393 lines
13 KiB
393 lines
13 KiB
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match
(for-syntax racket/base
;; XXX ensure that argument order is ALWAYS w h r c
(define (strict-or a b) (or a b))
(define current-style (make-parameter 'normal))
(define current-fg (make-parameter #f))
(define current-bg (make-parameter #f))
(define-syntax (with-maybe-parameterize stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ () . body) #'(let () . body)]
[(_ ([p:id v:id] . m) . body)
#'(let ([t (λ () (with-maybe-parameterize m . body))])
(if v (parameterize ([p v]) (t)) (t)))]))
(define (rectangle-intersect a-x1 a-y1
a-x2 a-y2
b-x1 b-y1
b-x2 b-y2)
(and (< a-x1 b-x2)
(> a-x2 b-x1)
(< a-y1 b-y2)
(> a-y2 b-y1)))
;; w : exact-nonnegative-integer?
;; h : exact-nonnegative-integer?
;; ! : okay? (row col char -> void) row col -> bool
(struct raart (w h !))
(define (draw buf x)
(match-define (raart w h !) x)
(max-rows max-cols draw-char!)
(buffer-start! buf h w))
(define (draw-with-params r c ch)
(draw-char! (current-style) (current-fg) (current-bg)
r c ch))
(define (on-screen? w h r c)
(rectangle-intersect 0 0
max-cols max-rows
c r
(+ c w) (+ r h)))
(! on-screen? draw-with-params 0 0)
(buffer-commit! buf))
(define (raart* w h !)
(raart w h
(λ (okay? d r c)
(and (okay? w h r c)
(! okay? d r c)))))
;; Core forms
(define (with-drawing s f b x)
(match-define (raart w h !) x)
(raart* w h (λ (okay? d r c)
(with-maybe-parameterize ([current-style s]
[current-fg f]
[current-bg b])
(! okay? d r c)))))
(define (blank [w 0] [h 1])
(raart* w h (λ (okay? d r c) #f)))
(define (char ch)
(when (char-iso-control? ch)
(error 'char "Illegal character: ~v" ch))
(raart* 1 1 (λ (okay? d r c) (d r c ch))))
(define (text s)
(for ([ch (in-string s)]
#:when (char-iso-control? ch))
(error 'text "Illegal character in string: ~v" ch))
(raart* (string-length s) 1
(λ (okay? d r c)
(for ([ch (in-string s)]
[dc (in-naturals)])
(d r (+ c dc) ch)))))
(define (place-at back dr dc front)
(match-define (raart bw bh b!) back)
(match-define (raart fw fh f!) front)
(unless (and (<= fw bw) (<= fh bh))
(error 'place-at "Foreground must fit inside background"))
(raart* bw bh
(λ (okay? d r c)
(b! okay? d r c)
(f! okay? d (+ r dr) (+ c dc))))))
(define (mask mc mw mr mh x)
(match-define (raart xw xh x!) x)
(raart* xw xh
(λ (okay? d r c)
(λ (w h r c)
(and (okay? w h r c)
(rectangle-intersect mc mr
(+ mc mw) (+ mr mh)
c r
(+ c w) (+ r h))))
d r c))))
(define (crop cc cw cr ch x)
(define mx (mask cc cw cr ch x))
(match-define (raart mw mh m!) mx)
(raart* cw ch
(λ (okay? d r c)
(m! (λ (w h r c)
(okay? w h (- r cr) (- c cc)))
(λ (r c ch)
(d (- r cr) (- c cc) ch))
r c))))
(define (if-drawn f x)
(match-define (raart w h !) x)
(raart* w h (λ (okay? d r c)
(define ? (! okay? d r c))
(when ? (f r c w h))
(define (place-cursor-after x cr cc)
(match-define (raart w h !) x)
(raart* w h (λ (okay? d r c)
(strict-or (! okay? d r c)
(d cr cc #f)))))
(define (*vappend2 y x)
(match-define (raart xw xh x!) x)
(match-define (raart yw yh y!) y)
(unless (= xw yw)
(error '*vappend2 "Widths must be equal: ~e vs ~e" xw yw))
(raart* xw (+ xh yh)
(λ (okay? d r c)
(x! okay? d (+ r 0) c)
(y! okay? d (+ r xh) c)))))
(define (*happend2 y x)
(match-define (raart xw xh x!) x)
(match-define (raart yw yh y!) y)
(unless (= xh yh)
(error '*happend2 "Heights must be equal: ~e vs ~e" xh yh))
