Move providers to types
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
extern crate inth_oauth2;
use std::io;
use inth_oauth2::Client;
use inth_oauth2::{Client, GitHub};
fn main() {
let client = Client::github(
let client = Client::<GitHub>::new(
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
extern crate inth_oauth2;
use std::io;
use inth_oauth2::Client;
use inth_oauth2::{Client, Google};
fn main() {
let client = Client::google(
let client = Client::<Google>::new(
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
extern crate inth_oauth2;
use std::io;
use inth_oauth2::Client;
use inth_oauth2::{Client, Imgur};
fn main() {
let client = Client::imgur(
let client = Client::<Imgur>::new(
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
use std::io::Read;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use chrono::{UTC, Duration};
use hyper::{self, header, mime};
use rustc_serialize::json;
use url::{Url, form_urlencoded};
use super::Provider;
use super::{TokenPair, AccessTokenType, AccessToken, RefreshToken};
use super::error::{Error, Result, OAuth2Error, OAuth2ErrorCode};
@ -13,15 +15,32 @@ use super::error::{Error, Result, OAuth2Error, OAuth2ErrorCode};
/// Performs HTTP requests using the provided `hyper::Client`.
/// See [RFC6749 section 4.1](
pub struct Client {
pub struct Client<P: Provider> {
http_client: hyper::Client,
auth_uri: String,
token_uri: String,
client_id: String,
client_secret: String,
redirect_uri: Option<String>,
provider: PhantomData<P>,
impl<P: Provider> Client<P> {
/// Creates an OAuth 2.0 client.
pub fn new<S>(
http_client: hyper::Client,
client_id: S,
client_secret: S,
redirect_uri: Option<S>
) -> Self where S: Into<String> {
Client {
http_client: http_client,
client_id: client_id.into(),
client_secret: client_secret.into(),
provider: PhantomData,
@ -76,81 +95,12 @@ impl Into<OAuth2Error> for ErrorResponse {
macro_rules! site_constructors {
$ident:ident => ($auth_uri:expr, $token_uri:expr)
) => {
pub fn $ident<S>(
http_client: hyper::Client,
client_id: S,
client_secret: S,
redirect_uri: Option<S>
) -> Self where S: Into<String> {
Client {
http_client: http_client,
auth_uri: String::from($auth_uri),
token_uri: String::from($token_uri),
client_id: client_id.into(),
client_secret: client_secret.into(),
impl Client {
/// Creates an OAuth 2.0 client.
pub fn new<S>(
http_client: hyper::Client,
auth_uri: S,
token_uri: S,
client_id: S,
client_secret: S,
redirect_uri: Option<S>
) -> Self where S: Into<String> {
Client {
http_client: http_client,
auth_uri: auth_uri.into(),
token_uri: token_uri.into(),
client_id: client_id.into(),
client_secret: client_secret.into(),
#[doc = "Creates a Google OAuth 2.0 client.\n\nSee [Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs]("]
google => (
#[doc = "Creates a GitHub OAuth 2.0 client.\n\nSee [OAuth, GitHub API]("]
github => (
#[doc = "Creates an Imgur OAuth 2.0 client.\n\n See [OAuth 2.0, Imgur]("]
imgur => (
impl Client {
impl<P: Provider> Client<P> {
/// Constructs an authorization request URI.
/// See [RFC6749 section 4.1.1](
pub fn auth_uri(&self, scope: Option<&str>, state: Option<&str>) -> Result<String> {
let mut uri = try!(Url::parse(&self.auth_uri));
let mut uri = try!(Url::parse(P::auth_uri()));
let mut query_pairs = vec.
@ -11,15 +11,22 @@
//! ## Providers
//! `inth_oauth2` can be used with any OAuth 2.0 provider, but provides defaults for a few common
//! ones.
//! `inth_oauth2` supports the following OAuth 2.0 providers:
//! ### Google
//! - `Google`
//! - `GitHub`
//! - `Imgur`
//! Support for others can be added by implementing the `Provider` trait.
//! ## Examples
//! ### Creating a client
//! ```
//! use inth_oauth2::Client as OAuth2;
//! use inth_oauth2::{Client, Google};
//! let auth = OAuth2::google(
//! let client = Client::<Google>::new(
//! Default::default(),
//! "CLIENT_ID",
@ -27,77 +34,42 @@
//! );
//! ```
//! ### GitHub
//! ### Constructing an authorization URI
//! ```
//! use inth_oauth2::Client as OAuth2;
//! let auth = OAuth2::github(Default::default(), "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET", None);
//! # use inth_oauth2::{Client, Google};
//! # let client = Client::<Google>::new(Default::default(), "", "", None);
//! let auth_uri = client.auth_uri(Some("scope"), Some("state")).unwrap();
//! ```
//! ### Imgur
//! ```
//! use inth_oauth2::Client as OAuth2;
//! let auth = OAuth2::imgur(Default::default(), "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET", None);
//! ```
//! ### Other
//! An authorization URI and a token URI are required.
