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2014-12-22 22:14:13 +00:00
#lang racket/base
(provide render-windows!)
(require racket/match)
(require "buffer.rkt")
(require "window.rkt")
(require "display.rkt")
(require "rope.rkt")
(define top-of-window-mtype (mark-type "top-of-window" 'right))
(define (newline? c) (equal? c #\newline))
(define (not-newline? c) (not (newline? c)))
;; Finseth's book defines a C routine, Framer(), which is intended to
;; ensure that the `top_of_window` mark, denoting the position where
;; display should begin for the current window, is in a sane position.
;; The mark is left alone unless the cursor is outside the currently
;; displayed window, either above or below. If the mark needs to be
;; moved, it is moved to a line such that the cursor, after redisplay,
;; will end up at a configurable percentage of the way down the
;; window.
;; Buffer Nat -> Nat
;; Ensures the given mark is sanely positioned as a top-of-window mark
;; with respect to the given cursor position. Returns the
;; top-of-window position.
2014-12-23 06:43:01 +00:00
(define (frame-buffer! buf available-line-count
2014-12-22 22:14:13 +00:00
#:preferred-position-fraction [preferred-position-fraction 1/2])
(define old-top-of-window-pos (or (buffer-mark-pos buf top-of-window-mtype) 0))
2014-12-23 06:43:01 +00:00
(define preferred-distance-from-bottom
(ceiling (* available-line-count (- 1 preferred-position-fraction))))
2014-12-22 22:14:13 +00:00
(let loop ((pos (buffer-findf buf newline? #:forward? #f))
(line-count 0)
(top-of-window-pos old-top-of-window-pos))
(define new-top-of-window-pos
(if (= line-count preferred-distance-from-bottom) pos top-of-window-pos))
2014-12-23 06:43:01 +00:00
[(= pos old-top-of-window-pos)
2014-12-22 22:14:13 +00:00
2014-12-23 06:43:01 +00:00
[(>= line-count (- available-line-count 1))
(buffer-mark! buf new-top-of-window-pos #:mark-type top-of-window-mtype)
2014-12-22 22:14:13 +00:00
(loop (buffer-findf buf newline? #:forward? #f #:position (- pos 1))
(+ line-count 1)
(define (tty-body-style t is-active?)
(tty-style t
#:foreground-color color-white
#:background-color color-blue
#:bold? #f))
(define (tty-statusline-style t is-active?)
(tty-style t
#:foreground-color color-black
#:background-color color-white))
(define (render-buffer! t b window-top window-height is-active?)
2014-12-23 06:43:01 +00:00
(define available-line-count (- window-height 1))
(define top-of-window-pos (frame-buffer! b available-line-count))
2014-12-22 22:14:13 +00:00
(define cursor-pos (buffer-pos b))
(tty-goto t window-top 0)
(tty-body-style t is-active?)
(define cursor-coordinates
(let loop ((line-count 0)
(sol-pos top-of-window-pos)
(cursor-coordinates #f))
2014-12-23 06:43:01 +00:00
[(>= line-count available-line-count)
2014-12-22 22:14:13 +00:00
(define eol-pos (buffer-findf b newline? #:position sol-pos))
(define line (rope->string (buffer-region b #:point eol-pos #:mark sol-pos)))
(tty-display t line)
(tty-clear-to-eol t)
(tty-newline t)
(loop (+ line-count 1)
(+ eol-pos 1)
(if (<= sol-pos cursor-pos eol-pos)
(list (+ line-count window-top)
(- cursor-pos sol-pos))
(tty-statusline-style t is-active?)
(tty-display t (if is-active? "== " "-- ") (buffer-title b) " ")
(tty-display t (make-string (- (tty-columns t) 4 (string-length (buffer-title b)))
(if is-active? #\= #\-)))
(define (layout-windows ws total-height [minimum-height 4])
(define total-weight (foldl + 0 (map (lambda (e)
(match (cadr e)
[(absolute-size _) 0]
[(relative-size w) w])) ws)))
(define reserved-lines (foldl + 0 (map (lambda (e)
(match (cadr e)
[(absolute-size lines) lines]
[(relative-size _) 0])) ws)))
(define proportional-lines (- total-height reserved-lines))
(let loop ((ws ws) (offset 0) (remaining proportional-lines))
(match ws
['() '()]
[(cons (list w (absolute-size lines)) rest)
(cons (list w offset lines) (loop rest (+ offset lines) remaining))]
[(cons (list w (relative-size weight)) rest)
(define height (max minimum-height
(round (* proportional-lines (/ weight total-weight))))))
(if (>= remaining height)
(if (null? rest)
(list (list w offset remaining))
(cons (list w offset height) (loop rest (+ offset height) (- remaining height))))
(if (>= remaining minimum-height)
(list (list w offset remaining))
2014-12-23 06:43:01 +00:00
(define (render-windows! t ws active-window)
2014-12-22 22:14:13 +00:00
(define layout (layout-windows ws (tty-rows t)))
(tty-body-style t #f)
2014-12-23 06:43:01 +00:00
(tty-goto t 0 0)
2014-12-22 22:14:13 +00:00
(define active-cursor-position
(for/fold [(cursor-position #f)] [(e layout)]
(match-define (list w window-top window-height) e)
(define is-active? (eq? w active-window))
(define b (window-buffer w))
(define window-cursor-position (render-buffer! t b window-top window-height is-active?))
(if is-active? window-cursor-position cursor-position)))
(when active-cursor-position
(tty-goto t (car active-cursor-position) (cadr active-cursor-position))))