Cached Buffer
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
(prefix-in A: ansi))
;; XXX these programs really need remix syntax or something like
;; define-generics-object
(define-generics buffer
(buffer-resize! buffer rows cols)
(buffer-start! buffer rows cols)
@ -46,10 +49,8 @@
(set-terminal-buffer-term-cols! buf new-cols))
(define (buffer-start! buf draw-rows draw-cols)
(define op (terminal-buffer-op buf))
(define ok-rows
(min draw-rows (terminal-buffer-term-rows buf)))
(define ok-cols
(min draw-cols (terminal-buffer-term-cols buf)))
(define ok-rows (terminal-buffer-term-rows buf))
(define ok-cols (terminal-buffer-term-cols buf))
(maybe-update last-X X select-X)
(unless (eq? last-X X)
@ -57,7 +58,6 @@
(set! last-X X)))
(display (A:dec-soft-terminal-reset) op)
;; XXX need to force this sometimes... maybe on resize?
(when (terminal-buffer-clear? buf)
(display (A:clear-screen/home) op))
(display (A:hide-cursor) op)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
(display (A:show-cursor) op)
(flush-output op))])
(struct output-cell (s f b ch) #:mutable)
(struct output-cell (s f b ch) #:mutable #:transparent)
(define (clear-cell! c)
(set-output-cell-s! c 'normal)
(set-output-cell-f! c #f)
@ -139,7 +139,8 @@
(set-output-cell-s! oc s)
(set-output-cell-f! oc f)
(set-output-cell-b! oc b)
(set-output-cell-ch! oc ch)
(when ch
(set-output-cell-ch! oc ch))
(define (make-output-buffer #:output [op (current-output-port)])
@ -177,15 +178,79 @@
(flush-output op)
(define (make-buffered-terminal-buffer term-rows term-cols
#:output [op (current-output-port)])
;; XXX mix output and terminal, but with two sets of cells (old & new)
;; - On resize, change the cells and underlying terminal
;; - On start, check if draw size is okay, then draw to the cells
;; - On commit, do a diff of the cells and update appropriate cells
(make-terminal-buffer term-rows term-cols
#:clear? #t
#:output op))
(define (make-cached-buffer term-rows term-cols
#:output [op (current-output-port)])
(define (mk-term clear?)
(make-terminal-buffer term-rows term-cols
#:clear? clear?
#:output op))
(mk-term #f) (mk-term #t)
term-rows term-cols
(make-cells term-rows term-cols)
(make-cells term-rows term-cols)
0 0))
(struct cached-buffer
([clear-next? #:mutable]
term-nclear term-yclear
[term-rows #:mutable] [term-cols #:mutable]
[cur-cells #:mutable] [new-cells #:mutable]
[last-row #:mutable] [last-col #:mutable])
#:methods gen:buffer
[(define/generic super-buffer-resize! buffer-resize!)
(define/generic super-buffer-start! buffer-start!)
(define/generic super-buffer-commit! buffer-commit!)
(define (buffer-resize! buf new-rows new-cols)
(set-cached-buffer-clear-next?! buf #t)
(super-buffer-resize! (cached-buffer-term-nclear buf) new-rows new-cols)
(super-buffer-resize! (cached-buffer-term-yclear buf) new-rows new-cols)
(set-cached-buffer-term-rows! buf new-rows)
(set-cached-buffer-term-cols! buf new-cols)
(clear-cells! (cached-buffer-cur-cells buf)))
(define (buffer-start! buf draw-rows draw-cols)
(define ok-rows (cached-buffer-term-rows buf))
(define ok-cols (cached-buffer-term-cols buf))
(define cs (cached-buffer-new-cells buf))
(clear-cells! cs)
(define dc (draw-cell! cs))
(values ok-rows ok-cols
(λ (s f b r c ch)
(set-cached-buffer-last-row! buf r)
(set-cached-buffer-last-col! buf c)
(dc s f b r c ch))))
(define (buffer-commit! buf)
(define ok-rows (cached-buffer-term-rows buf))
(define ok-cols (cached-buffer-term-cols buf))
(define cur-cs (cached-buffer-cur-cells buf))
(define new-cs (cached-buffer-new-cells buf))
(define inner-buf
[(cached-buffer-clear-next? buf)
(set-cached-buffer-clear-next?! buf #f)
(cached-buffer-term-yclear buf)]
(cached-buffer-term-nclear buf)]))
(define-values (_ok-rows _ok-cols draw!)
(super-buffer-start! inner-buf ok-rows ok-cols))
(for ([cur-row (in-vector (cells-vec cur-cs))]
[new-row (in-vector (cells-vec new-cs))]
[r (in-naturals)])
(for ([cur-cell (in-vector cur-row)]
[new-cell (in-vector new-row)]
[c (in-naturals)])
(unless (equal? cur-cell new-cell)
(match-define (output-cell _ _ _ cur-ch) cur-cell)
(match-define (output-cell s f b new-ch) new-cell)
(draw! s f b r c (or new-ch #\space)))))
(draw! 'normal #f #f
(cached-buffer-last-row buf)
(cached-buffer-last-col buf)
(super-buffer-commit! inner-buf)
(set-cached-buffer-cur-cells! buf new-cs)
(set-cached-buffer-new-cells! buf cur-cs))])
@ -212,7 +277,7 @@
(->* () (#:output output-port?) buffer?)]
(->* (exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?)
(#:output output-port?)
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
(string-append (reset-mode x11-extended-mouse-tracking-mode)
(reset-mode x11-any-event-mouse-tracking-mode)
(reset-mode x11-focus-event-mode)))
;; XXX maybe this should all be in chaos-start
(define (make-raart #:mouse? [mouse? #f])
(define alternate? #t)
@ -80,8 +81,8 @@
(define init-rows 24)
(define init-cols 80)
(define buf
(make-buffered-terminal-buffer init-rows init-cols
#:output (term-out t)))
(make-cached-buffer init-rows init-cols
#:output (term-out t)))
(define ch (make-async-channel))
;; Initialize term
(when alternate?
@ -132,6 +133,8 @@
(draw (*term-buf c) o)))
(define (chaos-label! c l)
(display/term (*term-t c) (xterm-set-window-title l)))
(define (chaos-start! c)
(define (chaos-stop! c)
(define t (*term-t c))
(when (*term-mouse? c)
Reference in New Issue