Started docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# OpenID Connect Client & Discovery
Built on [inth-oauth2]( Using [reqwest]( Using [biscuit]( for Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE).
Implements [OpenID Connect Core 1.0]( and [OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0](
Experimental async version built on Hyper [here](
## Documentation
## License
[Apache License, Version 2.0](
@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
use biscuit::{Empty, SingleOrMultiple};
use biscuit::jwa::{self, SignatureAlgorithm};
use biscuit::jwk::{AlgorithmParameters, JWKSet};
use biscuit::jws::{Compact, Secret};
use chrono::{Duration, Utc};
use inth_oauth2;
use inth_oauth2::token::Token as _t;
use reqwest::{self, header, Url};
use url_serde;
use validator::Validate;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use discovery::{self, Config, Discovered};
use error::{self, Decode, Error, Expiry, Mismatch, Missing, Validation};
use token::{Claims, Token};
type IdToken = Compact<Claims, Empty>;
pub struct Params {
pub client_id: String,
pub client_secret: String,
#[serde(with = "url_serde")]
pub redirect_url: Url,
/// Optional parameters that [OpenID specifies]( for the auth URI.
/// Derives Default, so remember to ..Default::default() after you specify what you want.
pub struct Options {
pub nonce: Option<String>,
pub display: Option<Display>,
pub prompt: Option<HashSet<Prompt>>,
pub max_age: Option<Duration>,
pub ui_locales: Option<String>,
pub claims_locales: Option<String>,
pub id_token_hint: Option<String>,
pub login_hint: Option<String>,
pub acr_values: Option<String>,
pub enum Display {
impl Display {
fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Display::Page => "page",
Display::Popup => "popup",
Display::Touch => "touch",
Display::Wap => "wap",
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Prompt {
impl Prompt {
fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
&Prompt::None => "none",
&Prompt::Login => "login",
&Prompt::Consent => "consent",
&Prompt::SelectAccount => "select_account",
/// The userinfo struct contains all possible userinfo fields regardless of scope. [See spec.](
// TODO is there a way to use claims_supported in config to simplify this struct?
#[derive(Deserialize, Validate)]
pub struct Userinfo {
pub sub: String,
pub name: Option<String>,
pub given_name: Option<String>,
pub family_name: Option<String>,
pub middle_name: Option<String>,
pub nickname: Option<String>,
pub preferred_username: Option<String>,
#[serde(with = "url_serde")]
pub profile: Option<Url>,
#[serde(with = "url_serde")]
pub picture: Option<Url>,
#[serde(with = "url_serde")]
pub website: Option<Url>,
pub email: Option<String>,
pub email_verified: Option<bool>,
// Isn't required to be just male or female
pub gender: Option<String>,
// ISO 9601:2004 YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY. Would be nice to serialize to chrono::Date.
pub birthdate: Option<String>,
// Region/City codes. Should also have a more concrete serializer form.
pub zoneinfo: Option<String>,
// Usually RFC5646 langcode-countrycode, maybe with a _ sep, could be arbitrary
pub locale: Option<String>,
// Usually E.164 format number
pub phone_number: Option<String>,
pub phone_number_verified: Option<bool>,
pub address: Option<Address>,
pub updated_at: Option<i64>,
/// Address Claim struct. Can be only formatted, only the rest, or both.
pub struct Address {
pub formatted: Option<String>,
pub street_address: Option<String>,
pub locality: Option<String>,
pub region: Option<String>,
// Countries like the UK use alphanumeric postal codes, so you can't just use a number here
pub postal_code: Option<String>,
pub country: Option<String>,
// Common pattern in the Client::decode function when dealing with mismatched keys
macro_rules! wrong_key {
($expected:expr, $actual:expr) => (
Err(error::Jose::WrongKeyType {
expected: format!("{:?}", $expected),
actual: format!("{:?}", $actual)
pub struct Client {
oauth: inth_oauth2::Client<Discovered>,
jwks: JWKSet<Empty>,
impl Client {
/// Constructs a client from an issuer url and client parameters via discovery
pub fn discover(issuer: Url, params: Params) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let client = reqwest::Client::new()?;
let config = discovery::discover(&client, issuer)?;
let jwks = discovery::jwks(&client, config.jwks_uri.clone())?;
let provider = Discovered { config };
Ok(Self::new(provider, params, jwks))
/// Constructs a client from a given provider, key set, and parameters. Unlike ::discover(..)
