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xenia 2023-09-19 04:17:07 -04:00
parent 270da29054
commit d98befe85a
8 changed files with 1094 additions and 0 deletions

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# CSAW quals 2023 post
i played CSAW quals this past weekend
there were some good parts and some bad parts. overall i think CSAW has needed a lot more QC in the
2 years that i've been playing it
anyway, given that there are official writeups (looking at them, the quality varies greatly by
challenge author, but y'know whatever) i'm going to limit this to two of the challenges i thought
were actually good and we can solve them dragon style :)
writeup index:
- [crypto: blocky noncense](#copying-and-pasting-code-you-don-t-entirely-understand-for-fun-and-profit-blocky-noncense)
- [crypto: mental poker](#poker-i-barely-even-mental-poker)

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## copying and pasting code you don't entirely understand for fun and profit: *blocky noncense*
> I designed this foolproof signing blockchain. I'll even let you sign as many signatures as you
> want!
it's time for everyone's favorite part of crypto challenges, *source review*
### `blocks.sage`
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import sig_sage as sig # this is generated from sig.sage
import hashlib
class Chain:
def __init__(self, seed):
self.flag = b"csaw{[REDACTED]}"
self.ecdsa = sig.ECDSA(seed)
self.blocks = {0: [hashlib.sha1(self.flag).digest(), self.ecdsa.sign(self.flag)]}
def commit(self, message, num):
formatted = self.blocks[num-1][0] + message
sig = self.ecdsa.sign(formatted)
self.blocks[num] = [hashlib.sha256(message).digest(), sig]
def view_messages(self):
return self.blocks
def verify_sig(self, r, s, message):
t = self.ecdsa.verify(r, s, message)
return t
this is the definition of the blockchain, we can see that the first block encodes the SHA-1 hash of
the flag, and every subsequent block is the SHA-256 (!) hash of the previous block hash combined
with the message, and a signature of the same data
### `sig.sage`
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import random
import hashlib
def _hash(msg):
return bytes_to_long(hashlib.sha1(msg).digest())
the hashes used for signature calculations are SHA-1. tbh i'm not sure why some hashes are SHA-1 and
others are SHA-256, and it's not relevant for the solution but we need to keep it in mind to be able
to replicate operations in the solution code
class LCG:
def __init__(self, seed, q):
self.q = q
self.a = random.randint(2,self.q)
self.b = random.randint(2,self.a)
self.c = random.randint(2,self.b)
self.d = random.randint(2,self.c)
self.seed = seed
def next(self):
seed = (self.a*self.seed^3 + self.b*self.seed^2 + self.c*self.seed + self.d) % self.q
self.seed = seed
return seed
this defines a Linear Congruential Generator, a type of PRNG that uses a polynomial over previous
state to generate new state. this one uses a cubic polynomial with random coefficients
class ECDSA:
def __init__(self, seed):
self.E = EllipticCurve(GF(self.p), [0, 7])
self.G = self.E.lift_x(55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240)
self.order = 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337
self.priv_key = random.randint(2,self.order)
self.pub_key = self.G*self.priv_key
self.lcg = LCG(seed, self.order)
it's always useful to double check elliptic curve params, so if we look up these numbers we can find
out that this is the curve `secp256k1` (also used in bitcoin). so it's just a standard curve, no
cheese going on
the other interesting bit here is the LCG is initialized with a modulus equal to the order of
`secp256k1` - this is sort of convenient for later
def sign(self, msg):
nonce =
hashed = _hash(msg)
r = int((self.G*nonce)[0]) % self.order
assert r != 0
s = (pow(nonce,-1,self.order)*(hashed + r*self.priv_key)) % self.order
return (r,s)
the sign function generates an ECDSA signature using the SHA-1 hash of the given message, and a
nonce value is computed using the LCG
one important fact you might know about ECDSA is that it's very dangerous to reuse nonces because it
allows recovery of the private key. however, nonce reuse doesn't seem to be an issue here, so we
have to find something else
also i cut out the `verify` function because we don't actually care
### `chall.sage`
it basically just makes a menu to interact with the challenge, it's not super interesting
### elliptic curve crypto
[skip this section](#duckduckbing-solve-this-for-me)
i'm going to actually go over ECC even though you really don't actually need to know what's going on
at all for this. just for context
**Group**: it's kind of like a generalization of addition (or multiplication??? don't think about it
too hard). for example, the integers with the integer addition operation are a group. specifically,
groups are a **set of elements** with a **binary operator** that takes two elements and produces a
third element that's in the set, and there's an **identity element** and an **inverse for every
element**. also the operation doesn't have to be commutative
**Field**: a generalization of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. something we're
interested in here is a *finite field* which is also called a *Galois field* (after this weird
