820 lines
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820 lines
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require 'fileutils'
require 'json'
require 'pathname'
require 'set'
require 'thread'
require 'log4r'
require 'vagrant/util/file_mode'
require 'vagrant/util/platform'
module Vagrant
# Represents a single Vagrant environment. A "Vagrant environment" is
# defined as basically a folder with a "Vagrantfile." This class allows
# access to the VMs, CLI, etc. all in the scope of this environment.
class Environment
# The `cwd` that this environment represents
attr_reader :cwd
# The persistent data directory where global data can be stored. It
# is up to the creator of the data in this directory to properly
# remove it when it is no longer needed.
# @return [Pathname]
attr_reader :data_dir
# The valid name for a Vagrantfile for this environment.
attr_reader :vagrantfile_name
# The {UI} object to communicate with the outside world.
attr_reader :ui
# This is the UI class to use when creating new UIs.
attr_reader :ui_class
# The directory to the "home" folder that Vagrant will use to store
# global state.
attr_reader :home_path
# The directory to the directory where local, environment-specific
# data is stored.
attr_reader :local_data_path
# The directory where temporary files for Vagrant go.
attr_reader :tmp_path
# The directory where boxes are stored.
attr_reader :boxes_path
# The path where the plugins are stored (gems)
attr_reader :gems_path
# The path to the default private key
attr_reader :default_private_key_path
# Initializes a new environment with the given options. The options
# is a hash where the main available key is `cwd`, which defines where
# the environment represents. There are other options available but
# they shouldn't be used in general. If `cwd` is nil, then it defaults
# to the `Dir.pwd` (which is the cwd of the executing process).
def initialize(opts=nil)
opts = {
:cwd => nil,
:home_path => nil,
:local_data_path => nil,
:lock_path => nil,
:ui_class => nil,
:vagrantfile_name => nil
}.merge(opts || {})
# Set the default working directory to look for the vagrantfile
opts[:cwd] ||= ENV["VAGRANT_CWD"] if ENV.has_key?("VAGRANT_CWD")
opts[:cwd] ||= Dir.pwd
opts[:cwd] = Pathname.new(opts[:cwd])
if !opts[:cwd].directory?
raise Errors::EnvironmentNonExistentCWD, cwd: opts[:cwd].to_s
# Set the default ui class
opts[:ui_class] ||= UI::Silent
# Set the Vagrantfile name up. We append "Vagrantfile" and "vagrantfile" so that
# those continue to work as well, but anything custom will take precedence.
opts[:vagrantfile_name] ||= ENV["VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE"] if \
opts[:vagrantfile_name] = [opts[:vagrantfile_name]] if \
opts[:vagrantfile_name] && !opts[:vagrantfile_name].is_a?(Array)
# Set instance variables for all the configuration parameters.
@cwd = opts[:cwd]
@home_path = opts[:home_path]
@lock_path = opts[:lock_path]
@vagrantfile_name = opts[:vagrantfile_name]
@ui = opts[:ui_class].new
@ui_class = opts[:ui_class]
# This is the batch lock, that enforces that only one {BatchAction}
# runs at a time from {#batch}.
@batch_lock = Mutex.new
@lock_acquired = false
@logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::environment")
@logger.info("Environment initialized (#{self})")
@logger.info(" - cwd: #{cwd}")
# Setup the home directory
@boxes_path = @home_path.join("boxes")
@data_dir = @home_path.join("data")
@gems_path = @home_path.join("gems")
@tmp_path = @home_path.join("tmp")
# Setup the local data directory. If a configuration path is given,
# then it is expanded relative to the working directory. Otherwise,
# we use the default which is expanded relative to the root path.
opts[:local_data_path] ||= ENV["VAGRANT_DOTFILE_PATH"]
opts[:local_data_path] ||= root_path.join(DEFAULT_LOCAL_DATA) if !root_path.nil?
if opts[:local_data_path]
@local_data_path = Pathname.new(File.expand_path(opts[:local_data_path], @cwd))
# Setup the default private key
@default_private_key_path = @home_path.join("insecure_private_key")
# Load the plugins
# Call the environment load hooks
# Return a human-friendly string for pretty printed or inspected
# instances.
# @return [String]
def inspect
"#<#{self.class}: #{@cwd}>"
# Helpers
# Returns a list of machines that this environment is currently
# managing that physically have been created.
# An "active" machine is a machine that Vagrant manages that has
# been created. The machine itself may be in any state such as running,
# suspended, etc. but if a machine is "active" then it exists.
# Note that the machines in this array may no longer be present in
# the Vagrantfile of this environment. In this case the machine can
# be considered an "orphan." Determining which machines are orphan
# and which aren't is not currently a supported feature, but will
# be in a future version.
# @return [Array<String, Symbol>]
def active_machines
machine_folder = @local_data_path.join("machines")
# If the machine folder is not a directory then we just return
# an empty array since no active machines exist.
return [] if !machine_folder.directory?
