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90 lines
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module Vagrant
# Represents a "box," which is simply a packaged vagrant environment.
# Boxes are simply `tar` files which contain an exported VirtualBox
# virtual machine, at the least. They are created with `vagrant package`
# and may contain additional files if specified by the creator. This
# class serves to help manage these boxes, although most of the logic
# is kicked out to middlewares.
class Box
# The name of the box.
attr_accessor :name
# The URI for a new box. This is not available for existing boxes.
attr_accessor :uri
# The environment which this box belongs to. Although this could
# actually be many environments, this points to the environment
# of a specific instance.
attr_reader :env
class << self
# Adds a new box with given name from the given URI. This method
# begins the process of adding a box from a given URI by setting up
# the {Box} instance and calling {#add}.
# @param [String] name The name of the box
# @param [String] uri URI to the box file
def add(env, name, uri)
box = new(env, name)
box.uri = uri
# Creates a new box instance. Given an optional `name` parameter,
# newly created instance will have that name, otherwise it defaults
# to `nil`.
# **Note:** This method does not actually _create_ the box, but merely
# returns a new, abstract representation of it. To add a box, see {#add}.
def initialize(env=nil, name=nil)
@name = name
@env = env
# Returns path to the OVF file of the box. The OVF file is an open
# virtual machine file which contains specifications of the exported
# virtual machine this box contains.
# This will only be valid once the box is imported.
# @return [String]
def ovf_file
# Begins the process of adding a box to the vagrant installation. This
# method requires that `name` and `uri` be set. The logic of this method
# is kicked out to the `box_add` registered middleware.
def add
env.actions.run(:box_add, { "box" => self })
# Begins the process of destroying this box. This cannot be undone!
def destroy
env.actions.run(:box_remove, { "box" => self })
# Begins sequence to repackage this box.
def repackage(options=nil)
env.actions.run(:box_repackage, { "box" => self }.merge(options || {}))
# Returns the directory to the location of this boxes content in the local
# filesystem. Note that if the box isn't imported yet, then the path may not
# yet exist, but still represents where the box will be imported to.
# @return [String]
def directory
# Implemented for comparison with other boxes. Comparison is implemented
# by simply comparing name.
def <=>(other)
return super if !other.is_a?(self.class)
name <=> other.name