198 lines
5.7 KiB
198 lines
5.7 KiB
require 'fileutils'
require "tempfile"
require "json"
require "log4r"
require "vagrant/box_metadata"
require "vagrant/util/downloader"
require "vagrant/util/platform"
require "vagrant/util/safe_chdir"
require "vagrant/util/subprocess"
module Vagrant
# Represents a "box," which is a package Vagrant environment that is used
# as a base image when creating a new guest machine.
class Box
include Comparable
# The box name. This is the logical name used when adding the box.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :name
# This is the provider that this box is built for.
# @return [Symbol]
attr_reader :provider
# The version of this box.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :version
# This is the directory on disk where this box exists.
# @return [Pathname]
attr_reader :directory
# This is the metadata for the box. This is read from the "metadata.json"
# file that all boxes require.
# @return [Hash]
attr_reader :metadata
# This is the URL to the version info and other metadata for this
# box.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :metadata_url
# This is used to initialize a box.
# @param [String] name Logical name of the box.
# @param [Symbol] provider The provider that this box implements.
# @param [Pathname] directory The directory where this box exists on
# disk.
def initialize(name, provider, version, directory, **opts)
@name = name
@version = version
@provider = provider
@directory = directory
@metadata_url = opts[:metadata_url]
metadata_file = directory.join("metadata.json")
raise Errors::BoxMetadataFileNotFound, :name => @name if !metadata_file.file?
@metadata = JSON.parse(directory.join("metadata.json").read)
rescue JSON::ParserError
raise Errors::BoxMetadataCorrupted, name: @name
@logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::box")
# This deletes the box. This is NOT undoable.
def destroy!
# Delete the directory to delete the box.
# Just return true always
rescue Errno::ENOENT
# This means the directory didn't exist. Not a problem.
return true
# Checks if this box is in use according to the given machine
# index and returns the entries that appear to be using the box.
# The entries returned, if any, are not tested for validity
# with {MachineIndex::Entry#valid?}, so the caller should do that
# if the caller cares.
# @param [MachineIndex] index
# @return [Array<MachineIndex::Entry>]
def in_use?(index)
results = []
index.each do |entry|
box_data = entry.extra_data["box"]
next if !box_data
# If all the data matches, record it
if box_data["name"] == self.name &&
box_data["provider"] == self.provider.to_s &&
box_data["version"] == self.version.to_s
results << entry
return nil if results.empty?
# Loads the metadata URL and returns the latest metadata associated
# with this box.
# @return [BoxMetadata]
def load_metadata
tf = Tempfile.new("vagrant")
url = @metadata_url
if File.file?(url) || url !~ /^[a-z0-9]+:.*$/i
url = File.expand_path(url)
url = Util::Platform.cygwin_windows_path(url)
url = "file:#{url}"
opts = { headers: ["Accept: application/json"] }
Util::Downloader.new(url, tf.path, **opts).download!
BoxMetadata.new(File.open(tf.path, "r"))
rescue Errors::DownloaderError => e
raise Errors::BoxMetadataDownloadError,
message: e.extra_data[:message]
tf.unlink if tf
# Checks if the box has an update and returns the metadata, version,
# and provider. If the box doesn't have an update that satisfies the
# constraints, it will return nil.
# This will potentially make a network call if it has to load the
# metadata from the network.
# @param [String] version Version constraints the update must
# satisfy. If nil, the version constrain defaults to being a
# larger version than this box.
# @return [Array]
def has_update?(version=nil)
if !@metadata_url
raise Errors::BoxUpdateNoMetadata, name: @name
version += ", " if version
version ||= ""
version += "> #{@version}"
md = self.load_metadata
newer = md.version(version, provider: @provider)
return nil if !newer
[md, newer, newer.provider(@provider)]
# This repackages this box and outputs it to the given path.
# @param [Pathname] path The full path (filename included) of where
# to output this box.
# @return [Boolean] true if this succeeds.
def repackage(path)
@logger.debug("Repackaging box '#{@name}' to: #{path}")
Util::SafeChdir.safe_chdir(@directory) do
# Find all the files in our current directory and tar it up!
files = Dir.glob(File.join(".", "**", "*"))
# Package!
Util::Subprocess.execute("bsdtar", "-czf", path.to_s, *files)
@logger.info("Repackaged box '#{@name}' successfully: #{path}")
# Implemented for comparison with other boxes. Comparison is
# implemented by comparing names and providers.
def <=>(other)
return super if !other.is_a?(self.class)
# Comparison is done by composing the name and provider
"#{@name}-#{@version}-#{@provider}" <=>