# Traverse the machines folder accumulate a result
result = []
machine_folder.children(true).each do |name_folder|
# If this isn't a directory then it isn't a machine
next if !name_folder.directory?
name = name_folder.basename.to_s.to_sym
name_folder.children(true).each do |provider_folder|
# If this isn't a directory then it isn't a provider
next if !provider_folder.directory?
# If this machine doesn't have an ID, then ignore
next if !provider_folder.join("id").file?
provider = provider_folder.basename.to_s.to_sym
result << [name, provider]
# Return the results
# This creates a new batch action, yielding it, and then running it
# once the block is called.
# This handles the case where batch actions are disabled by the
# VAGRANT_NO_PARALLEL environmental variable.
def batch(parallel=true)
parallel = false if ENV["VAGRANT_NO_PARALLEL"]
@batch_lock.synchronize do
BatchAction.new(parallel).tap do |b|
# Yield it so that the caller can setup actions
yield b
# And run it!
# This returns the provider name for the default provider for this
# environment. The provider returned is currently hardcoded to "virtualbox"
# but one day should be a detected valid, best-case provider for this
# environment.
# @return [Symbol] Name of the default provider.
def default_provider
(ENV['VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER'] || :virtualbox).to_sym
# Returns the collection of boxes for the environment.
# @return [BoxCollection]
def boxes
@_boxes ||= BoxCollection.new(boxes_path, temp_dir_root: tmp_path)
# This is the global config, comprised of loading configuration from
# the default, home, and root Vagrantfiles. This configuration is only
# really useful for reading the list of virtual machines, since each
# individual VM can override _most_ settings.
# This is lazy-loaded upon first use.
# @return [Object]
def config_global
return @config_global if @config_global
@logger.info("Initializing config...")
home_vagrantfile = nil
root_vagrantfile = nil
home_vagrantfile = find_vagrantfile(home_path) if home_path
root_vagrantfile = find_vagrantfile(root_path, @vagrantfile_name) if root_path
# Create the configuration loader and set the sources that are global.
# We use this to load the configuration, and the list of machines we are
# managing. Then, the actual individual configuration is loaded for
# each {#machine} call.
@config_loader = Config::Loader.new(Config::VERSIONS, Config::VERSIONS_ORDER)
@config_loader.set(:default, File.expand_path("config/default.rb", Vagrant.source_root))
@config_loader.set(:home, home_vagrantfile) if home_vagrantfile
@config_loader.set(:root, root_vagrantfile) if root_vagrantfile
# Make the initial call to get the "global" config. This is mostly
# only useful to get the list of machines that we are managing.
# Because of this, we ignore any warnings or errors.
@config_global, _ = @config_loader.load([:default, :home, :root])
# Return the config
# This defines a hook point where plugin action hooks that are registered
# against the given name will be run in the context of this environment.
# @param [Symbol] name Name of the hook.
def hook(name)
@logger.info("Running hook: #{name}")
callable = Action::Builder.new
:action_name => name,
:env => self)
# This returns a machine with the proper provider for this environment.
# The machine named by `name` must be in this environment.
# @param [Symbol] name Name of the machine (as configured in the
# Vagrantfile).
# @param [Symbol] provider The provider that this machine should be
# backed by.
# @param [Boolean] refresh If true, then if there is a cached version
# it is reloaded.
# @return [Machine]
def machine(name, provider, refresh=false)
@logger.info("Getting machine: #{name} (#{provider})")
# Compose the cache key of the name and provider, and return from
# the cache if we have that.
cache_key = [name, provider]
@machines ||= {}
if refresh
@logger.info("Refreshing machine (busting cache): #{name} (#{provider})")
if @machines.has_key?(cache_key)
@logger.info("Returning cached machine: #{name} (#{provider})")
return @machines[cache_key]
@logger.info("Uncached load of machine.")
