This commit is contained in:
Jay McCarthy 2018-08-21 20:03:28 -04:00
parent c76a0b4ec5
commit b517ab5065
2 changed files with 77 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
(define build-deps '("htdp-doc"
(define build-deps '("sandbox-lib"

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@ -1,10 +1,24 @@
#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label raart
@(require (for-syntax racket/base)
(for-label raart
@(define ev
(parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string]
[sandbox-error-output 'string]
[sandbox-memory-limit 50]
;; Need to load the tty-raw extension and we don't
;; know where it is.
[sandbox-path-permissions '((execute #rx#""))])
(make-evaluator 'racket/base)))
@(ev '(require raart/draw))
@(define-syntax-rule (ex r ...) (examples #:eval ev r ...))
@title{raart: Racket ASCII Art and Interfaces}
@author{Jay McCarthy}
@ -107,54 +121,90 @@ to @racket[style], @racket[fg], and @racket[bg] if @racket[s],
@defproc[(blank [w exact-nonnegative-integer? 0] [h
exact-nonnegative-integer? 0]) raart?]{A blank art of width @racket[w]
and height @racket[h].}
and height @racket[h].
@ex[(draw-here (blank 2 2))
(draw-here (blank 5 5))]
@defproc[(char [c (and/c char? (not/c char-iso-control?))]) raart?]{An
art displaying @racket[c].}
art displaying @racket[c].
@ex[(draw-here (char #\a)) (draw-here (char #\b))]}
@defproc[(text [s string?]) raart?]{An art displaying @racket[s],
which must not contain any @racket[char-iso-control?] characters.}
which must not contain any @racket[char-iso-control?] characters.
@ex[(draw-here (text "Hello World!"))]}
@defproc[(hline [w exact-nonnegative-integer?]) raart?]{A horizontal
line of @litchar{-} characters of width @racket[w].}
line of @litchar{-} characters of width @racket[w].
@ex[(draw-here (hline 5))]}
@defproc[(vline [h exact-nonnegative-integer?]) raart?]{A vertical
line of @litchar{|} characters of height @racket[h].}
line of @litchar{|} characters of height @racket[h].
@ex[(draw-here (vline 3))]}
@defthing[halign/c contract?]{A contract for the horizontal alignment modes @racket['(left center right)]. @racket['left] means that the art will be extended with blanks to the right@";" @racket['center] places the blanks equally on both sides@";" and @racket['right] places the blanks to the left.}
@defthing[valign/c contract?]{A contract for the vertical alignment modes @racket['(top center bottom)]. @racket['top] means that the art will be extended with blanks below";" @racket['center] places the blanks equally on both sides@";" and @racket['bottom] places the blanks above.}
@defproc[(vappend2 [y raart?] [x raart?]
[#:halign halign (or/c halign/c #f) #f]
[#:reverse? reverse? boolean? #f]) raart?]{
Renders @racket[y] vertically above @racket[x] (although, if
@racket[reverse?] is true, then the reverse) using @racket[halign] to
determine the horizontal alignment. If @racket[halign] is @racket[#f],
then the arts must have the same width. }
@defproc[(vappend2 [y raart?] [x raart?] [#:halign halign (or/c
halign/c #f) #f] [#:reverse? reverse? boolean? #f]) raart?]{ Renders
@racket[y] vertically above @racket[x]. (If @racket[reverse?] is true,
then the effects are evaluated in the opposite order.) Uses
@racket[halign] to determine the horizontal alignment. If
@racket[halign] is @racket[#f], then the arts must have the same
@ex[(draw-here (vappend2 (text "Hello") (text "World")))
(draw-here (vappend2 (text "Short") (text "Very Very Long"))))
(draw-here (vappend2 (text "Short") (text "Very Very Long") #:halign 'left))
(draw-here (vappend2 (text "Short") (text "Very Very Long") #:halign 'right))
(draw-here (vappend2 (text "Short") (text "Very Very Long") #:halign 'center))]}
@defproc[(vappend [y raart?] [x raart?] ... [#:halign halign (or/c
halign/c #f) #f] [#:reverse? reverse? boolean? #f]) raart?]{Like
@racket[vappend2], but for many arguments.}
@racket[vappend2], but for many arguments.
@ex[(draw-here (vappend (text "Short") (text "A Little Medium") (text "Very Very Long") #:halign 'right))]}
@defproc[(vappend* [y-and-xs (non-empty-listof raart?)] [#:halign
halign (or/c halign/c #f) #f] [#:reverse? reverse? boolean? #f]) raart?]{Like
@racket[vappend], but for accepts arguments as a list.}
halign (or/c halign/c #f) #f] [#:reverse? reverse? boolean? #f])
raart?]{Like @racket[vappend], but accepts arguments as a list.
@ex[(draw-here (vappend* (list (text "Short") (text "A Little Medium") (text "Very Very Long")) #:halign 'right))]}
@defproc[(happend2 [y raart?] [x raart?] [#:valign valign (or/c
valign/c #f) #f] [#:reverse? reverse? boolean? #f]) raart?]{ Renders
@racket[y] horizontally to the left of @racket[x] (although, if
@racket[reverse?] is true, then the reverse) using @racket[valign] to
determine the vertical alignment. If @racket[valign] is @racket[#f],
then the arts must have the same height.}
@racket[y] horizontally to the left of @racket[x]. (If
@racket[reverse?] is true, then the effects are evaluated in the
opposite order.) Uses @racket[valign] to determine the vertical
alignment. If @racket[valign] is @racket[#f], then the arts must have
the same height.
@ex[(draw-here (happend2 (vline 2) (vline 2)))
(draw-here (happend2 (vline 2) (vline 4))))
(draw-here (happend2 (vline 2) (vline 4) #:valign 'top))
(draw-here (happend2 (vline 2) (vline 4) #:valign 'center))
(draw-here (happend2 (vline 2) (vline 4) #:valign 'bottom))]}
@defproc[(happend [y raart?] [x raart?] ... [#:valign valign (or/c
valign/c #f) #f] [#:reverse? reverse? boolean? #f]) raart?]{Like
@racket[happend2], but for many arguments.}
@racket[happend2], but for many arguments.
@defproc[(happend* [y-and-xs (non-empty-listof raart?)] [#:valign valign (or/c
valign/c #f) #f] [#:reverse? reverse? boolean? #f]) raart?]{Like
@racket[happend], but for accepts arguments as a list.}
@ex[(draw-here (happend (vline 2) (vline 3) (vline 4) #:valign 'top))]}
@defproc[(happend* [y-and-xs (non-empty-listof raart?)] [#:valign
valign (or/c valign/c #f) #f] [#:reverse? reverse? boolean? #f])
raart?]{Like @racket[happend], but accepts arguments as a list.
@ex[(draw-here (happend* (list (vline 2) (vline 3) (vline 4)) #:valign 'top))]}
@defproc[(place-at [back raart?] [dr exact-nonnegative-integer?] [dh
exact-nonnegative-integer?] [front raart?]) raart?]{Renders