french revolutionary who solved all of math in his teens and then died in a duel -- fucking
frenchmen am i right). a convenient type of finite field is integers modulo a prime number `p`. you
can take a moment to convince yourself that all arithmetic still works kinda like normal when it's
all modulo a prime number (also think of division as a multiplicative inverse). or don't, i'm not a
textbook author. this is called `GF(p)`
**Elliptic Curve**: an elliptic curve is defined by the equation `y^2 = x^3 + ax + b`. elliptic
curves can also be defined over *Galois fields*, in which case all the coordinates of points on the
curve will be integers. elliptic curves can conveniently form *groups* with the group operation of
point multiplication. don't worry about point multiplication except knowing that it takes two curve
points and produces a third point
when considering some elliptic curve `E` on `GF(p)`, a group can be formed using a generator point
`G` that is on the curve, and that is capable of producing every other point in the group by using
the group operator some number of times. so we say that `G` "multiplied" by some scalar `s` as in
`G*s` means that you are applying the group operation on `G` with itself `s` times. confusingly, we
notate this `G*s` despite the fact that it's really more analogous to "raising to a power". but
sometimes, if you have two elliptic curve points `A` and `B`, then `A*B` means simply doing the
group operation on `A` and `B` once. math people are normal, don't worry about it
the elliptic curve group also has an *order* `q`, which is the number of elements in the group. the
order is not necessarily the same as the size of the field that the curve is defined on (`p != q`)
there are a bunch of standard curves which are predefined for use in cryptography, so you don't have
to generate your own curves from scratch, which is hard. NIST produces several, and `secp256k1` is
one of the NIST curves
the property that makes this useful for cryptography is the difficulty of the *Discrete Logarithm
Problem*. basically, if you do `G*s` for some secret `s`, it's computationally Very Hard™ to recover
what `s` was
and now, finally, we get to signatures. first, generate a keypair. `d` is the private key, a scalar
in the range of `0..q`, and the public key is `Q = G*d`, a curve point
to sign a message `m`, take its hash `H(m)`. then, generate a random nonce `k` (the RNG must be very
strong). produce two values
r = (G*k).x % q
s = (k^-1) * (H(m) + r*d) % q
(btw here `(expr).x` means the x-coordinate of a curve point. also sorry for the confusing mixture
of group operation and regular arithmetic in `Zmod(q)`. for further questions, consult the nearest
wikipedia and/or crypto girl infodump)
the signature consists of the pair `(r, s)`, which you can also see in the challenge code
next, to verify a signature
u1 = H(m)*s^-1 % n
u2 = r*s^-1 % n
r == (u1*G + u2*Q).x
extracting the private key from a signature would require solving the discrete log problem, and
signatures cannot be forged without the private key
and that's basically it. now you know about elliptic curves
### duckduckbing solve this for me
top 10 CTF skills you need to have in 2023 -- search online for the solution to a problem
so i immediately went and searched for something like "ECDSA LCG attack", y'know just based on the
algorithms that are present here and what we want to do, and find this 2023 paper:
that's pretty convenient, but we don't have time to read a crypto paper, so scroll down to where
they list the PoC repo:
(the key takeaway is that you can construct a polynomial out of the signatures, knowing the
structure of the recurrence relation for the nonces, and then one of the roots of the polynomial is
the private key used for the signatures)
we need to adapt this to the challenge implementation of #blockchain, so next we take a look at the
basic implementation of the attack, ignoring all the stuff that is specific to bitcoin and ethereum,
which is in `original-attack/`
first, there's a comment explaining how many signatures we need to collect for our case
# N = the number of signatures to use, N >= 4
# the degree of the recurrence relation is N-3
# the number of unknown coefficients in the recurrence equation is N-2
# the degree of the final polynomial in d is 1 + Sum_(i=1)^(i=N-3)i
since the LCG has 4 unknown coefficients, we need `N=6`
now, we simply need to do the pro gamer strategy of copying and pasting code we barely understand
N = 6
Z = GF(order)
R = PolynomialRing(Z, names=('dd',))
(dd,) = R._first_ngens(1)
# the polynomial we construct will have degree 1 + Sum_(i=1)^(i=N-3)i in dd
# our task here is to compute this polynomial in a constructive way starting from the N signatures in the given list order
# the generic formula will be given in terms of differences of nonces, i.e. k_ij = k_i - k_j where i and j are the signature indexes
# each k_ij is a first-degree polynomial in dd
# this function has the goal of returning it given i and j
def k_ij_poly(i, j):
hi = Z(h[i])
hj = Z(h[j])
s_invi = Z(s_inv[i])
s_invj = Z(s_inv[j])
ri = Z(r[i])
rj = Z(r[j])