/// this function does not perform any network operations.
fn new(provider: Discovered, params: Params, jwks: JWKSet<Empty>) -> Self {
Client {
oauth: inth_oauth2::Client::new(
pub fn request_token(&self,
client: &reqwest::Client,
auth_code: &str,
) -> Result<Token, error::Oauth> {
self.oauth.request_token(client, auth_code)
/// A reference to the config document of the provider obtained via discovery
pub fn config(&self) -> &Config {
/// Constructs the auth_url to redirect a client to the provider. Options are... optional. Use
/// them as needed. Keep the Options struct around for authentication, or at least the nonce
/// and max_age parameter - we need to verify they stay the same and validate if you used them.
pub fn auth_url(&self, scope: &str, state: &str, options: &Options) -> Result<Url, Error>{
if !scope.contains("openid") {
let mut url = self.oauth.auth_uri(Some(&scope), Some(state))?;
let mut query = url.query_pairs_mut();
if let Some(ref nonce) = options.nonce {
query.append_pair("nonce", nonce.as_str());
if let Some(ref display) = options.display {
query.append_pair("display", display.as_str());
if let Some(ref prompt) = options.prompt {
let s = prompt.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" ");
query.append_pair("prompt", s.as_str());
if let Some(max_age) = options.max_age {
query.append_pair("max_age", max_age.num_seconds().to_string().as_str());
if let Some(ref ui_locales) = options.ui_locales {
query.append_pair("ui_locales", ui_locales.as_str());
if let Some(ref claims_locales) = options.claims_locales {
query.append_pair("claims_locales", claims_locales.as_str());
if let Some(ref id_token_hint) = options.id_token_hint {
query.append_pair("id_token_hint", id_token_hint.as_str());
if let Some(ref login_hint) = options.login_hint {
query.append_pair("login_hint", login_hint.as_str());
if let Some(ref acr_values) = options.acr_values {
query.append_pair("acr_values", acr_values.as_str());
/// Given an auth_code and auth options, request the token, decode, and validate it.
pub fn authenticate(&self, auth_code: &str, options: &Options
) -> Result<Token, Error> {
let client = reqwest::Client::new()?;
let mut token = self.request_token(&client, auth_code)?;
self.decode_token(&mut token.id_token)?;
pub fn decode_token(&self, token: &mut IdToken) -> Result<(), Error> {
// This is an early escape if the token is already decoded
let header = token.unverified_header()?;
// If there is more than one key, the token MUST have a key id
let key = if self.jwks.keys.len() > 1 {
let token_kid = header.registered.key_id.ok_or(Decode::MissingKid)?;
} else {
if let Some(alg) = key.common.algorithm.as_ref() {
if let &jwa::Algorithm::Signature(alg) = alg {
if header.registered.algorithm != alg {
return wrong_key!(alg, header.registered.algorithm);
} else {
return wrong_key!(SignatureAlgorithm::default(), alg);
let alg = header.registered.algorithm;
match key.algorithm {
AlgorithmParameters::OctectKey { ref value, .. } => {
match alg {
SignatureAlgorithm::HS256 |
SignatureAlgorithm::HS384 |
SignatureAlgorithm::HS512 => {
*token = token.decode(&Secret::Bytes(value.clone()), alg)?;
_ => wrong_key!("HS256 | HS384 | HS512", alg)
AlgorithmParameters::RSA(ref params) => {
match alg {
SignatureAlgorithm::RS256 |
SignatureAlgorithm::RS384 |
SignatureAlgorithm::RS512 => {
let pkcs = Secret::Pkcs {
n: params.n.clone(),
e: params.e.clone(),
