Like Vagrant's default SSH behaviors (e.g ssh or ssh-config commands), the Ansible provisioner should by default not modify or read the user known host file (e.g. ~/.ssh/known_hosts). Given that `UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null` SSH option is usually combined with `StrictHostKeyChecking=no`, it seems quite reasonable to bind the activation/disactivation of both options to `host_key_checking` provisioner attribute. For the records, a discussion held in Ansible-Development mailing list clearly confirmed that there is no short-term plan to adapt Ansible to offer an extra option or change the behavior of ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING. For this reason, the current implementation seems reasonable and should be stable on the long run. Close #3900 Related References: -!msg/ansible-devel/iuoZs1oImNs/6xrj5oa1CmoJ - |
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Vagrant Documentation
This is the repository for the Vagrant Documentation website.
This is a Middleman project, which builds a static site from these source files. The site is hosted on Heroku and then fronted by Fastly.
Contributions Welcome!
If you find a typo or you feel like you can improve the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, we welcome contributions. Feel free to open issues or pull requests like any normal GitHub project, and we'll merge it in.
Running the Site Locally
Running the site locally is simple. Clone this repo and run the following commands:
$ bundle
$ bundle exec middleman server
Then open up localhost:4567
. Note that some URLs you may need to append
".html" to make them work (in the navigation and such).