poly = dd*(ri*s_invi - rj*s_invj) + hi*s_invi - hj*s_invj
return poly
# the idea is to compute the polynomial recursively from the given degree down to 0
# the algorithm is as follows:
# for 4 signatures the second degree polynomial is:
# k_12*k_12 - k_23*k_01
# so we can compute its coefficients.
# the polynomial for N signatures has degree 1 + Sum_(i=1)^(i=N-3)i and can be derived from the one for N-1 signatures
# let's define dpoly(i, j) recursively as the dpoly of degree i starting with index j
def dpoly(n, i, j):
if i == 0:
return (k_ij_poly(j+1, j+2))*(k_ij_poly(j+1, j+2)) - (k_ij_poly(j+2, j+3))*(k_ij_poly(j+0, j+1))
left = dpoly(n, i-1, j)
for m in range(1,i+2):
left = left*(k_ij_poly(j+m, j+i+2))
right = dpoly(n, i-1, j+1)
for m in range(1,i+2):
right = right*(k_ij_poly(j, j+m))
return (left - right)
### rest of the fucking owl
now with the "hard" stuff out of the way we're actually gaming
let's build the rest of the solution
def _hex(x):
return binascii.hexlify(x).decode()
def _hash(msg):
return bytes_to_long(hashlib.sha1(msg).digest())
conn = nclib.Netcat(("", 5002))
so the strategy is: we make 6 messages with known contents, and then we retrieve the contents of the
blockchain, which includes the message hashes (note: SHA-256 hashes, the ones used for block
chaining, not the SHA-1 hashes used for the signature itself) and signatures. this also retrieves
the original block containing the flag, but since we don't know the flag we don't include that in
the attack algorithm
h = []
sgns = []
msgs = []
def get_messages(count):
all_msgs = []
conn.recv_until(b": ")
for i in range(count):
conn.recv_until(f"Block {i}\n".encode())
msg_line = conn.recv_line()
msg = binascii.unhexlify(msg_line.strip().split(b" ")[1])
sig_line = conn.recv_line()
sig_rs = sig_line.decode().split("(")[1].split(")")[0]
r, s = sig_rs.split(", ")
r = int(r)
s = int(s)
all_msgs.append((msg, r, s))
return all_msgs
for i in range(N):
msg = f"meow{i}".encode()
conn.recv_until(b": ")
all_msgs = get_messages(N+1)
next, we process the data into a form suitable for the paper's PoC code
for i in range(N):
(_, r, s) = all_msgs[i+1]
prev_msg = all_msgs[i][0]
real_hash = _hash(prev_msg + msgs[i])
s_inv = []
s = []
r = []
for i in range(N):
s_inv.append(ecdsa.numbertheory.inverse_mod(s[i], order))
finally, do the attack
poly_target = dpoly(N-4, N-4, 0)
d_guesses = poly_target.roots()
and send it to the server, which should then give back the flag
if len(d_guesses) == 1:
conn.recv_until(b": ")
res = str(d_guesses[0][0]).encode()
print("SENDING", res)
let's run this on the local copy and you can see it prints the flag
ncat --exec "/usr/bin/sage chall.sage" -lp 1337 &
sage attack.sage
b'Message 0058d5ebdef0730f71787e6ff2617ffdd3d0060f\n'
b'Message 5be17c92f7ecb50ab5a44969957c3c036122f7dbd8e2cd4fd7a5c1974ba22f66\n'
b'Message fec07ac858649497dedb5136d9c3eff1e61394c549286888fb0a893d74f035f2\n'
b'Message 1dbbae23136fd579d032d52cb6c5b516ead212103f0d2285092b9c5f1412bced\n'
b'Message 4231d9b332338107def060b2a271bf6d6aded7b643b54744538e99901b38886a\n'
b'Message 2014ed4b6e2ba09e8d3c5be90d81881d4ac30531adc7644436122386d2ee42b3\n'
b'Message 844005fbfdd684f7e9e07f751a48d2550b288f702bb3ed0004735471a41b1229\n'
[(109627846673527107412168645315617142862787762347616623632546915862323406286018, 1)]
SENDING b'109627846673527107412168645315617142862787762347616623632546915862323406286018'
b"So you think you can get the flag huh? Try your luck.\nPrivate Key: You must be our admin. Here's the flag b'csaw{[REDACTED]}'\n"
full attack script:

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## poker? i barely even- (mental poker)
> Let's play some mental poker.