//! ```
//! use inth_oauth2::Client as OAuth2;
//! let auth = OAuth2::new(
//! Default::default(),
//! "",
//! "",
//! "CLIENT_ID",
//! None
//! );
//! ```
//! ## Constructing an authorization URI
//! Direct the user to an authorization URI to have them authorize your application.
//! ```
//! # use inth_oauth2::Client as OAuth2;
//! # let auth = OAuth2::google(Default::default(), "", "", None);
//! let auth_uri = auth.auth_uri(Some("scope"), Some("state")).unwrap();
//! ```
//! ### Requesting an access token
//! ## Requesting an access token
//! Using a code obtained from the redirect of the authorization URI, request an access token.
//! Request an access token using a code obtained from the redirect of the authorization URI.
//! ```no_run
//! # use inth_oauth2::Client as OAuth2;
//! # let auth = OAuth2::google(Default::default(), "", "", None);
//! # use inth_oauth2::{Client, Google};
//! # let client = Client::<Google>::new(Default::default(), "", "", None);
//! # let code = String::new();
//! let token_pair = auth.request_token(&code).unwrap();
//! let token_pair = client.request_token(&code).unwrap();
//! println!("{}", token_pair.access.token);
//! ```
//! ## Refreshing an access token
//! Refresh the access token when it has expired.
//! ### Refreshing an access token
//! ```no_run
//! # use inth_oauth2::Client as OAuth2;
//! # let auth = OAuth2::google(Default::default(), "", "", None);
//! # let mut token_pair = auth.request_token("").unwrap();
//! # use inth_oauth2::{Client, Google};
//! # let client = Client::<Google>::new(Default::default(), "", "", None);
//! # let mut token_pair = client.request_token("").unwrap();
//! if token_pair.expired() {
//! if let Some(refresh) = token_pair.refresh {
//! token_pair = auth.refresh_token(refresh, None).unwrap();
//! token_pair = client.refresh_token(refresh, None).unwrap();
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Using bearer access tokens
//! ### Using bearer access tokens
//! If the obtained token is of the `Bearer` type, a Hyper `Authorization` header can be created
//! from it.
@ -106,9 +78,9 @@
//! # extern crate hyper;
//! # extern crate inth_oauth2;
//! # fn main() {
//! # use inth_oauth2::Client as OAuth2;
//! # let auth = OAuth2::google(Default::default(), "", "", None);
//! # let token_pair = auth.request_token("").unwrap();
//! # use inth_oauth2::{Client, Google};
//! # let client = Client::<Google>::new(Default::default(), "", "", None);
//! # let mut token_pair = client.request_token("").unwrap();
//! let client = hyper::Client::new();
//! let res = client.get("")
//! .header(token_pair.to_bearer_header().unwrap())
@ -117,7 +89,7 @@
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Persisting tokens
//! ### Persisting tokens
//! `TokenPair` implements `Encodable` and `Decodable` from `rustc_serialize`, so can be persisted
//! as JSON.
@ -154,6 +126,9 @@ extern crate url;
pub use client::Client;
pub mod client;
pub use provider::{Provider, Google, GitHub, Imgur};
pub mod provider;
pub use token::{TokenPair, AccessTokenType, AccessToken, RefreshToken};
pub mod token;
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
/// An OAuth 2.0 provider.
pub trait Provider {
/// The authorization endpoint URI.
fn auth_uri() -> &'static str;
/// The token endpoint URI.
fn token_uri() -> &'static str;
/// Google OAuth 2.0 provider.
/// See [Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google
/// APIs](
pub struct Google;
impl Provider for Google {
fn auth_uri() -> &'static str { "" }
fn token_uri() -> &'static str { "" }
/// GitHub OAuth 2.0 provider.
/// See [OAuth, GitHub API](
pub struct GitHub;
impl Provider for GitHub {
fn auth_uri() -> &'static str { "" }
fn token_uri() -> &'static str { "" }
/// Imgur OAuth 2.0 provider.
/// See [OAuth 2.0, Imgur](
pub struct Imgur;
impl Provider for Imgur {
fn auth_uri() -> &'static str { "" }
fn token_uri() -> &'static str { "" }
Reference in New Issue