sub_vm = config_global.vm.defined_vms[name]
if !sub_vm
raise Errors::MachineNotFound, :name => name, :provider => provider
provider_plugin = Vagrant.plugin("2").manager.providers[provider]
if !provider_plugin
raise Errors::ProviderNotFound, :machine => name, :provider => provider
# Extra the provider class and options from the plugin data
provider_cls = provider_plugin[0]
provider_options = provider_plugin[1]
# Build the machine configuration. This requires two passes: The first pass
# loads in the machine sub-configuration. Since this can potentially
# define a new box to base the machine from, we then make a second pass
# with the box Vagrantfile (if it has one).
vm_config_key = "vm_#{name}".to_sym
@config_loader.set(vm_config_key, sub_vm.config_procs)
config, config_warnings, config_errors = \
@config_loader.load([:default, :home, :root, vm_config_key])
# Determine the possible box formats for any boxes and find the box
box_formats = provider_options[:box_format] || provider
box = nil
# Set this variable in order to keep track of if the box changes
# too many times.
original_box = config.vm.box
box_changed = false
load_box_and_overrides = lambda do
box = nil
if config.vm.box
box = boxes.find(config.vm.box, box_formats)
rescue Errors::BoxUpgradeRequired
# Upgrade the box if we must
@logger.info("Upgrading box during config load: #{config.vm.box}")
# If a box was found, then we attempt to load the Vagrantfile for
# that box. We don't require a box since we allow providers to download
# boxes and so on.
if box
box_vagrantfile = find_vagrantfile(box.directory)
if box_vagrantfile
# The box has a custom Vagrantfile, so we load that into the config
# as well.
@logger.info("Box exists with Vagrantfile. Reloading machine config.")
box_config_key = "box_#{box.name}_#{box.provider}".to_sym
@config_loader.set(box_config_key, box_vagrantfile)
config, config_warnings, config_errors = \
@config_loader.load([:default, box_config_key, :home, :root, vm_config_key])
# If there are provider overrides for the machine, then we run
# those as well.
provider_overrides = config.vm.get_provider_overrides(provider)
if provider_overrides.length > 0
@logger.info("Applying #{provider_overrides.length} provider overrides. Reloading config.")
provider_override_key = "vm_#{name}_#{config.vm.box}_#{provider}".to_sym
@config_loader.set(provider_override_key, provider_overrides)
config, config_warnings, config_errors = \
@config_loader.load([:default, box_config_key, :home, :root, vm_config_key, provider_override_key])
if config.vm.box && original_box != config.vm.box
if box_changed
# We already changed boxes once, so report an error that a
# box is attempting to change boxes again.
raise Errors::BoxConfigChangingBox
# The box changed, probably due to the provider override. Let's
# run the configuration one more time with the new box.
@logger.info("Box changed to: #{config.vm.box}. Reloading configurations.")
original_box = config.vm.box
box_changed = true
# Recurse so that we reload all the configurations
# Load the box and overrides configuration
# Get the provider configuration from the final loaded configuration
provider_config = config.vm.get_provider_config(provider)
# Determine the machine data directory and pass it to the machine.
# XXX: Permissions error here.
machine_data_path = @local_data_path.join("machines/#{name}/#{provider}")
# If there were warnings or errors we want to output them
if !config_warnings.empty? || !config_errors.empty?
# The color of the output depends on whether we have warnings
# or errors...
level = config_errors.empty? ? :warn : :error
output = Util::TemplateRenderer.render(
:warnings => config_warnings,
:errors => config_errors).chomp
@ui.send(level, I18n.t("vagrant.general.config_upgrade_messages",
name: name,
:output => output))
# If we had errors, then we bail
raise Errors::ConfigUpgradeErrors if !config_errors.empty?
# Create the machine and cache it for future calls. This will also
# return the machine from this method.
@machines[cache_key] = Machine.new(name, provider, provider_cls, provider_config,
provider_options, config, machine_data_path, box, self)
# This returns a list of the configured machines for this environment.
# Each of the names returned by this method is valid to be used with
# the {#machine} method.
# @return [Array<Symbol>] Configured machine names.
def machine_names
# This returns the name of the machine that is the "primary." In the
# case of a single-machine environment, this is just the single machine
# name. In the case of a multi-machine environment, then this can
# potentially be nil if no primary machine is specified.
# @return [Symbol]
def primary_machine_name
# If it is a single machine environment, then return the name
return machine_names.first if machine_names.length == 1
# If it is a multi-machine environment, then return the primary
config_global.vm.defined_vms.each do |name, subvm|
return name if subvm.options[:primary]
# If no primary was specified, nil it is
# Unload the environment, running completion hooks. The environment
# should not be used after this (but CAN be, technically). It is
# recommended to always immediately set the variable to `nil` after
# running this so you can't accidentally run any more methods. Example:
# env.unload
# env = nil
def unload
# Makes a call to the CLI with the given arguments as if they
# came from the real command line (sometimes they do!). An example:
# env.cli("package", "--vagrantfile", "Vagrantfile")
def cli(*args)