it's another crypto challenge !
let's look at the source
class PRNG:
def __init__(self, seed = int(os.urandom(8).hex(),16)):
self.seed = seed
self.state = [self.seed]
self.index = 64
for i in range(63):
self.state.append((3 * (self.state[i] ^ (self.state[i-1] >> 4)) + i+1)%64)
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.state}"
def getnum(self):
if self.index >= 64:
for i in range(64):
y = (self.state[i] & 0x20) + (self.state[(i+1)%64] & 0x1f)
val = y >> 1
val = val ^ self.state[(i+42)%64]
if y & 1:
val = val ^ 37
self.state[i] = val
self.index = 0
seed = self.state[self.index]
self.index += 1
return (seed*15 + 17)%(2**6)
this implements a Mersenne Twister PRNG, seeded with `os.urandom`. the output is limited to 6 bits,
and seemingly it uses 64 bits of randomness to initialize the PRNG
then we have a fairly uninteresting implementation of poker which i'm going to skip over. there
isn't anything particularly wrong with it
def shuffle(deck):
new_deck = []
for i in range(len(deck)):
x = rng.getnum()
if deck[x] not in new_deck:
elif deck[i] not in new_deck:
for card in deck:
if card not in new_deck:
return new_deck
this shuffles the deck based on the PRNG above
ok and now for the weird stuff
p = getPrime(300)
q = getPrime(300)
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
N = p*q
print(f"Let's play some mental poker!\nIf you win 10 consecutive times, I'll give you a prize!\nHere are the primes we will use to generate our RSA public and private exponents --> {p}, {q}")
we get an RSA *private key* just like, for free. then (not shown here), we're prompted for a public
and private exponent for RSA, and the computer also comes up with its own public and private
exponent like this
while computer_e < 2 or computer_d < 1:
e_array = []
for _ in range(6):
computer_e = int(''.join(e_array))
if gcd(computer_e, phi) == 1:
computer_d = pow(computer_e,-1,phi)
interestingly, the card shuffling for the first round is done before the computer's exponents are
then, on each round, we get an encrypted deck -- that's encrypted with our public exponent as well
as the computer's
enc_deck = []
for card in deck:
assert len(set(enc_deck)) == len(deck_str)
print(f"Here is the shuffled encrypted deck --> {enc_deck}")
we are tasked with shuffling the deck and returning it, still in encrypted form. then, the computer
decrypts the deck and runs the poker algorithm to determine a winner
if you win 10 rounds, you get the (encrypted) flag
### the bug
the flaw in this happens in the PRNG. since this is used to generate the computer's private
exponent, if we can guess PRNG outputs then we can recover enough info to be able to decrypt the
deck fully
but first, there's a kind of pointless but convenient bug in the way your exponent is inputted. the
only checks done on your input are
if gcd(player_e, phi) == 1:
# accept
if (player_e*player_d)%phi == 1:
# accept
therefore, we can provide a `player_e` and `player_d` that are both `1`. this makes the logic to
decrypt the cards slightly easier
the issue with the PRNG is that despite at first glance looking like it is seeded with 8 bytes of
`urandom`, it's actually only seeded with 10 real bits of randomness
in the constructor, the state array is initialized with
for i in range(63):
self.state.append((3 * (self.state[i] ^ (self.state[i-1] >> 4)) + i+1)%64)
`state[0]` initially contains the full seed, but according to this code we can see only the lower 6
bits (due to the modulo) combined with 4 more bits (due to the bit shift) actually influence the
values of the other items in the state array. then, when the first call to `getnum` happens, the
twist operation is immediately performed, which normalizes all the values to be modulo 64, so
`state[0]` also ends up only dependent on the lower 6 bits of the seed value
we can verify this for ourselves
[ins] In [1]: from server import PRNG
[ins] In [2]: PRNG(0x1337c00 | 420).getnum()
Out[2]: 35
[nav] In [3]: PRNG(420).getnum()
Out[3]: 35
so basically, we have an extremely bruteforceable search space of 10 bits. that's a lot better than
### it's pokin' time / poked all over the place
given some copying and pasting of server code as well as importing it directly from the server
module, the solution script can basically simulate the same thing the server is doing each round
