Renamings; clear-all-marks; remove next/prev distinction

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2014-12-20 13:08:54 -05:00
parent e66e2fba4a
commit 8a275ebdf9
1 changed files with 43 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -26,14 +26,13 @@
(struct-out mark-type)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
@ -63,8 +62,8 @@
left ;; Rope or #f
right ;; Rope or #f
size* ;; Number, total length of this rope
marks* ;; Set of Mark
mark-index ;; (Hash Mark (Hash Number (Setof Any))), marks in this span
marks* ;; Set of MarkType
mark-index ;; (Hash MarkType (Hash Number (Setof Any))), marks in this span
) #:transparent)
@ -207,7 +206,7 @@
;; Searches from pos (inclusive) in the direction indicated.
;; Pos points to a mark-position, not a character-position.
(define (find-mark r forward? mtype start-pos)
(define (find-mark* r forward? mtype start-pos)
(define (search-here r start-pos)
(define marks (hash-ref (rope-mark-index r) mtype #f))
(define lo (rope-lo r))
@ -239,24 +238,24 @@
(define (has-mark? r mtype)
(and r (set-member? (rope-marks r) mtype)))
(define (find-mark* r forward? mtype start-pos)
(define maybe-pos+val (find-mark r forward? mtype start-pos))
(define (find-mark r mtype
#:forward? [forward? #t]
#:position [start-pos (if forward? 0 (rope-size r))])
(define maybe-pos+val (find-mark* r forward? mtype start-pos))
(if maybe-pos+val
(values (car maybe-pos+val) (cdr maybe-pos+val))
(values #f #f)))
(define (find-next-mark r mtype [pos 0]) (find-mark* r #t mtype pos))
(define (find-prev-mark r mtype [pos (rope-size r)]) (find-mark* r #f mtype pos))
(define (find-next-mark-pos r mtype [pos 0])
(cond [(find-mark r #t mtype pos) => car] [else #f]))
(define (find-prev-mark-pos r mtype [pos (rope-size r)])
(cond [(find-mark r #f mtype pos) => car] [else #f]))
(define (find-mark-pos r mtype
#:forward? [forward? #t]
#:position [start-pos (if forward? 0 (rope-size r))])
(cond [(find-mark* r forward? mtype start-pos) => car]
[else #f]))
(define (mark-union h1 h2 offset)
(for/fold [(h h1)] [((pos val) (in-hash h2))] (hash-set h (+ offset pos) val)))
(define (find-all-marks r mtype)
(define (find-all-marks/type r mtype)
(define (walk r)
(if (set-member? (rope-marks r) mtype)
(let-values (((lo hi) (rope-lo+hi r)))
@ -306,10 +305,18 @@
(hash-set old-marks mtype new-mark)))]))))
(define (replace-mark r0 mtype new-pos new-value)
(define pos (find-next-mark-pos r0 mtype))
(define pos (find-mark-pos r0 mtype))
(when (not pos) (error 'replace-mark "Mark ~a not found" mtype))
(set-mark (clear-mark r0 mtype pos) mtype new-pos new-value))
(define (clear-all-marks r)
(and r
(struct-copy rope r
[marks* (set)]
[mark-index (hash)]
[left (clear-all-marks (rope-left r))]
[right (clear-all-marks (rope-right r))])))
(define (rope-size r)
(if r (rope-size* r) 0))
@ -448,42 +455,42 @@
(let*-values (((r) (set-mark (rope-concat rope-pieces) mtype1 9 "original"))
((_) (check-equal? (rope->string r) text))
((pos val) (find-next-mark r mtype1))
((pos val) (find-mark r mtype1))
((_) (check-equal? pos 9))
((_) (check-equal? val "original"))
((r) (clear-mark r mtype1 pos))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks r mtype1) (hash)))
((pos val) (find-next-mark r mtype1))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type r mtype1) (hash)))
((pos val) (find-mark r mtype1))
((_) (check-false pos))
((_) (check-false val))
((r) (set-mark r mtype1 9 "second"))
((pos val) (find-next-mark r mtype1))
((pos val) (find-mark r mtype1))
((_) (check-equal? pos 9))
((_) (check-equal? val "second"))
((r) (set-mark r mtype1 6 "first"))
((r) (set-mark r mtype2 6 "third"))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks r mtype1) (hash 6 "first" 9 "second")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks r mtype2) (hash 6 "third")))
((pos val) (find-prev-mark r mtype1))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type r mtype1) (hash 6 "first" 9 "second")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type r mtype2) (hash 6 "third")))
((pos val) (find-mark r mtype1 #:forward? #f))
((_) (check-equal? pos 9))
((_) (check-equal? val "second"))
((pos val) (find-next-mark r mtype1))
((pos val) (find-mark r mtype1))
((_) (check-equal? pos 6))
((_) (check-equal? val "first"))
((l r) (rope-split r pos))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks r mtype1) (hash 3 "second")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks l mtype1) (hash 6 "first")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks r mtype2) (hash 0 "third")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks l mtype2) (hash)))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type r mtype1) (hash 3 "second")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type l mtype1) (hash 6 "first")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type r mtype2) (hash 0 "third")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type l mtype2) (hash)))
((_) (check-equal? (rope->string l) (substring text 0 6)))
((_) (check-equal? (rope->string r) (substring text 6 (string-length text))))
((_) (check-equal? (rope-marks l) (set mtype1)))
((_) (check-equal? (rope-marks r) (set mtype1 mtype2)))
((l r) (rope-split r 3))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks r mtype1) (hash)))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks l mtype1) (hash 3 "second")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks r mtype2) (hash)))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks l mtype2) (hash 0 "third")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type r mtype1) (hash)))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type l mtype1) (hash 3 "second")))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type r mtype2) (hash)))
((_) (check-equal? (find-all-marks/type l mtype2) (hash 0 "third")))
((_) (check-equal? (rope->string l) (substring text 6 9)))
((_) (check-equal? (rope->string r) (substring text 9 (string-length text)))))