Fix edge condition in clear-mark

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Tony Garnock-Jones 2014-12-28 01:05:12 -05:00
parent b7d54ef1f7
commit 8d92bb8c13
1 changed files with 36 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -308,17 +308,23 @@
(define (clear-mark r0 mtype position)
(define r (splay-to-pos 'clear-mark r0 position (lambda () (format " clearing mark ~a" mtype))))
(and r
(struct-copy rope r
(let* ((old-marks (rope-mark-index r))
(old-mark (hash-ref old-marks mtype (lambda () (hash)))))
(define new-mark (hash-remove old-mark (- position (rope-lo r))))
(if (hash-empty? new-mark)
(hash-remove old-marks mtype)
(hash-set old-marks mtype new-mark)))]))))
(let walk ((r (splay-to-pos 'clear-mark
(lambda () (format " clearing mark ~a" mtype)))))
(if (not (has-mark? r mtype))
(struct-copy rope r
[left (walk (rope-left r))]
[right (walk (rope-right r))]
(let* ((old-marks (rope-mark-index r))
(old-mark (hash-ref old-marks mtype (lambda () (hash)))))
(define new-mark (hash-remove old-mark (- position (rope-lo r))))
(if (hash-empty? new-mark)
(hash-remove old-marks mtype)
(hash-set old-marks mtype new-mark)))])))))
(define (replace-mark r0 mtype new-pos new-value)
(define pos (find-mark-pos r0 mtype))
@ -559,4 +565,23 @@
((_) (check-equal? (rope-marks l) (seteq)))
((_) (check-equal? (rope-marks r) (seteq mtype2))))
(let*-values (((xs) (make-string 128 #\x))
((r) (string->rope (string-append "hello " xs)))
((r) (set-mark r mtype2 3 #t))
((l mr) (rope-split r (find-mark-pos r mtype2)))
((m r) (rope-split mr 1))
((_) (check-equal? (rope->string l) "hel"))
((_) (check-equal? (rope->string m) "l"))
((_) (check-equal? (rope->string r) (string-append "o " xs)))
((_) (check-equal? (rope-marks l) (seteq)))
((_) (check-equal? (rope-marks m) (seteq mtype2)))
((_) (check-equal? (rope-marks r) (seteq)))
((new-m) (set-mark (empty-rope) mtype2 0 #t))
((r) (rope-append (rope-append l new-m) r))
((_) (check-equal? (rope->string r) (string-append "helo " xs)))
((_) (check-equal? (find-mark-pos r mtype2) 3))
((r) (clear-mark r mtype2 (find-mark-pos r mtype2)))
((_) (check-equal? (find-mark-pos r mtype2) #f)))