from server import PRNG, Card, card_str_to_Card, determine_winner
def sim_round(deck, rng, phi, computer_e, computer_d):
deck = shuffle(rng, deck)
print("local hacks 1", rng.seed, rng.index, rng.state)
while computer_e < 2 or computer_d < 1:
e_array = []
for _ in range(6):
computer_e = int(''.join(e_array))
if gcd(computer_e, phi) == 1:
computer_d = pow(computer_e,-1,phi)
return computer_e, computer_d, deck
def shuffle(rng, deck):
new_deck = []
for i in range(len(deck)):
x = rng.getnum()
if deck[x] not in new_deck:
elif deck[i] not in new_deck:
for card in deck:
if card not in new_deck:
return new_deck
next, we need to generate the deck
deck = []
deck_str = []
for suit in ["Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs"]:
for i in range(16):
deck.append(Card(suit, i))
deck_str = set(deck_str)
server_deck = list(deck)
`server_deck` will hold the copy of the deck that we think the server currently holds
we initialize the game by receiving `p` and `q` and sending `player_e` and `player_d`
r = remote("", 5001)
r.recvuntil(b"Here are")
r.recvuntil(b"--> ")
p, q = r.recvline().decode().strip().split(", ")
p = int(p)
q = int(q)
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
N = p*q
print("p=", p)
print("q=", q)
player_e = 1
player_d = 1
print("player_e=", player_e)
print("player_d=", player_d)
next, we get the deck for the first round
print(r.recvuntil(b"--> "))
deck = r.recvline().strip().decode()
deck = ast.literal_eval(deck)
now, we do the brute force to guess what the server's PRNG was seeded with. this is done over the 10
bits of seed search space, and the offset to the beginning of the PRNG outputs that are used to
generate the exponent
test_item = deck[0]
found_seed = None
for seed in tqdm.trange(2**10):
prng = PRNG(seed)
rand_values = []
for i in range(256):
found = False
for offset in range(249):
e_array = [str(x) for x in rand_values[offset:offset+6]]
computer_e = int(''.join(e_array))
if gcd(computer_e, phi) != 1:
computer_d = pow(computer_e, -1, phi)
test_card = long_to_bytes(pow(test_item, computer_d, N)).decode('iso-8859-1')
if test_card in deck_str:
print("found seed", test_card, seed)
found = True
found_seed = seed
if found:
now we just play the game, simulating the server's steps as we go and decrypting the cards we
receive using the recovered keys
prng = PRNG(found_seed)
computer_e, computer_d = -1, 0
for rndnum in range(10):
if rndnum > 0:
roundline = r.recvline()
print("roundline", roundline)
print(r.recvuntil(b"--> "))
deck = r.recvline().strip().decode()
deck = ast.literal_eval(deck)
# print("recv deck", deck)
computer_e, computer_d, server_deck = sim_round(server_deck, prng, phi, computer_e, computer_d)
print(computer_e, computer_d, prng.seed, prng.index, prng.state)
dec_cards = []
for enc_card in deck:
dec_card = long_to_bytes(pow(enc_card, computer_d, N)).decode()
print([str(c) for c in dec_cards])
print([str(c) for c in server_deck])
since i don't actually know how to make a computer play poker, we simply ask the server functions
whether a deck would be favorable for us, and keep shuffling until it is
(i love some good ctf code cheese)
while True:
computer_cards, player_cards = dec_cards[0:5], dec_cards[5:10]
computer_winner, player_winner = determine_winner(computer_cards, player_cards)
if player_winner and not computer_winner:
encrypt with the computer exponent and send our cooked deck order to the server
server_deck = list(dec_cards)
enc_deck = []
for card in dec_cards:
for c in enc_deck:
r.recvuntil(b">> ")
and after 10 rounds we should have the flag, which we can decrypt with the same computer exponent as
we've been using
val = ast.literal_eval(r.recvline().decode())
let's run this locally,
ncat --exec "/usr/bin/python" -lp 1337 &
[+] Opening connection to localhost on port 1337: Done
p= 1272817120605235218138374468827494843305725876454046855144283728239720564668615378794696017
q= 1119723139502382006362751135685189913928207952277558814504020165396321544235726326572905597
player_e= 1
player_d= 1
roundline b'******* Round 1, current streak is 0 **********\n'
b'Here is the shuffled encrypted deck --> '
28%|██████████████████ | 284/1024 [00:24<01:05, 11.37it/s]found seed One of Clubs 284
28%|██████████████████ | 284/1024 [00:24<01:04, 11.43it/s]
[... lots of spam ...]
