Currently `configure_networks` guest cap configures NICs following the device order and fails
when the device order is mixed. We should detect the appropriate NIC by its MAC address.
bunch of retires rather than a long sleep.
Add DarwinNFSMountFailed error. This might move be more appropriate at
the plugin level.
Integrate some of tvsutton's work in configure_networks to get the
implementation closer to working in both fusion and virtualbox.
Add shell_expand_guest_path capability (also copied from linux)
- There's a lengthy sleep in there, probably could use a back-off loop
- en1 seems totally worthless on vbox, I skip it and just use the en2 it creates.
- Tested on mountainlion/virtualbox
- virtualbox shared folders will not work (no vboxvsf support)
- Must use at least 2GB of RAM or the os will refuse to boot(mountainlion requirement)
To begin, create a mountainlion vm in virtualbox. You will need to install from scratch most likely, and assign at least 2GB of ram for it to install.
Create 2 network interfaces, the first one a NAT interface, second a hostonly interface.
'vagrant package' the VM.
In your vagrant file, be sure that the synced folder is disabled:
config.vm.synced_folder "vagrant", "/vagrant", disabled: true