uses the biosdevname command return value to detect if virtual
- Uses /sys/net to get interface names - Might be better solution
- Leaves unchanged the original 'bare metal' case - I wonder what for
Tested with Fedora Cloud image adapted for vagrant-libvirt
Fixes issue #4104