2024: meow

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2024-01-14 23:08:29 -05:00
parent c797501c70
commit 7d62a1ae92
2 changed files with 780 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base)
(define (s-text t [inset-amt 10])
(define p (text t))
(define-values [w h] (values (pict-width p) (pict-height p)))
(define bg (filled-rectangle w h #:draw-border? #f #:color "white"))
(inset (cc-superimpose bg p) inset-amt))
(define (s-frame color hatched? p)
(define-values [w h] (values (pict-width p) (pict-height p)))
(define bg (filled-rectangle w h #:draw-border? #f #:color "white"))
(define fr
(dc (λ (dc dx dy)
(define old-brush (send dc get-brush))
(define old-pen (send dc get-pen))
(define color-bg (make-object color%
(send color red)
(send color green)
(send color blue)
(send dc set-brush
(new brush% [style (if hatched? 'fdiagonal-hatch 'transparent)]
[color color-bg]))
(send dc set-pen
(new pen% [width 1] [color color]))
(define path (new dc-path%))
(send path move-to 0 0)
(send path line-to (- w 0.5) 0)
(send path line-to (- w 0.5) (- h 0.5))
(send path line-to 0 (- h 0.5))
(send path close)
(send dc draw-path path dx dy)
(send dc set-brush old-brush)
(send dc set-pen old-pen))
w h))
(cc-superimpose bg fr p))
(define (add-bottom-label p label-text [l-offset 0])
(define-values [w h] (values (- (pict-width p) l-offset) (pict-height p)))
(define bracket (hb-append (vline 0 5) (hline w 0) (vline 0 5)))
(define label (text label-text))
(vr-append p
(vc-append (inset bracket 0 10 0 0)
(cc-superimpose (blank w (pict-height label)) label))))
(define (backgroundify-diagram p-raw)
(define p (inset p-raw 20))
(cc-superimpose (filled-rectangle (pict-width p) (pict-height p)
#:draw-border? #f #:color "white")
(define (save-to-svg p name)
(define svg (new svg-dc%
[width (pict-width p)]
[height (pict-height p)]
[output (format "~a.svg" name)]
[exists 'replace]))
(send svg start-doc "rendering SVG")
(send svg start-page)
(draw-pict p svg 0 0)
(send svg end-page)
(send svg end-doc))
(define-simple-macro (define-diagram name:id value:expr)
#:with name-string (datum->syntax #'name (symbol->string (syntax->datum #'name)))
(save-to-svg (backgroundify-diagram value) name-string))
(define c-gray (make-object color% 150 150 150))
(define c-red (make-object color% 200 80 80))
(define c-blue (make-object color% 150 150 200))
(define c-green (make-object color% 30 200 30))
(define server-dir
(s-frame c-gray #f (s-text "server/")))
(define intermediate
(s-frame c-green #t (s-text "Intermediate/")))
(define saved
(s-frame c-green #t (s-text "Saved")))
(define config
(s-frame c-green #t (s-text ".config/")))
(define store-dir
(s-frame c-gray #f (s-text "/nix/store/...-satisfactory-dedicated-server...")))
(define tmp-dir
(s-frame c-green #t (s-text "tmp/")))
(define settings-dir
(s-frame c-green #t (s-text "settings/")))
(define saves-dir
(s-frame c-green #t (s-text "saves/")))
(define main-diagram
(s-frame c-red #t
(inset (s-frame c-gray #f (s-text "Engine/")) 10 0 0 0)
(inset (s-frame c-gray #f (s-text "<unreal engine files>")) 20 0 0 0)
(inset (s-frame c-gray #f (s-text "FactoryGame/")) 10 0 0 0)
(inset (s-frame c-gray #f (s-text "<game server data>")) 20 0 0 0)
(inset intermediate 20 0 0 0)
(inset saved 20 0 0 0)
(inset (s-frame c-gray #f (s-text "<more server data>")) 20 0 0 0)
"virtual filesystem (readonly tmpfs)")
(blank 80)
(s-frame c-gray #f
(blank 10 40)
(s-frame c-gray #f (s-text "<...>"))
(blank 10 40)
(s-frame c-green #t (s-text "<writable state dir>"))
(inset tmp-dir 10 0 0 0)
(inset settings-dir 10 0 0 0)
(inset saves-dir 10 0 0 0))
"real filesystem")))
(define-diagram bind-mounts
saves-dir lc-find
config rc-find
#:line-width 1
#:style 'solid
#:color "black"
#:label (s-text "bind" 0))
settings-dir lc-find
saved rc-find
#:line-width 1
#:style 'solid
#:color "black"
#:label (s-text "bind" 0))
tmp-dir lc-find
intermediate rc-find
#:line-width 1
#:style 'solid
#:color "black"
#:label (s-text "bind" 0))
store-dir lc-find
server-dir rc-find
#:line-width 1
#:style 'solid
#:color "black"
#:label (s-text "bind (ro)" 0)))

2024/misc/bind-mounts.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
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