*token = token.decode(&pkcs, alg)?;
_ => wrong_key!("RS256 | RS384 | RS512", alg)
AlgorithmParameters::EllipticCurve(_) => unimplemented!("No support for EC keys yet"),
pub fn validate_token(
token: &IdToken,
nonce: Option<&str>,
max_age: Option<&Duration>
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let claims = token.payload()?;
if claims.iss != self.config().issuer {
return Err(Validation::Mismatch(Mismatch::Issuer).into());
if let Some(ref nonce) = nonce {
match claims.nonce {
Some(ref test) => {
if test != nonce {
return Err(Validation::Mismatch(Mismatch::Nonce).into());
None => return Err(Validation::Missing(Missing::Nonce).into()),
if !claims.aud.contains(&self.oauth.client_id) {
return Err(Validation::Mismatch(Mismatch::Audience).into());
// By spec, if there are multiple auds, we must have an azp
if let SingleOrMultiple::Multiple(_) = claims.aud {
if let None = claims.azp {
return Err(Validation::Missing(Missing::AuthorizedParty).into());
// If there is an authorized party, it must be our client_id
if let Some(ref azp) = claims.azp {
if azp != &self.oauth.client_id {
return Err(Validation::Mismatch(Mismatch::Authorized).into());
let now = Utc::now();
// Now should never be less than the time this code was written!
if now.timestamp() < 1504758600 {
panic!("chrono::Utc::now() can never be before this was written!")
if claims.exp <= now.timestamp() {
return Err(Validation::Expired(Expiry::Expires).into());
if let Some(age) = max_age {
match claims.auth_time {
Some(time) => {
// This is not currently risky business. That could change.
if time >= (now - *age).timestamp() {
return Err(error::Validation::Expired(error::Expiry::MaxAge).into());
None => return Err(Validation::Missing(Missing::AuthTime).into()),
pub fn request_userinfo(&self, client: &reqwest::Client, token: &Token) -> Result<Userinfo, Error> {
match self.config().userinfo_endpoint {
Some(ref url) => {
if url.origin() != self.config().issuer.origin() {
return Err(error::Userinfo::MismatchIssuer.into());
let claims = token.id_token.payload()?;
let auth_code = token.access_token().to_string();
let mut resp = client.get(url.clone())?
.header(header::Authorization(header::Bearer { token: auth_code })).send()?;
let info: Userinfo = resp.json()?;
if claims.sub != info.sub {
return Err(error::Userinfo::MismatchSubject.into())
None => Err(error::Userinfo::NoUrl.into())
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ pub enum Error {
from!(Error, Jose);
@ -1,3 +1,64 @@
//! # OpenID Connect Client
//! There are two ways to interact with this library - the batteries included magic methods, and
//! the slightly more boilerplate but more fine grained ones. For most users the following is what
//! you want.
//! ```
//! use oidc;
//! use url;
//! use std::default::Default;
//! let id = "my client".to_string();
//! let secret = "a secret to everybody".to_string();
//! let redirect = url::Url::parse("")?;
//! let issuer = oidc::issuer::google();
//! let client = oidc::discover(id, secret, redirect, issuer)?;
//! let scope = "openid";
//! let state = "randomstring";
//! let auth_url = client.auth_url(Default::default())?;
//! // ... send your user to auth_url, get an auth_code back at your redirect_url handler
//! let token = client.authenticate(auth_code, Options::default())?;
//! ```
//! That example leaves you with a decoded `Token` that has been validated. Your user is
//! authenticated!