My hand is Seven of Hearts, Six of Diamonds, Four of Clubs, Two of Clubs, Zero of Clubs --> I have a High card
Your hand is Joker of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds, Ten of Clubs, Nine of Spades, Six of Spades --> You have a High card
[*] Closed connection to localhost port 1337
full attack script:

2023/csawq/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
## that's it

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import nclib
import ecdsa
import hashlib
import binascii
from Crypto.Util.number import *
def _hex(x):
return binascii.hexlify(x).decode()
def _hash(msg):
return bytes_to_long(hashlib.sha1(msg).digest())
conn = nclib.Netcat(("", 5002))
# conn = nclib.Netcat(("localhost", 1337))
N = 6
h = []
sgns = []
msgs = []
def get_messages(count):
all_msgs = []
conn.recv_until(b": ")
for i in range(count):
conn.recv_until(f"Block {i}\n".encode())
msg_line = conn.recv_line()
msg = binascii.unhexlify(msg_line.strip().split(b" ")[1])
sig_line = conn.recv_line()
sig_rs = sig_line.decode().split("(")[1].split(")")[0]
r, s = sig_rs.split(", ")
r = int(r)
s = int(s)
all_msgs.append((msg, r, s))
return all_msgs
for i in range(N):
msg = f"meow{i}".encode()
conn.recv_until(b": ")
all_msgs = get_messages(N+1)
for i in range(N):
(_, r, s) = all_msgs[i+1]
prev_msg = all_msgs[i][0]
real_hash = _hash(prev_msg + msgs[i])
s_inv = []
s = []
r = []
for i in range(N):
s_inv.append(ecdsa.numbertheory.inverse_mod(s[i], order))
Z = GF(order)
R = PolynomialRing(Z, names=('dd',))
(dd,) = R._first_ngens(1)
# the polynomial we construct will have degree 1 + Sum_(i=1)^(i=N-3)i in dd
# our task here is to compute this polynomial in a constructive way starting from the N signatures in the given list order
# the generic formula will be given in terms of differences of nonces, i.e. k_ij = k_i - k_j where i and j are the signature indexes
# each k_ij is a first-degree polynomial in dd
# this function has the goal of returning it given i and j
def k_ij_poly(i, j):
hi = Z(h[i])
hj = Z(h[j])
s_invi = Z(s_inv[i])
s_invj = Z(s_inv[j])
ri = Z(r[i])
rj = Z(r[j])
