Incremental redisplay.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2014-12-23 22:01:18 -05:00
parent 7b7676b1ab
commit bf0e56b963
5 changed files with 351 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
Make it reloadable Make it reloadable
Incremental display repair
Windows need their own top-of-window-mtype and point location Windows need their own top-of-window-mtype and point location
Preserve column on up/down better. This includes dealing with tab expansion
Bundle up all mutable command context into a single record, to let the
command handler have everything it needs even in the face of change
Need line wrap of some kind.
unknown-escape-sequence contents are byte strings, and keyseq parsing
and printing should reflect that.
something to do with framing is broken, causing odd scroll-lock
behaviour near the end of the demo file.
Catch and handle SIGWINCH.

View File

@ -1,124 +1,96 @@
#lang racket/base #lang racket/base
(provide (struct-out tty) (provide (struct-out tty)
(struct-out pen)
tty-last-row tty-last-row
tty-last-column tty-last-column
stdin-tty tty-cursor-row
tty-display tty-display
tty-newline tty-newline
tty-clear tty-clear
tty-clear-to-eol tty-clear-to-eol
tty-reset tty-reset
tty-goto tty-goto
tty-style tty-set-pen!
tty-style-reset tty-pen
tty-next-key tty-next-key
tty-next-key-evt tty-next-key-evt
;; From ansi ;; From ansi
color-black (rename-out [ansi:color-black color-black]
color-red [ansi:color-red color-red]
color-green [ansi:color-green color-green]
color-yellow [ansi:color-yellow color-yellow]
color-blue [ansi:color-blue color-blue]
color-magenta [ansi:color-magenta color-magenta]
color-cyan [ansi:color-cyan color-cyan]
color-white) [ansi:color-white color-white]))
(require racket/set) (require racket/set)
(require racket/match) (require racket/match)
(require ansi) (require (only-in racket/vector vector-copy))
(require (prefix-in ansi: ansi))
(require "diff.rkt")
(struct pen (foreground-color ;; Nat
background-color ;; Nat
bold? ;; Boolean
italic? ;; Boolean
) #:prefab)
(struct screen (rows ;; Nat
columns ;; Nat
[cursor-row #:mutable] ;; Nat
[cursor-column #:mutable] ;; Nat
[pen #:mutable] ;; Pen
contents ;; (Vector[rows] (Vector[columns] (Cons Pen Character)))
) #:prefab)
(struct tty (input ;; InputPort (struct tty (input ;; InputPort
output ;; OutputPort output ;; OutputPort
key-reader ;; InputPort -> Key key-reader ;; InputPort -> Key
[rows #:mutable] ;; Nat [displayed-screen #:mutable] ;; Screen
[columns #:mutable] ;; Nat [pending-screen #:mutable] ;; Screen
[cursor-row #:mutable] ;; Nat
[cursor-column #:mutable] ;; Nat
[foreground-color #:mutable] ;; Nat
[background-color #:mutable] ;; Nat
[bold? #:mutable] ;; Boolean
[italic? #:mutable] ;; Boolean
) #:prefab) ) #:prefab)
(define (tty-last-row t) (- (tty-rows t) 1)) (define (make-screen rows columns pen)
(define (tty-last-column t) (- (tty-columns t) 1)) (define contents (for/vector ((row rows)) (make-vector columns (cons pen #\space))))
(screen rows columns 0 0 pen contents))
(define (copy-screen s)
(match-define (screen rows columns cursor-row cursor-column pen contents) s)
(define new-contents (for/vector ((row rows)) (vector-copy (vector-ref contents row))))
(screen rows columns cursor-row cursor-column pen new-contents))
(define *pen-white-on-black* (pen ansi:color-white ansi:color-black #f #f))
(define *stdin-tty* #f) (define *stdin-tty* #f)
(define (stdin-tty) (define (stdin-tty)
(when (not *stdin-tty*) (when (not *stdin-tty*)
(tty-raw!) (ansi:tty-raw!)