(raart* (+ xw yw) xh
(λ (okay? d r c)
(x! okay? d r (+ c 0))
(y! okay? d r (+ c xw))))))
;; Library
(define (style s x) (with-drawing s #f #f x))
(define (fg f x) (with-drawing #f f #f x))
(define (bg b x) (with-drawing #f #f b x))
(define-syntax (place-at* stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ b:expr) #'b]
[(_ b:expr [dr:expr dc:expr f:expr] . more:expr)
#'(place-at* (place-at b dr dc f) . more)]))
(define (matte-at mw mh @c @r x)
(match-define (raart xw xh x!) x)
(unless (and (<= (+ xw @c) mw)
(<= (+ xh @r) mh))
(error 'matte-at "Original (~ax~a@~a,~a) must fit inside matte (~ax~a)"
xw xh @c @r mw mh))
(place-at (blank mw mh) @r @c x))
(define (translate dr dc x)
(match-define (raart xw xh x!) x)
(matte-at (+ xw dc) (+ xh dr) dc dr x))
(define (matte w h
#:halign [ws 'center]
#:valign [hs 'center]
(match-define (raart xw xh x!) x)
(unless (and (<= xw w) (<= xh h))
(error 'matte "Original (~ax~a) must fit inside matte (~ax~a)"
xw xh w h))
(matte-at w h
(match ws
['left 0]
['center (floor (/ (- w xw) 2))]
['right (- w xw)])
(match hs
['top 0]
['center (floor (/ (- h xh) 2))]
['bottom (- h xh)])
(define (inset dw dh x)
(match-define (raart w h !) x)
(matte (+ dw w dw) (+ dh h dh)
#:halign 'center #:valign 'center
(define (vappend2 y x #:halign [halign #f])
[(not halign) (*vappend2 y x)]
(match-define (raart xw xh x!) x)
(match-define (raart yw yh y!) y)
(define nw (max xw yw))
(define xp (matte nw xh #:halign halign x))
(define yp (matte nw yh #:halign halign y))
(*vappend2 yp xp)]))
(define (vappend #:halign [halign #f] r1 . rs)
(foldl (λ (a d) (vappend2 #:halign halign a d)) r1 rs))
(define (vappend* #:halign [halign #f] rs)
(apply vappend rs #:halign halign))
(define (happend2 y x #:valign [valign #f])
[(not valign) (*happend2 y x)]
(match-define (raart xw xh x!) x)
(match-define (raart yw yh y!) y)
(define nh (max xh yh))
(define xp (matte xw nh #:valign valign x))
(define yp (matte yw nh #:valign valign y))
(*happend2 yp xp)]))
(define (happend #:valign [valign #f] r1 . rs)
(foldl (λ (a d) (happend2 #:valign valign a d)) r1 rs))
(define (happend* #:valign [valign #f] rs)
(apply happend rs #:valign valign))
(define (hline w)
(text (make-string w #\─)))
(define (vline h)
(vappend* (make-list h (char #\│))))
(define (frame #:style [s #f] #:fg [f #f] #:bg [b #f] x)
(match-define (raart w h _) x)
(with-drawing s f b
(happend (char #\┌) (hline w ) (char #\┐))
(happend (vline h) (blank w h) (vline h))
(happend (char #\└) (hline w ) (char #\┘))))
1 1 x))
(define (table rows
;; XXX add more options to frames
#:frames? [frames? #t]
#:style [s #f] #:fg [f #f] #:bg [b #f]
#:inset-dw [dw 0]
#:inset-dh [dh 0]
#:valign [row-valign 'top]
#:halign [halign 'left])
(define (list-ref* i l)
(list-ref l (min i (sub1 (length l)))))
(define (col-halign-sel i halign)
(match halign
[(? symbol?) halign]
[(? list?) (list-ref* i halign)]))
(define (col-halign col-i)
(col-halign-sel col-i halign))
(define col-ws
(for/list ([i (in-range (length (first rows)))])
(define col (map (λ (r) (list-ref r i)) rows))
(apply max (map raart-w col))))
(define last-col (sub1 (length col-ws)))
(define (make-bar left middle right)
(char left)
(for/list ([col-w (in-list col-ws)]
[col-i (in-naturals)])
(happend (hline (+ dw col-w dw))
(if (= last-col col-i)
(char right)
(char middle)))))))
(define header (make-bar #\┌ #\┬ #\┐))
