
303 lines
11 KiB

require "digest/sha1"
require "tmpdir"
require "archive/tar/minitar"
require "log4r"
module Vagrant
# Represents a collection a boxes found on disk. This provides methods
# for accessing/finding individual boxes, adding new boxes, or deleting
# boxes.
class BoxCollection
# The directory where the boxes in this collection are stored.
# A box collection matches a very specific folder structure that Vagrant
# expects in order to easily manage and modify boxes. The folder structure
# is the following:
# Where:
# * COLLECTION_ROOT - This is the root of the box collection, and is
# the directory given to the initializer.
# * BOX_NAME - The name of the box. This is a logical name given by
# the user of Vagrant.
# * PROVIDER - The provider that the box was built for (VirtualBox,
# VMWare, etc.).
# * metadata.json - A simple JSON file that at the bare minimum
# contains a "provider" key that matches the provider for the
# box. This metadata JSON, however, can contain anything.
# @return [Pathname]
attr_reader :directory
# Initializes the collection.
# @param [Pathname] directory The directory that contains the collection
# of boxes.
def initialize(directory)
@directory = directory
@logger ="vagrant::box_collection")
# This adds a new box to the system.
# There are some exceptional cases:
# * BoxAlreadyExists - The box you're attempting to add already exists.
# * BoxProviderDoesntMatch - If the given box provider doesn't match the
# actual box provider in the untarred box.
# * BoxUnpackageFailure - An invalid tar file.
# * BoxUpgradeRequired - You're attempting to add a box when there is a
# V1 box with the same name that must first be upgraded.
# Preconditions:
# * File given in `path` must exist.
# @param [Pathname] path Path to the box file on disk.
# @param [String] name Logical name for the box.
# @param [Symbol] provider The provider that the box should be for. This
# will be verified with the `metadata.json` file in the box and is
# meant as a basic check. If this isn't given, then whatever provider
# the box represents will be added.
def add(path, name, provider=nil)
# A helper to check if a box exists. We store this in a variable
# since we call it multiple times.
check_box_exists = lambda do |box_provider|
if find(name, box_provider)
@logger.error("Box already exists, can't add: #{name} #{box_provider}")
raise Errors::BoxAlreadyExists, :name => name, :provider => box_provider
log_provider = provider ? provider : "any provider"
@logger.debug("Adding box: #{name} (#{log_provider}) from #{path}")
# Verify the box doesn't exist early if we're given a provider. This
# can potentially speed things up considerably since we don't need
# to unpack any files. if provider
# Verify that a V1 box doesn't exist. If it does, then we signal
# to the user that we need an upgrade.
raise Errors::BoxUpgradeRequired, :name => name if v1_box?(@directory.join(name))
# Create a temporary directory since we're not sure at this point if
# the box we're unpackaging already exists (if no provider was given)
Dir.mktmpdir("vagrant-") do |temp_dir|
temp_dir =
# Extract the box into a temporary directory.
@logger.debug("Unpacking box into temporary directory: #{temp_dir}")
Archive::Tar::Minitar.unpack(path.to_s, temp_dir.to_s)
rescue SystemCallError
raise Errors::BoxUnpackageFailure
# If we get a V1 box, we want to update it in place
if v1_box?(temp_dir)
@logger.debug("Added box is a V1 box. Upgrading in place.")
temp_dir = v1_upgrade(temp_dir)
# Get an instance of the box we just added before it is finalized
# in the system so we can inspect and use its metadata.
box =, provider, temp_dir)
# Get the provider, since we'll need that to at the least add it
# to the system or check that it matches what is given to us.
box_provider = box.metadata["provider"]
if provider
# Verify that the given provider matches what the box has.
if box_provider.to_sym != provider
@logger.error("Added box provider doesnt match expected: #{box_provider}")
raise Errors::BoxProviderDoesntMatch, :expected => provider, :actual => box_provider
# We weren't given a provider, so store this one.
provider = box_provider.to_sym
# Verify the box doesn't already exist
# Create the directory that'll store our box
final_dir = @directory.join(name, provider.to_s)
@logger.debug("Final box directory: #{final_dir}")
# Move to the final destination
File.rename(temp_dir, final_dir.to_s)
# Recreate the directory. This avoids a bug in Ruby where `mktmpdir`
# cleanup doesn't check if the directory is already gone. Ruby bug
# #6715:
Dir.mkdir(temp_dir, 0700)
# Return the box
find(name, provider)
# This returns an array of all the boxes on the system, given by
# their name and their provider.
# @return [Array] Array of `[name, provider]` pairs of the boxes
# installed on this system. An optional third element in the array
# may specify `:v1` if the box is a version 1 box.
def all
results = []
@logger.debug("Finding all boxes in: #{@directory}")
@directory.children(true).each do |child|
# Ignore non-directories, since files are not interesting to
# us in our folder structure.
next if !