poly = dd*(ri*s_invi - rj*s_invj) + hi*s_invi - hj*s_invj
return poly
# the idea is to compute the polynomial recursively from the given degree down to 0
# the algorithm is as follows:
# for 4 signatures the second degree polynomial is:
# k_12*k_12 - k_23*k_01
# so we can compute its coefficients.
# the polynomial for N signatures has degree 1 + Sum_(i=1)^(i=N-3)i and can be derived from the one for N-1 signatures
# let's define dpoly(i, j) recursively as the dpoly of degree i starting with index j
def dpoly(n, i, j):
if i == 0:
return (k_ij_poly(j+1, j+2))*(k_ij_poly(j+1, j+2)) - (k_ij_poly(j+2, j+3))*(k_ij_poly(j+0, j+1))
left = dpoly(n, i-1, j)
for m in range(1,i+2):
left = left*(k_ij_poly(j+m, j+i+2))
right = dpoly(n, i-1, j+1)
for m in range(1,i+2):
right = right*(k_ij_poly(j, j+m))
return (left - right)
def print_dpoly(n, i, j):
if i == 0:
print('(k', j+1, j+2, '*k', j+1, j+2, '-k', j+2, j+3, '*k', j+0, j+1, ')', sep='', end='')
print('(', sep='', end='')
print_dpoly(n, i-1, j)
for m in range(1,i+2):
print('*k', j+m, j+i+2, sep='', end='')
print('-', sep='', end='')
print_dpoly(n, i-1, j+1)
for m in range(1,i+2):
print('*k', j, j+m, sep='', end='')
print(')', sep='', end='')
print_dpoly(N-4, N-4, 0)
poly_target = dpoly(N-4, N-4, 0)
d_guesses = poly_target.roots()
if len(d_guesses) == 1:
conn.recv_until(b": ")
res = str(d_guesses[0][0]).encode()
print("SENDING", res)

2023/csawq/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
from pwn import *
import ast
import random
from math import gcd
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
from server import PRNG, Card, card_str_to_Card, determine_winner
import tqdm
def sim_round(deck, rng, phi, computer_e, computer_d):
deck = shuffle(rng, deck)
print("local hacks 1", rng.seed, rng.index, rng.state)
while computer_e < 2 or computer_d < 1:
e_array = []
for _ in range(6):
computer_e = int(''.join(e_array))
if gcd(computer_e, phi) == 1:
computer_d = pow(computer_e,-1,phi)
return computer_e, computer_d, deck
def shuffle(rng, deck):
new_deck = []
for i in range(len(deck)):
x = rng.getnum()
if deck[x] not in new_deck:
elif deck[i] not in new_deck:
for card in deck:
if card not in new_deck:
return new_deck
def exploit():
deck = []
deck_str = []
for suit in ["Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs"]:
for i in range(16):
deck.append(Card(suit, i))
deck_str = set(deck_str)
server_deck = list(deck)
# r = process(["python3", ""])
r = remote("", 5001)
r.recvuntil(b"Here are")
r.recvuntil(b"--> ")
p, q = r.recvline().decode().strip().split(", ")
p = int(p)
q = int(q)
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
N = p*q
print("p=", p)
print("q=", q)
# player_e = 65537
# player_d = pow(player_e, -1, phi)
player_e = 1
player_d = 1
print("player_e=", player_e)
print("player_d=", player_d)
roundline = r.recvline()
print("roundline", roundline)
print(r.recvuntil(b"--> "))
deck = r.recvline().strip().decode()
deck = ast.literal_eval(deck)
# print("recv deck", deck)
test_item = deck[0]
found_seed = None
for seed in tqdm.trange(2**10):
prng = PRNG(seed)
rand_values = []
for i in range(256):
found = False
for offset in range(249):
e_array = [str(x) for x in rand_values[offset:offset+6]]
computer_e = int(''.join(e_array))
if gcd(computer_e, phi) != 1:
computer_d = pow(computer_e, -1, phi)
test_card = long_to_bytes(pow(test_item, computer_d, N)).decode('iso-8859-1')
if test_card in deck_str:
print("found seed", test_card, seed)
found = True
found_seed = seed
if found:
prng = PRNG(found_seed)
computer_e, computer_d = -1, 0
for rndnum in range(10):
if rndnum > 0:
roundline = r.recvline()
print("roundline", roundline)
print(r.recvuntil(b"--> "))
deck = r.recvline().strip().decode()
deck = ast.literal_eval(deck)
# print("recv deck", deck)
computer_e, computer_d, server_deck = sim_round(server_deck, prng, phi, computer_e, computer_d)
print(computer_e, computer_d, prng.seed, prng.index, prng.state)
dec_cards = []
for enc_card in deck:
dec_card = long_to_bytes(pow(enc_card, computer_d, N)).decode()
print([str(c) for c in dec_cards])
print([str(c) for c in server_deck])
while True:
computer_cards, player_cards = dec_cards[0:5], dec_cards[5:10]
computer_winner, player_winner = determine_winner(computer_cards, player_cards)
if player_winner and not computer_winner:
server_deck = list(dec_cards)
enc_deck = []
for card in dec_cards:
for c in enc_deck:
r.recvuntil(b">> ")
val = ast.literal_eval(r.recvline().decode())
if __name__ == "__main__":

2023/csawq/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
builddir = build
pandocflags = --filter writefreely-validate --wrap=none
postid = bdg7m2ck2d
rule pandoc
command = pandoc $pandocflags -o $out $in
description = pandoc $out
rule upload
command = writefreely-cli $postid $in
description = upload $postid
build $builddir/ pandoc
build upload: upload $builddir/