182 lines
5.3 KiB
182 lines
5.3 KiB
require_relative "../../../base"
require Vagrant.source_root.join("plugins/pushes/atlas/config")
require Vagrant.source_root.join("plugins/pushes/atlas/push")
describe VagrantPlugins::AtlasPush::Push do
include_context "unit"
let(:bin) { VagrantPlugins::AtlasPush::Push::UPLOADER_BIN }
let(:env) do
iso_env = isolated_environment
let(:config) do
VagrantPlugins::AtlasPush::Config.new.tap do |c|
subject { described_class.new(env, config) }
before do
# Stub this right away to avoid real execs
allow(Vagrant::Util::SafeExec).to receive(:exec)
# describe "#push" do
# it "pushes with the uploader" do
# allow(subject).to receive(:uploader_path).and_return("foo")
# expect(subject).to receive(:execute).with("foo")
# subject.push
# end
# it "raises an exception if the uploader couldn't be found" do
# expect(subject).to receive(:uploader_path).and_return(nil)
# expect { subject.push }.to raise_error(
# VagrantPlugins::AtlasPush::Errors::UploaderNotFound)
# end
# end
# describe "#execute" do
# let(:app) { "foo/bar" }
# before do
# config.app = app
# end
# it "sends the basic flags" do
# expect(Vagrant::Util::SafeExec).to receive(:exec).
# with("foo", "-vcs", app, env.root_path.to_s)
# subject.execute("foo")
# end
# it "doesn't send VCS if disabled" do
# expect(Vagrant::Util::SafeExec).to receive(:exec).
# with("foo", app, env.root_path.to_s)
# config.vcs = false
# subject.execute("foo")
# end
# it "sends includes" do
# expect(Vagrant::Util::SafeExec).to receive(:exec).
# with("foo", "-vcs", "-include", "foo", "-include",
# "bar", app, env.root_path.to_s)
# config.includes = ["foo", "bar"]
# subject.execute("foo")
# end
# it "sends excludes" do
# expect(Vagrant::Util::SafeExec).to receive(:exec).
# with("foo", "-vcs", "-exclude", "foo", "-exclude",
# "bar", app, env.root_path.to_s)
# config.excludes = ["foo", "bar"]
# subject.execute("foo")
# end
# it "sends custom server address" do
# expect(Vagrant::Util::SafeExec).to receive(:exec).
# with("foo", "-vcs", "-address", "foo", app, env.root_path.to_s)
# config.address = "foo"
# subject.execute("foo")
# end
# it "sends custom token" do
# expect(Vagrant::Util::SafeExec).to receive(:exec).
# with("foo", "-vcs", "-token", "atlas_token", app, env.root_path.to_s)
# config.token = "atlas_token"
# subject.execute("foo")
# end
# context "when metadata is available" do
# let(:env) do
# iso_env = isolated_environment
# iso_env.vagrantfile <<-EOH
# Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# config.vm.box = "hashicorp/precise64"
# config.vm.box_url = "https://atlas.hashicorp.com/hashicorp/precise64"
# end
# iso_env.create_vagrant_env
# end
# it "sends the metadata" do
# expect(Vagrant::Util::SafeExec).to receive(:exec).
# with("foo", "-vcs", "-metadata", "box=hashicorp/precise64",
# "-metadata", "box_url=https://atlas.hashicorp.com/hashicorp/precise64",
# "-token", "atlas_token", app, env.root_path.to_s)
# config.token = "atlas_token"
# subject.execute("foo")
# end
# end
# end
# describe "#uploader_path" do
# let(:scratch) do
# Pathname.new(Dir.mktmpdir("vagrant-test-atlas-push-upload-path"))
# end
# after do
# FileUtils.rm_rf(scratch)
# end
# it "should return the configured path if set" do
# config.uploader_path = "foo"
# expect(subject.uploader_path).to eq("foo")
# end
# it "should look up the uploader via PATH if not set" do
# allow(Vagrant).to receive(:in_installer?).and_return(false)
# expect(Vagrant::Util::Which).to receive(:which).
# with(described_class.const_get(:UPLOADER_BIN)).
# and_return("bar")
# expect(subject.uploader_path).to eq("bar")
# end
# it "should look up the uploader in the embedded dir if installer" do
# allow(Vagrant).to receive(:in_installer?).and_return(true)
# allow(Vagrant).to receive(:installer_embedded_dir).and_return(scratch.to_s)
# bin_path = scratch.join("bin", bin)
# bin_path.dirname.mkpath
# bin_path.open("w+") { |f| f.write("hi") }
# expect(subject.uploader_path).to eq(bin_path.to_s)
# end
# it "should look up the uploader in the PATH if not in the installer" do
# allow(Vagrant).to receive(:in_installer?).and_return(true)
# allow(Vagrant).to receive(:installer_embedded_dir).and_return(scratch.to_s)
# expect(Vagrant::Util::Which).to receive(:which).
# with(described_class.const_get(:UPLOADER_BIN)).
# and_return("bar")
# expect(subject.uploader_path).to eq("bar")
# end
# it "should return nil if its not found anywhere" do
# allow(Vagrant).to receive(:in_installer?).and_return(false)
# allow(Vagrant::Util::Which).to receive(:which).and_return(nil)
# expect(subject.uploader_path).to be_nil
# end
# end