(define inbetween (make-bar #\├ #\┼ #\┤))
(define footer (make-bar #\└ #\┴ #\┘))
(define last-row (sub1 (length rows)))
(for/list ([row (in-list rows)]
[row-i (in-naturals)])
(define row-h (apply max (map raart-h row)))
(define cell-h (+ dh row-h dh))
(define cell-wall (vline cell-h))
(define the-row
(for/list ([col (in-list row)]
[col-w (in-list col-ws)]
[col-i (in-naturals)])
(define cell-w (+ dw col-w dw))
(define the-cell
(matte cell-w #:halign (col-halign col-i)
cell-h #:valign row-valign
(inset dw dh col)))
(define cell+left
(happend cell-wall the-cell))
(if (= col-i last-col)
(happend cell+left cell-wall)
(define include-header? (zero? row-i))
(define row-and-above
(if include-header? (vappend header the-row) the-row))
(define include-footer? (= row-i last-row))
(define row-and-below
(vappend row-and-above
(if include-footer?
(define (text-rows rows)
(local-require racket/format)
(for/list ([row (in-list rows)])
(for/list ([col (in-list row)])
(if (raart? col) col (text (~a col))))))
(define valign/c (or/c 'top 'center 'bottom))
(define halign/c (or/c 'left 'center 'right))
[raart? (-> any/c boolean?)]
(-> buffer? raart?
[style (-> style/c raart? raart?)]
[fg (-> color/c raart? raart?)]
[bg (-> color/c raart? raart?)]
(-> (or/c style/c #f)
(or/c color/c #f)
(or/c color/c #f)
raart? raart?)]
[blank (->* () (exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?) raart?)]
[char (-> (and/c char? (not/c char-iso-control?)) raart?)]
[text (-> string? raart?)]
[hline (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? raart?)]
[vline (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? raart?)]
[vappend2 (->* (raart? raart?) (#:halign (or/c halign/c #f)) raart?)]
[vappend (->* (raart?) (#:halign (or/c halign/c #f)) #:rest (listof raart?) raart?)]
[vappend* (->* ((non-empty-listof raart?)) (#:halign (or/c halign/c #f)) raart?)]
[happend2 (->* (raart? raart?) (#:valign (or/c valign/c #f)) raart?)]
[happend (->* (raart?) (#:valign (or/c valign/c #f)) #:rest (listof raart?) raart?)]
[happend* (->* ((non-empty-listof raart?)) (#:valign (or/c valign/c #f)) raart?)]
[place-at (-> raart? exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer? raart?
[frame (->* (raart?)
(#:style (or/c style/c #f) #:fg (or/c color/c #f) #:bg (or/c color/c #f))
[matte-at (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
[translate (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
raart? raart?)]
[halign/c contract?]
[valign/c contract?]
[matte (->* (exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer? raart?)
(#:halign halign/c #:valign valign/c)
[inset (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer? raart? raart?)]
[mask (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
raart? raart?)]
[crop (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
raart? raart?)]
[table (->* ((listof (listof raart?)))
(#:frames? boolean?
#:style (or/c style/c #f)
#:fg (or/c color/c #f)
#:bg (or/c color/c #f)
#:inset-dw exact-nonnegative-integer?
#:inset-dh exact-nonnegative-integer?
#:valign valign/c
#:halign (or/c halign/c (list*of halign/c (or/c halign/c '()))))
[text-rows (-> (listof (listof any/c))
(listof (listof raart?)))]
[if-drawn (-> (-> exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?
raart? raart?)]
(-> raart? exact-nonnegative-integer? exact-nonnegative-integer?