244 lines
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244 lines
9.3 KiB
require "pathname"
require "log4r"
module Vagrant
module Config
# This class is responsible for loading Vagrant configuration,
# usually in the form of Vagrantfiles.
# Loading works by specifying the sources for the configuration
# as well as the order the sources should be loaded. Configuration
# set later always overrides those set earlier; this is how
# configuration "scoping" is implemented.
class Loader
# Initializes a configuration loader.
# @param [Registry] versions A registry of the available versions and
# their associated loaders.
# @param [Array] version_order An array of the order of the versions
# in the registry. This is used to determine if upgrades are
# necessary. Additionally, the last version in this order is always
# considered the "current" version.
def initialize(versions, version_order)
@logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::config::loader")
@config_cache = {}
@proc_cache = {}
@sources = {}
@versions = versions
@version_order = version_order
# Set the configuration data for the given name.
# The `name` should be a symbol and must uniquely identify the data
# being given.
# `data` can either be a path to a Ruby Vagrantfile or a `Proc` directly.
# `data` can also be an array of such values.
# At this point, no configuration is actually loaded. Note that calling
# `set` multiple times with the same name will override any previously
# set values. In this way, the last set data for a given name wins.
def set(name, sources)
# Sources should be an array
sources = [sources] if !sources.kind_of?(Array)
reliably_inspected_sources = sources.reduce({}) { |accum, source|
accum[source] = source.inspect
rescue Encoding::CompatibilityError
accum[source] = "<!Vagrant failed to call #inspect source with object id #{source.object_id} and class #{source.class} due to a string encoding error>"
@logger.info("Set #{name.inspect} = #{reliably_inspected_sources.values}")
# Gather the procs for every source, since that is what we care about.
procs = []
sources.each do |source|
if !@proc_cache.key?(source)
# Load the procs for this source and cache them. This caching
# avoids the issue where a file may have side effects when loading
# and loading it multiple times causes unexpected behavior.
@logger.debug("Populating proc cache for #{reliably_inspected_sources[source]}")
@proc_cache[source] = procs_for_source(source, reliably_inspected_sources)
# Add on to the array of procs we're going to use
# Set this source by name.
@sources[name] = procs
# This loads the configuration sources in the given order and returns
# an actual configuration object that is ready to be used.
# @param [Array<Symbol>] order The order of configuration to load.
# @return [Object] The configuration object. This is different for
# each configuration version.
def load(order)
@logger.info("Loading configuration in order: #{order.inspect}")
unknown_sources = @sources.keys - order
if !unknown_sources.empty?
@logger.error("Unknown config sources: #{unknown_sources.inspect}")
# Get the current version config class to use
current_version = @version_order.last
current_config_klass = @versions.get(current_version)
# This will hold our result
result = current_config_klass.init
# Keep track of the warnings and errors that may come from
# upgrading the Vagrantfiles
warnings = []
errors = []
order.each do |key|
next if !@sources.key?(key)
@sources[key].each do |version, proc|
if !@config_cache.key?(proc)
@logger.debug("Loading from: #{key} (evaluating)")
# Get the proper version loader for this version and load
version_loader = @versions.get(version)
version_config = version_loader.load(proc)
# Store the errors/warnings associated with loading this
# configuration. We'll store these for later.
version_warnings = []
version_errors = []
# If this version is not the current version, then we need
# to upgrade to the latest version.
if version != current_version
@logger.debug("Upgrading config from version #{version} to #{current_version}")
version_index = @version_order.index(version)
current_index = @version_order.index(current_version)
(version_index + 1).upto(current_index) do |index|
next_version = @version_order[index]
@logger.debug("Upgrading config to version #{next_version}")
# Get the loader of this version and ask it to upgrade
loader = @versions.get(next_version)
upgrade_result = loader.upgrade(version_config)
this_warnings = upgrade_result[1]
this_errors = upgrade_result[2]
@logger.debug("Upgraded to version #{next_version} with " +
"#{this_warnings.length} warnings and " +
"#{this_errors.length} errors")
# Append loading this to the version warnings and errors
version_warnings += this_warnings
version_errors += this_errors
# Store the new upgraded version
version_config = upgrade_result[0]
# Cache the loaded configuration along with any warnings
# or errors so that they can be retrieved later.
@config_cache[proc] = [version_config, version_warnings, version_errors]
@logger.debug("Loading from: #{key} (cache)")
# Merge the configurations
cache_data = @config_cache[proc]
result = current_config_klass.merge(result, cache_data[0])
# Append the total warnings/errors
warnings += cache_data[1]
errors += cache_data[2]
@logger.debug("Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning")
[current_config_klass.finalize(result), warnings, errors]
# This returns an array of `Proc` objects for the given source.
# The `Proc` objects returned will expect a single argument for
# the configuration object and are expected to mutate this
# configuration object.
def procs_for_source(source, reliably_inspected_sources)
# Convert all pathnames to strings so we just have their path
source = source.to_s if source.is_a?(Pathname)
if source.is_a?(Array)
# An array must be formatted as [version, proc], so verify
# that and then return it
raise ArgumentError, "String source must have format [version, proc]" if source.length != 2
# Return it as an array since we're expected to return an array
# of [version, proc] pairs, but an array source only has one.
return [source]
elsif source.is_a?(String)
# Strings are considered paths, so load them
return procs_for_path(source)
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown configuration source: #{reliably_inspected_sources[source]}"
# This returns an array of `Proc` objects for the given path source.
# @param [String] path Path to the file which contains the proper
# `Vagrant.configure` calls.
# @return [Array<Proc>]
def procs_for_path(path)
@logger.debug("Load procs for pathname: #{path}")
return Config.capture_configures do
Kernel.load path
rescue SyntaxError => e
# Report syntax errors in a nice way.
raise Errors::VagrantfileSyntaxError, file: e.message
rescue SystemExit
# Continue raising that exception...
rescue Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError
# Continue raising known Vagrant errors since they already
# contain well worded error messages and context.
rescue Exception => e
@logger.error("Vagrantfile load error: #{e.message}")
line = "(unknown)"
if e.backtrace && e.backtrace[0]
e.backtrace[0].split(":").each do |part|
if part =~ /\d+/
line = part.to_i
# Report the generic exception
raise Errors::VagrantfileLoadError,
path: path,
line: line,
exception_class: e.class,
message: e.message