Prior to this commit, the hostname was set with one big bash script and
attempted to determine what tools are available. This commit changes
that by splitting out that tool check on the Vagrant side of things with
the GuestInspection class, and adds back restarting networking to get a
DHCP lease with the change rather than using `dhclient`. This pattern
matches how hostnames are set in the redhat capability.
This commit introduces a new uploader class for uploading files and
splits up some commonly used functionality between it and the downloader
class into a curl helper library.
Prior to this commit, when creating the ControlPath tmp dir for
socket path, Vagrant would simply rely on `rand(1000)` for making unique
dirs for rsyncing files which could result in collisions. This commit
updates that be properly using `Dir.mktmpdir` with a `vagrant-rsync-`
This commit introduces a new option to the core trigger feature: `ruby`.
It can be defined to run ruby code when the trigger is configured to
fire. If you give the ruby block an env and machine argument, the
defined ruby code can use those variables internally.
Dynamically generate RDP information when applicable via provider
if supported. When no RDP port is provided ignore RDP in config
and omit from output.
This commit adds a new option `abort`, which when configured, will exit
the Vagrant process completely. If set to `true`, it will exit cleanly
with exit code 0. Otherwise, the exit code can be configured.
Prior to this commit, the puppet provisioner would not properly set its
environment variables, if any were configured in the Vagrantfile. This
commit separates those properly with semicolons when calling out to
puppet apply.
Reloading the Vagrantfile causes issue with multiple evaluations
where users expect single evaluation. Instead of allowing local
plugin installation to happen prior to command execution, force
halt after installation and the command to be re-run. This will
prevent multiple loads of the Vagrantfile within a single run.
If you have a vagrant box with proc mounted with
proc /proc proc defaults,hidepid=2 0 0
ps output will be limited to owned process
sudo should extend output
Due to the Vagrantfile being loaded prior to plugin loading to determine
project local plugin information the Vagrant.has_plugin? helper will always
return false when the Vagrantfile is first loaded. To prevent this behavior
we can check for plugins in the plugin data files prior to the plugins
being loaded, and after they have been loaded we can fallback to the
original specification based check.
Since we are no longer extracting information based on key value due
to localization issues, use start and end locations to extract data.
This prevents errors when extra information is included like Scope.
Force the vagrantfile and configuration loader to be rebuilt after
plugins have been loaded to properly allow newly introduced plugin
configurations to be properly supported within the Vagrantfile.
Prior to this commit, providers like docker would fail to be brought up
because they do not store box objects like virtualbox or vmware
provider guests. This commit fixes that by making sure the box object
exists before writing the metadata file to disk.
This commit introduces the `--force` flag to the reload command. This
change means that if the flag is included, the halt step of the reload
will forcefully shutdown the virtual machine rather than a graceful
Prior to this commit, if the args key was a string rather than an array
of strings, the `join` command would fail when appending the arguments
to the run command for a given script. This commit updates that by
ensuring the `args` option is an array prior to joining the arguments.
Prior to this commit, the `Util::Powershell.execute_inline`
method didn't properly join the passed in command and instead attempted
to execute the array of strings. This commit updates that
behavior to join the command array prior to inserting it into the full
powershell command.
When performing a box update and the box version has been updated
to be different than the installed version, perform a lookup for
the latest available installed box to allow the update command to
continue successfully
Only move new exports file to destination without sudo when the
file has write access and the directory has write access. Always
use sudo when changing file ownership.
When a guest is created, the box metadata information is stored in the
machine data directory. This allows modifications to happen to the
Vagrantfile definition of the box in use (box name change, box version
change, etc) while still allowing the Machine instance of an active
guest successfully load the box currently backing it.
If starting a process while running from within AppImage adjust
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH of the subprocess when the executable exists
outside of the AppImage. This prevents issues of invalid dynamic
library lookups when the AppImage contains common named libraries.