(set! *stdin-tty* (set! *stdin-tty*
(tty (current-input-port) (tty (current-input-port)
(current-output-port) (current-output-port)
lex-lcd-input ansi:lex-lcd-input
24 (make-screen 24 80 *pen-white-on-black*)
80 (make-screen 24 80 *pen-white-on-black*)))
0 (reset *stdin-tty*)
(tty-reset *stdin-tty*)
(plumber-add-flush! (current-plumber) (plumber-add-flush! (current-plumber)
(lambda (h) (lambda (h)
(tty-display *stdin-tty* (output *stdin-tty*
(select-graphic-rendition style-normal)) (ansi:select-graphic-rendition ansi:style-normal)
(tty-goto *stdin-tty* (tty-last-row *stdin-tty*) 0)))) (ansi:goto (tty-rows *stdin-tty*) 1))
(flush *stdin-tty*))))
*stdin-tty*) *stdin-tty*)
(define (tty-display tty . items) ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for ((i items)) (display i (tty-output tty))) ;; Actually send changes to the display
(flush-output (tty-output tty)))
(define (tty-newline tty)
(tty-display tty "\r\n"))
(define (tty-goto tty row0 column0)
(define row (max 0 (min (tty-last-row tty) row0)))
(define column (max 0 (min (tty-last-column tty) column0)))
(tty-display tty (goto (+ row 1) (+ column 1)))
(set-tty-cursor-row! tty row)
(set-tty-cursor-column! tty column)
(define (tty-clear tty)
(tty-style tty) ;; applies style from tty
(tty-display tty (clear-screen/home))
(set-tty-cursor-row! tty 0)
(set-tty-cursor-column! tty 0)
(define (tty-clear-to-eol tty)
(tty-display tty (clear-to-eol))
(define (tty-style tty
#:foreground-color [fgcolor (tty-foreground-color tty)]
#:background-color [bgcolor (tty-background-color tty)]
#:bold? [bold? (tty-bold? tty)]
#:italic? [italic? (tty-italic? tty)])
(tty-display tty
(apply select-graphic-rendition
`(,@(if bold? (list style-bold) (list))
,@(if italic? (list style-italic/inverse) (list))
,(style-text-color fgcolor)
,(style-background-color bgcolor))))
(set-tty-foreground-color! tty fgcolor)
(set-tty-background-color! tty bgcolor)
(set-tty-bold?! tty bold?)
(set-tty-italic?! tty italic?)
(define (tty-style-reset tty)
(tty-style tty
#:foreground-color color-white
#:background-color color-black
#:bold? #f
#:italic? #f))
(define (collect-position-report tty) (define (collect-position-report tty)
(let loop () (let loop ()
@ -126,27 +98,235 @@
(handle-evt (tty-input tty) (handle-evt (tty-input tty)
(lambda (p) (lambda (p)
(match ((tty-key-reader tty) p) (match ((tty-key-reader tty) p)
[(? position-report? r) r] [(? ansi:position-report? r) r]
[_ (loop)])))))) [_ (loop)]))))))
(define (tty-reset tty) (define (reset tty)
(tty-display tty (output tty
(clear-screen) (ansi:clear-screen)
(goto 999 999) (ansi:goto 999 999)
(position-report-request)) (ansi:position-report-request))
(flush tty)
(define report (or (collect-position-report tty) (define report (or (collect-position-report tty)
(position-report 24 80))) ;; TODO: have a more flexible fallback (ansi:position-report 24 80))) ;; TODO: have a more flexible fallback