//! You can also take a more nuanced approach that gives you more fine grained control:
//! ```
//! use oidc;
//! use reqwest;
//! use url;
//! use std::default::Default;
//! let id = "my client".to_string();
//! let secret = "a secret to everybody".to_string();
//! let redirect = url::Url::parse("")?;
//! let issuer = oidc::issuer::google();
//! let http = reqwest::Client::new()?;
//! let config = oidc::discovery::discover(&http, issuer)?;
//! let jwks = oidc::discovery::jwks(&http, config.jwks_uri.clone())?;
//! let provider = oidc::discovery::Discovered { config };
//! let client = oidc::new(id, secret, redirect, provider, jwks);
//! let auth_url = client.auth_url(Default::default())?;
//! // ... send your user to auth_url, get an auth_code back at your redirect_url handler
//! let mut token = client.request_token(&http, auth_code)?;
//! client.decode_token(&mut token)?;
//! client.validate_token(&token, None, None)?;
//! let userinfo = client.request_userinfo(&http, &token)?;
//! ```
//! This more complicated version uses the discovery module directly. Important distinctions to make
//! between the two:
//! - The complex pattern avoids constructing a new reqwest client every time an outbound method is
//! called. Especially for token decoding having to rebuild reqwest every time can be a large
//! performance penalty.
//! - Tokens don't come decoded or validated. You need to do both manually.
//! - This version demonstrates userinfo. It is not required by spec, so make sure its available!
extern crate base64;
extern crate biscuit;
extern crate chrono;
@ -14,9 +75,381 @@ extern crate validator;
extern crate validator_derive;
pub mod client;
pub mod discovery;
pub mod error;
pub mod issuer;
pub mod token;
pub use error::Error;
use biscuit::{Empty, SingleOrMultiple};
use biscuit::jwa::{self, SignatureAlgorithm};
use biscuit::jwk::{AlgorithmParameters, JWKSet};
use biscuit::jws::{Compact, Secret};
use chrono::{Duration, Utc};
use inth_oauth2::token::Token as _t;
use reqwest::{header, Url};
use validator::Validate;
use discovery::{Config, Discovered};
use error::{Decode, Expiry, Mismatch, Missing, Validation};
use token::{Claims, Token};
type IdToken = Compact<Claims, Empty>;
pub struct Client {
oauth: inth_oauth2::Client<Discovered>,
jwks: JWKSet<Empty>,
// Common pattern in the Client::decode function when dealing with mismatched keys
macro_rules! wrong_key {
($expected:expr, $actual:expr) => (
Err(error::Jose::WrongKeyType {
expected: format!("{:?}", $expected),
actual: format!("{:?}", $actual)
impl Client {
/// Constructs a client from an issuer url and client parameters via discovery
pub fn discover(id: String, secret: String, redirect: Url, issuer: Url) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let client = reqwest::Client::new()?;
let config = discovery::discover(&client, issuer)?;
let jwks = discovery::jwks(&client, config.jwks_uri.clone())?;
let provider = Discovered { config };
Ok(Self::new(id, secret, redirect, provider, jwks))
/// Constructs a client from a given provider, key set, and parameters. Unlike ::discover(..)
/// this function does not perform any network operations.
pub fn new(id: String, secret: String, redirect: Url, provider: Discovered, jwks: JWKSet<Empty>) -> Self {
Client {
oauth: inth_oauth2::Client::new(
pub fn request_token(&self,
client: &reqwest::Client,
auth_code: &str,
) -> Result<Token, Error> {
self.oauth.request_token(client, auth_code).map_err(Error::from)
/// A reference to the config document of the provider obtained via discovery
pub fn config(&self) -> &Config {
/// Constructs the auth_url to redirect a client to the provider. Options are... optional. Use
/// them as needed. Keep the Options struct around for authentication, or at least the nonce
/// and max_age parameter - we need to verify they stay the same and validate if you used them.
