121 lines
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121 lines
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require "fileutils"
require "pathname"
require "log4r"
require "posix-spawn"
require File.expand_path("../tempdir", __FILE__)
module Acceptance
# This class manages an isolated environment for Vagrant to
# run in. It creates a temporary directory to act as the
# working directory as well as sets a custom home directory.
class IsolatedEnvironment
include POSIX::Spawn
attr_reader :homedir
attr_reader :workdir
# Initializes an isolated environment. You can pass in some
# options here to configure runing custom applications in place
# of others as well as specifying environmental variables.
# @param [Hash] apps A mapping of application name (such as "vagrant")
# to an alternate full path to the binary to run.
# @param [Hash] env Additional environmental variables to inject
# into the execution environments.
def initialize(apps=nil, env=nil)
@logger = Log4r::Logger.new("acceptance::isolated_environment")
@apps = apps || {}
@env = env || {}
# Create a temporary directory for our work
@tempdir = Tempdir.new("vagrant")
@logger.info("Initialize isolated environment: #{@tempdir.path}")
# Setup the home and working directories
@homedir = Pathname.new(File.join(@tempdir.path, "home"))
@workdir = Pathname.new(File.join(@tempdir.path, "work"))
@env["HOME"] = @homedir.to_s
# Executes a command in the context of this isolated environment.
# Any command executed will therefore see our temporary directory
# as the home directory.
def execute(command, *argN)
command = replace_command(command)
# Add our hash options to the arguments list
argN << { :chdir => @workdir.to_s }
# Execute in a separate process, wait for it to complete, and
# return the IO streams.
@logger.info("Executing: #{command} #{argN.inspect}. Output will stream in...")
pid, stdin, stdout, stderr = popen4(@env, command, *argN)
io_data = {
stdout => "",
stderr => ""
while results = IO.select([stdout, stderr], nil, nil, 5)
rs = results[0]
next if rs.empty?
rs.each do |r|
data = r.readline
io_data[r] += data
io_name = r == stdout ? "stdout" : "stderr"
@logger.debug("[#{io_name}] #{data.chomp}")
_pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid)
@logger.debug("Exit status: #{status.exitstatus}")
return ExecuteProcess.new(status.exitstatus, io_data[stdout], io_data[stderr])
# Closes the environment, cleans up the temporary directories, etc.
def close
# Delete the temporary directory
@logger.info("Removing isolated environment: #{@tempdir.path}")
# This replaces a command with a replacement defined when this
# isolated environment was initialized. If nothing was defined,
# then the command itself is returned.
def replace_command(command)
return @apps[command] if @apps.has_key?(command)
return command
# This class represents a process which has run via the IsolatedEnvironment.
# This is a readonly structure that can be used to inspect the exit status,
# stdout, stderr, etc. from the process which ran.
class ExecuteProcess
attr_reader :exit_status
attr_reader :stdout
attr_reader :stderr
def initialize(exit_status, stdout, stderr)
@exit_status = exit_status
@stdout = stdout
@stderr = stderr
def success?
@exit_status == 0