(tty-clear tty) ;; (set! report (ansi:position-report 5 10))
(set-tty-rows! tty (position-report-row report)) (define rows (ansi:position-report-row report))
(set-tty-columns! tty (position-report-column report)) (define columns (ansi:position-report-column report))
(set-pen tty *pen-white-on-black* #:force #t)
(clear tty)
(flush tty)
(set-tty-displayed-screen! tty (make-screen rows columns *pen-white-on-black*))
(set-tty-pending-screen! tty (make-screen rows columns *pen-white-on-black*))
tty) tty)
(define (set-pen tty p #:force [force #f])
(match-define (pen fgcolor bgcolor bold? italic?) p)
(when (or force (not (equal? p (screen-pen (tty-displayed-screen tty)))))
(output tty
(apply ansi:select-graphic-rendition
`(,@(if bold? (list ansi:style-bold) (list))
,@(if italic? (list ansi:style-italic/inverse) (list))
,(ansi:style-text-color fgcolor)
,(ansi:style-background-color bgcolor))))
(set-screen-pen! (tty-displayed-screen tty) p))
(define (clear tty)
(output tty (ansi:clear-screen/home))
(set-screen-cursor-row! (tty-displayed-screen tty) 0)
(set-screen-cursor-column! (tty-displayed-screen tty) 0)
(define (delete-lines tty n)
(define s (tty-displayed-screen tty))
(output tty (ansi:delete-lines n))
(define blank-line (make-vector (screen-columns s) (cons 'unknown #\space)))
(vector-copy! (screen-contents s)
(screen-cursor-row s)
(screen-contents s)
(+ (screen-cursor-row s) n)
(screen-rows s))
(for ((i (in-range (- (screen-rows s) n) (screen-rows s))))
(vector-set! (screen-contents s) i blank-line))
(define (insert-lines tty n)
(define s (tty-displayed-screen tty))
(set-pen tty (car (vector-ref (vector-ref (screen-contents s)
(max 0 (- (screen-cursor-row s) 1)))
(screen-cursor-column s))))
(output tty (ansi:insert-lines n))
(define blank-line (make-vector (screen-columns s) (cons (screen-pen s) #\space)))
(vector-copy! (screen-contents s)
(+ (screen-cursor-row s) n)
(screen-contents s)
(screen-cursor-row s)
(- (screen-rows s) n))
(for ((i (in-range (screen-cursor-row s) (+ (screen-cursor-row s) n))))
(vector-set! (screen-contents s) i blank-line))
(define (output tty . items)
(for ((i items)) (display i (tty-output tty))))
(define (flush tty)
(flush-output (tty-output tty)))
;; Display to buffered screen
(define (tty-rows t) (screen-rows (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define (tty-columns t) (screen-columns (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define (tty-last-row t) (- (tty-rows t) 1))
(define (tty-last-column t) (- (tty-columns t) 1))
(define (tty-cursor-row t) (screen-cursor-row (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define (tty-cursor-column t) (screen-cursor-column (tty-pending-screen t)))
(define (putc tty ch)
(define s (tty-pending-screen tty))
(match ch
(tty-goto tty (screen-cursor-row s) 0)]
(tty-goto tty (+ (screen-cursor-row s) 1) (screen-cursor-column s))]
(for ((i (- 8 (modulo (screen-cursor-column s) 8)))) (putc tty #\space))]
[(? char-iso-control?)