CLI.new(args.flatten, self).execute
# Returns the host object associated with this environment.
# @return [Class]
def host
return @host if defined?(@host)
# Attempt to figure out the host class. Note that the order
# matters here, so please don't touch. Specifically: The symbol
# check is done after the detect check because the symbol check
# will return nil, and we don't want to trigger a detect load.
host_klass = config_global.vagrant.host
if host_klass.nil? || host_klass == :detect
hosts = Vagrant.plugin("2").manager.hosts.to_hash
# Get the flattened list of available hosts
host_klass = Hosts.detect(hosts)
# If no host class is detected, we use the base class.
host_klass ||= Vagrant.plugin("2", :host)
@host ||= host_klass.new(@ui)
# Action runner for executing actions in the context of this environment.
# @return [Action::Runner]
def action_runner
@action_runner ||= Action::Runner.new do
:action_runner => action_runner,
:box_collection => boxes,
:global_config => config_global,
:host => host,
:gems_path => gems_path,
:home_path => home_path,
:root_path => root_path,
:tmp_path => tmp_path,
:ui => @ui
# The root path is the path where the top-most (loaded last)
# Vagrantfile resides. It can be considered the project root for
# this environment.
# @return [String]
def root_path
return @root_path if defined?(@root_path)
root_finder = lambda do |path|
# Note: To remain compatible with Ruby 1.8, we have to use
# a `find` here instead of an `each`.
vf = find_vagrantfile(path, @vagrantfile_name)
return path if vf
return nil if path.root? || !File.exist?(path)
@root_path = root_finder.call(cwd)
# This returns the path which Vagrant uses to determine the location
# of the file lock. This is specific to each operating system.
def lock_path
@lock_path || tmp_path.join("vagrant.lock")
# This locks Vagrant for the duration of the block passed to this
# method. During this time, any other environment which attempts
# to lock which points to the same lock file will fail.
def lock
# This allows multiple locks in the same process to be nested
return yield if @lock_acquired
File.open(lock_path, "w+") do |f|
# The file locking fails only if it returns "false." If it
# succeeds it returns a 0, so we must explicitly check for
# the proper error case.
raise Errors::EnvironmentLockedError if f.flock(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB) === false
# Mark that we have a lock
@lock_acquired = true
# We need to make sure that no matter what this is always
# reset to false so we don't think we have a lock when we
# actually don't.
@lock_acquired = false
# Load Methods
# This sets the `@home_path` variable properly.
# @return [Pathname]
def setup_home_path
@home_path = Pathname.new(File.expand_path(@home_path ||
@logger.info("Home path: #{@home_path}")
# Setup the list of child directories that need to be created if they
# don't already exist.
dirs = [@home_path]
subdirs = ["boxes", "data", "gems", "rgloader", "tmp"]
dirs += subdirs.collect { |subdir| @home_path.join(subdir) }
# Go through each required directory, creating it if it doesn't exist
dirs.each do |dir|
next if File.directory?(dir)
@logger.info("Creating: #{dir}")
rescue Errno::EACCES
raise Errors::HomeDirectoryNotAccessible, :home_path => @home_path.to_s
# Create the version file to mark the version of the home directory
# we're using.
version_file = @home_path.join("setup_version")
if !version_file.file?
@logger.debug("Setting up the version file.")
version_file.open("w") do |f|
# Create the rgloader/loader file so we can use encoded files.
loader_file = @home_path.join("rgloader", "loader.rb")
if !loader_file.file?
source_loader = Vagrant.source_root.join("templates/rgloader.rb")
FileUtils.cp(source_loader.to_s, loader_file.to_s)
# This creates the local data directory and show an error if it
# couldn't properly be created.
def setup_local_data_path
if @local_data_path.nil?
@logger.warn("No local data path is set. Local data cannot be stored.")
@logger.info("Local data path: #{@local_data_path}")
# If the local data path is a file, then we are probably seeing an
# old (V1) "dotfile." In this case, we upgrade it. The upgrade process
# will remove the old data file if it is successful.
if @local_data_path.file?
@logger.debug("Creating: #{@local_data_path}")
rescue Errno::EACCES
raise Errors::LocalDataDirectoryNotAccessible,
:local_data_path => @local_data_path.to_s
# This method copies the private key into the home directory if it
# doesn't already exist.
# This must be done because `ssh` requires that the key is chmod
# 0600, but if Vagrant is installed as a separate user, then the
# effective uid won't be able to read the key. So the key is copied
# to the home directory and chmod 0600.
def copy_insecure_private_key
if !@default_private_key_path.exist?
