
105 lines
2.6 KiB

from os import popen
import hashlib, time, math, subprocess, json
def response(res):
print(res + ' | ' + popen('date').read())
def generate_nonce():
current_time = time.time()
rounded_time = round(current_time / 60) * 60 # Round to the nearest 1 minutes (60 seconds)
return hashlib.sha256(str(int(rounded_time)).encode()).hexdigest()
def is_valid_proof(data, nonce):
guess_hash = hashlib.sha256(f'{data}{nonce}'.encode()).hexdigest()
return guess_hash[:DIFFICULTY_LEVEL] == '0' * DIFFICULTY_LEVEL
class Blacklist:
def __init__(self, data, nonce):
self.data = data
self.nonce = nonce
def get_data(self):
out = {}
out['data'] = self.data if 'data' in self.__dict__ else ()
out['nonce'] = self.nonce if 'nonce' in self.__dict__ else ()
return out
def add_to_blacklist(src, dst):
for key, value in src.items():
if hasattr(dst, '__getitem__'):
if dst[key] and type(value) == dict:
add_to_blacklist(value, dst.get(key))
dst[key] = value
elif hasattr(dst, key) and type(value) == dict:
add_to_blacklist(value, getattr(dst, key))
setattr(dst, key, value)
def lists_to_set(data):
if type(data) == dict:
res = {}
for key, value in data.items():
res[key] = lists_to_set(value)
elif type(data) == list:
res = ()
for value in data:
res = (*res, lists_to_set(value))
res = data
return res
def is_blacklisted(json_input):
bl_data = blacklist.get_data()
if json_input['data'] in bl_data['data']:
return True
if json_input['nonce'] in bl_data['nonce']:
return True
json_input = lists_to_set(json_input)
add_to_blacklist(json_input, blacklist)
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
blacklist = Blacklist(['dd9ae2332089200c4d138f3ff5abfaac26b7d3a451edf49dc015b7a0a737c794'], ['2bfd99b0167eb0f400a1c6e54e0b81f374d6162b10148598810d5ff8ef21722d'])
json_input = json.loads(input('Prove your work 😼\n'))
except Exception:
if not isinstance(json_input, dict):
data = json_input.get('data')
nonce = json_input.get('nonce')
client_hash = json_input.get('hash')
if not (data and nonce and client_hash):
response('Missing data, nonce, or hash')
server_nonce = generate_nonce()
if server_nonce != nonce:
response('nonce error')
if not is_valid_proof(data, nonce):
response('Proof of work is invalid')
server_hash = hashlib.sha256(f'{data}{nonce}'.encode()).hexdigest()
if server_hash != client_hash:
response('Hash does not match')
if is_blacklisted(json_input):
response('blacklisted PoW')
response('Congratulation, You\'ve proved your work 🎷🐴')