pub fn auth_url(&self, options: &Options) -> Result<Url, Error>{
let scope = match options.scope {
Some(ref scope) => {
if !scope.contains("openid") {
return Err(Error::MissingOpenidScope)
// Default scope value
None => "openid"
let mut url = self.oauth.auth_uri(Some(scope), options.state.as_ref().map(String::as_str))?;
let mut query = url.query_pairs_mut();
if let Some(ref nonce) = options.nonce {
query.append_pair("nonce", nonce.as_str());
if let Some(ref display) = options.display {
query.append_pair("display", display.as_str());
if let Some(ref prompt) = options.prompt {
let s = prompt.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" ");
query.append_pair("prompt", s.as_str());
if let Some(max_age) = options.max_age {
query.append_pair("max_age", max_age.num_seconds().to_string().as_str());
if let Some(ref ui_locales) = options.ui_locales {
query.append_pair("ui_locales", ui_locales.as_str());
if let Some(ref claims_locales) = options.claims_locales {
query.append_pair("claims_locales", claims_locales.as_str());
if let Some(ref id_token_hint) = options.id_token_hint {
query.append_pair("id_token_hint", id_token_hint.as_str());
if let Some(ref login_hint) = options.login_hint {
query.append_pair("login_hint", login_hint.as_str());
if let Some(ref acr_values) = options.acr_values {
query.append_pair("acr_values", acr_values.as_str());
/// Given an auth_code and auth options, request the token, decode, and validate it.
pub fn authenticate(&self, auth_code: &str, options: &Options
) -> Result<Token, Error> {
let client = reqwest::Client::new()?;
let mut token = self.request_token(&client, auth_code)?;
self.decode_token(&mut token.id_token)?;
pub fn decode_token(&self, token: &mut IdToken) -> Result<(), Error> {
// This is an early escape if the token is already decoded
let header = token.unverified_header()?;
// If there is more than one key, the token MUST have a key id
let key = if self.jwks.keys.len() > 1 {
let token_kid = header.registered.key_id.ok_or(Decode::MissingKid)?;
} else {
if let Some(alg) = key.common.algorithm.as_ref() {
if let &jwa::Algorithm::Signature(alg) = alg {
if header.registered.algorithm != alg {
return wrong_key!(alg, header.registered.algorithm);
} else {
return wrong_key!(SignatureAlgorithm::default(), alg);
let alg = header.registered.algorithm;
match key.algorithm {
AlgorithmParameters::OctectKey { ref value, .. } => {
match alg {
SignatureAlgorithm::HS256 |
SignatureAlgorithm::HS384 |
SignatureAlgorithm::HS512 => {
*token = token.decode(&Secret::Bytes(value.clone()), alg)?;
_ => wrong_key!("HS256 | HS384 | HS512", alg)
AlgorithmParameters::RSA(ref params) => {
match alg {
SignatureAlgorithm::RS256 |
SignatureAlgorithm::RS384 |
SignatureAlgorithm::RS512 => {
let pkcs = Secret::Pkcs {
n: params.n.clone(),
e: params.e.clone(),
*token = token.decode(&pkcs, alg)?;
_ => wrong_key!("RS256 | RS384 | RS512", alg)
AlgorithmParameters::EllipticCurve(_) => unimplemented!("No support for EC keys yet"),
pub fn validate_token(
token: &IdToken,
nonce: Option<&str>,
max_age: Option<&Duration>
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let claims = token.payload()?;
if claims.iss != self.config().issuer {
return Err(Validation::Mismatch(Mismatch::Issuer).into());
if let Some(ref nonce) = nonce {
match claims.nonce {
Some(ref test) => {
if test != nonce {
return Err(Validation::Mismatch(Mismatch::Nonce).into());
None => return Err(Validation::Missing(Missing::Nonce).into()),
if !claims.aud.contains(&self.oauth.client_id) {
return Err(Validation::Mismatch(Mismatch::Audience).into());
// By spec, if there are multiple auds, we must have an azp
if let SingleOrMultiple::Multiple(_) = claims.aud {
if let None = claims.azp {
return Err(Validation::Missing(Missing::AuthorizedParty).into());
// If there is an authorized party, it must be our client_id
if let Some(ref azp) = claims.azp {
if azp != &self.oauth.client_id {
return Err(Validation::Mismatch(Mismatch::Authorized).into());
let now = Utc::now();
// Now should never be less than the time this code was written!
if now.timestamp() < 1504758600 {
panic!("chrono::Utc::now() can never be before this was written!")