box_name = child.basename.to_s
# If this is a V1 box, we still return that name, but specify
# that the box is a V1 box.
if v1_box?(child)
@logger.debug("V1 box found: #{box_name}")
results << [box_name, :virtualbox, :v1]
# Otherwise, traverse the subdirectories and see what providers
# we have.
child.children(true).each do |provider|
# Verify this is a potentially valid box. If it looks
# correct enough then include it.
if && provider.join("metadata.json").file?
provider_name = provider.basename.to_s.to_sym
@logger.debug("Box: #{box_name} (#{provider_name})")
results << [box_name, provider_name]
@logger.debug("Invalid box, ignoring: #{provider}")
# Find a box in the collection with the given name and provider.
# @param [String] name Name of the box (logical name).
# @Param [String] provider Provider that the box implements.
# @return [Box] The box found, or `nil` if not found.
def find(name, provider)
# First look directly for the box we're asking for.
box_directory = @directory.join(name, provider.to_s, "metadata.json")"Searching for box: #{name} (#{provider}) in #{box_directory}")
if box_directory.file?
@logger.debug("Box found: #{name} (#{provider})")
return, provider, box_directory.dirname)
# Check if a V1 version of this box exists, and if so, raise an
# exception notifying the caller that the box exists but needs
# to be upgraded. We don't do the upgrade here because it can be
# a fairly intensive activity and don't want to immediately degrade
# user performance on a find.
# To determine if it is a V1 box we just do a simple heuristic
# based approach."Searching for V1 box: #{name}")
if v1_box?(@directory.join(name))
@logger.warn("V1 box found: #{name}")
raise Errors::BoxUpgradeRequired, :name => name
# Didn't find it, return nil"Box not found: #{name} (#{provider})")
# Upgrades a V1 box with the given name to a V2 box. If a box with the
# given name doesn't exist, then a `BoxNotFound` exception will be raised.
# If the given box is found but is not a V1 box then `true` is returned
# because this just works fine.
# @return [Boolean] `true` otherwise an exception is raised.
def upgrade(name)
@logger.debug("Upgrade request for box: #{name}")
box_dir = @directory.join(name)
# If the box doesn't exist at all, raise an exception
raise Errors::BoxNotFound, :name => name if !
if v1_box?(box_dir)
@logger.debug("V1 box #{name} found. Upgrading!")
# First we actually perform the upgrade
temp_dir = v1_upgrade(box_dir)
# Rename the temporary directory to the provider.
temp_dir.rename(box_dir.join("virtualbox"))"Box '#{name}' upgraded from V1 to V2.")
# We did it! Or the v1 box didn't exist so it doesn't matter.
return true
# This checks if the given directory represents a V1 box on the
# system.
# @param [Pathname] dir Directory where the box is unpacked.
# @return [Boolean]
def v1_box?(dir)
# We detect a V1 box given by whether there is a "box.ovf" which
# is a heuristic but is pretty accurate.
# This upgrades the V1 box contained unpacked in the given directory
# and returns the directory of the upgraded version. This is
# _destructive_ to the contents of the old directory. That is, the
# contents of the old V1 box will be destroyed or moved.
# Preconditions:
# * `dir` is a valid V1 box. Verify with {#v1_box?}
# @param [Pathname] dir Directory where the V1 box is unpacked.
# @return [Pathname] Path to the unpackaged V2 box.
def v1_upgrade(dir)
@logger.debug("Upgrading box in directory: #{dir}")
temp_dir ="vagrant-"))
@logger.debug("Temporary directory for upgrading: #{temp_dir}")
# Move all the things into the temporary directory
dir.children(true).each do |child|
# Don't move the temp_dir
next if child == temp_dir
# Move every other directory into the temporary directory
@logger.debug("Copying to upgrade directory: #{child}"), temp_dir.join(child.basename))
# If there is no metadata.json file, make one, since this is how
# we determine if the box is a V2 box.
metadata_file = temp_dir.join("metadata.json")
if !metadata_file.file?"w") do |f|
:provider => "virtualbox"
# Return the temporary directory