Switch to Myers-Ukkonen diff

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Tony Garnock-Jones 2014-12-26 18:40:48 -05:00
parent 0bd8657693
commit a18533a2ab
1 changed files with 52 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
#lang racket/base
;; Text diff algorithm following Hunt and McIlroy 1976.
;; Text diff algorithm after Myers 1986 and Ukkonen 1985, following
;; Levente Uzonyi's Squeak Smalltalk implementation at
;; http://squeaksource.com/DiffMerge.html
;; J. W. Hunt and M. D. McIlroy, An algorithm for differential file
;; comparison, Bell Telephone Laboratories CSTR #41 (1976)
;; http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~doug/
;; E. W. Myers, “An O(ND) difference algorithm and its variations,”
;; Algorithmica, vol. 1, no. 14, pp. 251266, Nov. 1986.
;; E. Ukkonen, “Algorithms for approximate string matching,” Inf.
;; Control, vol. 64, no. 13, pp. 100118, Jan. 1985.
(provide diff-indices
@ -20,47 +24,59 @@
(struct candidate (x-index y-index chain) #:prefab)
(define (longest-common-subsequence xs ys)
(define ys-equivalence-classes (equivalence-classes ys))
(define candidates (hash 0 (candidate -1 -1 #f)))
(for [(i (in-naturals))
(item xs)]
(define r 0)
(define c (hash-ref candidates 0))
(define (longest-common-subsequence* xs ys)
(define xs-length (vector-length xs))
(define ys-length (vector-length ys))
(define total-length (+ xs-length ys-length))
(define storage-length (+ 1 (* 2 total-length)))
(define frontier (make-vector storage-length 0))
(define candidates (make-vector storage-length (candidate -1 -1 #f)))
(define chain
(let/ec break
(for ((j (in-list (reverse (hash-ref ys-equivalence-classes item '())))))
;; j names an index into ys
(define s (let loop ((s r))
[(= s (hash-count candidates)) s]
[(and (< (candidate-y-index (hash-ref candidates s)) j)
(or (= s (- (hash-count candidates) 1))
(> (candidate-y-index (hash-ref candidates (+ s 1))) j))) s]
[else (loop (+ s 1))])))
(when (< s (hash-count candidates))
(define new-candidate (candidate i j (hash-ref candidates s)))
(set! candidates (hash-set candidates r c))
(set! r (+ s 1))
(set! c new-candidate)
(when (= r (hash-count candidates))
;; no point in examining further js
(break (void))))))
(set! candidates (hash-set candidates r c)))
;; At this point, we know the LCS: it's in the reverse of the
;; linked-list through `candidate-chain` of (hash-ref candidates (-
;; (hash-count candidates) 1)).
(for ((d (in-range 0 (+ total-length 1))))
(for ((k (in-range (- d) (+ d 1) 2)))
(define-values (index x)
(if (or (= k (- d))
(and (not (= k d))
(< (vector-ref frontier (+ total-length k -1))
(vector-ref frontier (+ total-length k 1)))))
(values (+ total-length k 1) (vector-ref frontier (+ total-length k 1)))
(values (+ total-length k -1) (+ (vector-ref frontier (+ total-length k -1)) 1))))
(define chain (vector-ref candidates index))
(define y (- x k))
(let loop ()
(when (and (< x xs-length)
(< y ys-length)
(equal? (vector-ref xs x)
(vector-ref ys y)))
(set! chain (candidate x y chain))
(set! x (+ x 1))
(set! y (+ y 1))
(when (and (>= x xs-length)
(>= y ys-length))
(break chain))
(vector-set! frontier (+ total-length k) x)
(vector-set! candidates (+ total-length k) chain)))))
(let loop ((c (hash-ref candidates (- (hash-count candidates) 1))))
(let loop ((c chain))
(if (candidate-chain c)
(cons (cons (candidate-x-index c) (candidate-y-index c))
(loop (candidate-chain c)))
(define (diff-indices xs ys)
(define (sequence->vector xs) (for/vector ((x xs)) x))
(define (longest-common-subsequence xs ys)
(longest-common-subsequence* (sequence->vector xs) (sequence->vector ys)))
(define (diff-indices xs0 ys0)
(define xs (sequence->vector xs0))
(define ys (sequence->vector ys0))
(let loop ((i -1)
(j -1)
(matches (append (longest-common-subsequence xs ys)
(list (cons (sequence-length xs) (sequence-length ys))))))
(matches (append (longest-common-subsequence* xs ys)
(list (cons (vector-length xs) (vector-length ys))))))
(match matches
['() '()]
[(cons (cons mi mj) rest)