if claims.exp <= now.timestamp() {
return Err(Validation::Expired(Expiry::Expires).into());
if let Some(age) = max_age {
match claims.auth_time {
Some(time) => {
// This is not currently risky business. That could change.
if time >= (now - *age).timestamp() {
return Err(error::Validation::Expired(Expiry::MaxAge).into());
None => return Err(Validation::Missing(Missing::AuthTime).into()),
pub fn request_userinfo(&self, client: &reqwest::Client, token: &Token) -> Result<Userinfo, Error> {
match self.config().userinfo_endpoint {
Some(ref url) => {
if url.origin() != self.config().issuer.origin() {
return Err(error::Userinfo::MismatchIssuer.into());
let claims = token.id_token.payload()?;
let auth_code = token.access_token().to_string();
let mut resp = client.get(url.clone())?
.header(header::Authorization(header::Bearer { token: auth_code })).send()?;
let info: Userinfo = resp.json()?;
if claims.sub != info.sub {
return Err(error::Userinfo::MismatchSubject.into())
None => Err(error::Userinfo::NoUrl.into())
/// Optional parameters that [OpenID specifies]( for the auth URI.
/// Derives Default, so remember to ..Default::default() after you specify what you want.
pub struct Options {
pub scope: Option<String>,
pub state: Option<String>,
pub nonce: Option<String>,
pub display: Option<Display>,
pub prompt: Option<std::collections::HashSet<Prompt>>,
pub max_age: Option<Duration>,
pub ui_locales: Option<String>,
pub claims_locales: Option<String>,
pub id_token_hint: Option<String>,
pub login_hint: Option<String>,
pub acr_values: Option<String>,
/// The userinfo struct contains all possible userinfo fields regardless of scope. [See spec.](
// TODO is there a way to use claims_supported in config to simplify this struct?
#[derive(Deserialize, Validate)]
pub struct Userinfo {
pub sub: String,
pub name: Option<String>,
pub given_name: Option<String>,
pub family_name: Option<String>,
pub middle_name: Option<String>,
pub nickname: Option<String>,
pub preferred_username: Option<String>,
#[serde(with = "url_serde")]
pub profile: Option<Url>,
#[serde(with = "url_serde")]
pub picture: Option<Url>,
#[serde(with = "url_serde")]
pub website: Option<Url>,
pub email: Option<String>,
pub email_verified: Option<bool>,
// Isn't required to be just male or female
pub gender: Option<String>,
// ISO 9601:2004 YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY. Would be nice to serialize to chrono::Date.
pub birthdate: Option<String>,
// Region/City codes. Should also have a more concrete serializer form.
pub zoneinfo: Option<String>,
// Usually RFC5646 langcode-countrycode, maybe with a _ sep, could be arbitrary
pub locale: Option<String>,
// Usually E.164 format number
pub phone_number: Option<String>,
pub phone_number_verified: Option<bool>,
pub address: Option<Address>,
pub updated_at: Option<i64>,
pub enum Display {
impl Display {
fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Display::Page => "page",
Display::Popup => "popup",
Display::Touch => "touch",
Display::Wap => "wap",
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Prompt {
impl Prompt {
fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
&Prompt::None => "none",
&Prompt::Login => "login",
&Prompt::Consent => "consent",
&Prompt::SelectAccount => "select_account",
/// Address Claim struct. Can be only formatted, only the rest, or both.
pub struct Address {
pub formatted: Option<String>,
pub street_address: Option<String>,
pub locality: Option<String>,
pub region: Option<String>,
// Countries like the UK use alphanumeric postal codes, so you can't just use a number here
pub postal_code: Option<String>,
pub country: Option<String>,
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ impl CompactJson for Claims {}
/// An OpenID Connect token. This is the only token allowed by spec.
/// Has an access_token for bearer, and the id_token for authentication.
/// Wraps an oauth bearer token.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Token {
bearer: Bearer<Expiring>,
pub id_token: IdToken,
Reference in New Issue