@logger.info("Copying private key to home directory")
source = File.expand_path("keys/vagrant", Vagrant.source_root)
destination = @default_private_key_path
FileUtils.cp(source, destination)
rescue Errno::EACCES
raise Errors::CopyPrivateKeyFailed,
:source => source,
:destination => destination
if !Util::Platform.windows?
# On Windows, permissions don't matter as much, so don't worry
# about doing chmod.
if Util::FileMode.from_octal(@default_private_key_path.stat.mode) != "600"
@logger.info("Changing permissions on private key to 0600")
# This returns the default home directory path for Vagrant, which
# can differ depending on the system.
# @return [Pathname]
def default_home_path
path = "~/.vagrant.d"
# On Windows, we default ot the USERPROFILE directory if it
# is available. This is more compatible with Cygwin and sharing
# the home directory across shells.
if Util::Platform.windows? && ENV["USERPROFILE"]
path = "#{ENV["USERPROFILE"]}/.vagrant.d"
# Finds the Vagrantfile in the given directory.
# @param [Pathname] path Path to search in.
# @return [Pathname]
def find_vagrantfile(search_path, filenames=nil)
filenames ||= ["Vagrantfile", "vagrantfile"]
filenames.each do |vagrantfile|
current_path = search_path.join(vagrantfile)
return current_path if current_path.file?
# Loads the Vagrant plugins by properly setting up RubyGems so that
# our private gem repository is on the path.
def load_plugins
# Add our private gem path to the gem path and reset the paths
# that Rubygems knows about.
ENV["GEM_PATH"] = "#{@gems_path}#{::File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{ENV["GEM_PATH"]}"
# If we're in a Bundler environment, don't load plugins. This only
# happens in plugin development environments.
if defined?(Bundler)
require 'bundler/shared_helpers'
if Bundler::SharedHelpers.in_bundle?
@logger.warn("In a bundler environment, not loading environment plugins!")
# Load the plugins
plugins_json_file = @home_path.join("plugins.json")
@logger.debug("Loading plugins from: #{plugins_json_file}")
if plugins_json_file.file?
data = JSON.parse(plugins_json_file.read)
data["installed"].each do |plugin|
@logger.info("Loading plugin from JSON: #{plugin}")
rescue Errors::PluginLoadError => e
@ui.error(e.message + "\n")
rescue Errors::PluginLoadFailed => e
@ui.error(e.message + "\n")
# This upgrades a Vagrant 1.0.x "dotfile" to the new V2 format.
# This is a destructive process. Once the upgrade is complete, the
# old dotfile is removed, and the environment becomes incompatible for
# Vagrant 1.0 environments.
# @param [Pathname] path The path to the dotfile
def upgrade_v1_dotfile(path)
@logger.info("Upgrading V1 dotfile to V2 directory structure...")
# First, verify the file isn't empty. If it is an empty file, we
# just delete it and go on with life.
contents = path.read.strip
if contents.strip == ""
@logger.info("V1 dotfile was empty. Removing and moving on.")
# Otherwise, verify there is valid JSON in here since a Vagrant
# environment would always ensure valid JSON. This is a sanity check
# to make sure we don't nuke a dotfile that is not ours...
@logger.debug("Attempting to parse JSON of V1 file")
json_data = nil
json_data = JSON.parse(contents)
@logger.debug("JSON parsed successfully. Things are okay.")
rescue JSON::ParserError
# The file could've been tampered with since Vagrant 1.0.x is
# supposed to ensure that the contents are valid JSON. Show an error.
raise Errors::DotfileUpgradeJSONError,
:state_file => path.to_s
# Alright, let's upgrade this guy to the new structure. Start by
# backing up the old dotfile.
backup_file = path.dirname.join(".vagrant.v1.#{Time.now.to_i}")
@logger.info("Renaming old dotfile to: #{backup_file}")
# Now, we create the actual local data directory. This should succeed
# this time since we renamed the old conflicting V1.
if json_data["active"]
@logger.debug("Upgrading to V2 style for each active VM")
json_data["active"].each do |name, id|
@logger.info("Upgrading dotfile: #{name} (#{id})")
# Create the machine configuration directory
directory = @local_data_path.join("machines/#{name}/virtualbox")
# Write the ID file
directory.join("id").open("w+") do |f|
# Upgrade complete! Let the user know
:backup_path => backup_file.to_s))