(puts tty (format "[~x]" (char->integer ch)))]
(when (< (screen-cursor-column s) (screen-columns s))
;; (tty-goto tty (+ (screen-cursor-row s) 1) 0)
(vector-set! (vector-ref (screen-contents s) (screen-cursor-row s))
(screen-cursor-column s)
(cons (screen-pen s) ch)))
(set-screen-cursor-column! s (+ (screen-cursor-column s) 1))]))
(define (puts tty s)
(for ((ch s)) (putc tty ch)))
(define (tty-display tty . strings)
(for ((s strings)) (puts tty s)))
(define (tty-newline tty)
(putc tty #\return)
(putc tty #\newline))
(define (tty-clear tty)
(set-tty-pending-screen! tty (make-screen (tty-rows tty) (tty-columns tty) (tty-pen tty)))
(define (tty-clear-to-eol tty)
(define start-column (tty-cursor-column tty))
(for ((i (- (tty-columns tty) (tty-cursor-column tty)))) (putc tty #\space))
(tty-goto tty (tty-cursor-row tty) start-column)
(define (tty-reset tty)
(reset tty)
(define (tty-goto tty row0 column0)
(define row (max 0 (min (tty-last-row tty) row0)))
(define column (max 0 (min (tty-last-column tty) column0)))
(set-screen-cursor-row! (tty-pending-screen tty) row)
(set-screen-cursor-column! (tty-pending-screen tty) column)
(define (tty-set-pen! tty pen)
(set-screen-pen! (tty-pending-screen tty) pen)
(define (tty-pen tty)
(screen-pen (tty-pending-screen tty)))
;; (define (dump-screen s)
;; (list 'screen
;; (screen-rows s)
;; (screen-columns s)
;; (screen-cursor-row s)
;; (screen-cursor-column s)
;; (list->string
;; (for*/list ((line (screen-contents s))
;; (cell line)
;; #:when (not (equal? (cdr cell) #\space)))
;; (cdr cell)))))
(define (goto-if-needed s row column)
(if (and (= (screen-cursor-row s) row)
(= (screen-cursor-column s) column))
(begin0 (ansi:goto (+ row 1) (+ column 1))
(set-screen-cursor-row! s row)
(set-screen-cursor-column! s column))))
(define (advance-cursor! s)
(set-screen-cursor-column! s (+ (screen-cursor-column s) 1))
(when (= (screen-cursor-column s) (screen-columns s))
(set-screen-cursor-column! s 0)
(set-screen-cursor-row! s (+ (screen-cursor-row s) 1))))
(define (tty-flush tty)
;; (set-pen tty *pen-white-on-black* #:force #t)
;; (clear tty)
(define old (tty-displayed-screen tty))
(define new (tty-pending-screen tty))
(define patches (diff-indices (screen-contents old) (screen-contents new)))
;; Proceed in two stages:
;; - delete unwanted lines
;; - insert and blank lines
(for/fold [(skew 0)]
[(patch patches)]
(match-define (list patch-old-line patch-old-count patch-new-line patch-new-count) patch)
(define delta-lines (- patch-new-count patch-old-count))
(define first-row (+ patch-old-line skew))
(if (negative? delta-lines)
(begin (output tty (goto-if-needed old first-row (screen-cursor-column old)))
(delete-lines tty (- delta-lines))
(+ skew delta-lines))
(for/fold [(skew 0)]
[(patch patches)]
(match-define (list patch-old-line patch-old-count patch-new-line patch-new-count) patch)
(define delta-lines (- patch-new-count patch-old-count))
(define first-row (+ patch-old-line skew))
(when (positive? delta-lines)
(output tty (goto-if-needed old first-row (screen-cursor-column old)))
(insert-lines tty delta-lines))
(for ((row (in-range first-row (+ patch-old-line skew patch-new-count))))
(define old-line (vector-ref (screen-contents old) row))
(define new-line (vector-ref (screen-contents new) row))
;; TODO: consider diffing old-line and new-line and applying
;; patches rather than just blitting out the whole line
;; whereever it is different.
(for ((column (screen-columns new)))
(match-define (cons old-pen old-ch) (vector-ref old-line column))
(match-define (cons new-pen new-ch) (vector-ref new-line column))
(when (not (and (equal? old-pen new-pen) (equal? old-ch new-ch)))
(set-pen tty new-pen)
(output tty (goto-if-needed old row column) new-ch)
(advance-cursor! old))))
(+ skew delta-lines))
(output tty (goto-if-needed old (screen-cursor-row new) (screen-cursor-column new)))
(flush tty)
(set-tty-displayed-screen! tty new)
(set-tty-pending-screen! tty (copy-screen new))
;; Input
(define (tty-next-key tty) (define (tty-next-key tty)
(define k (lex-lcd-input (tty-input tty))) (define k (ansi:lex-lcd-input (tty-input tty)))
(if (equal? k (key #\[ (set 'control))) ;; ESC (if (equal? k (ansi:key #\[ (set 'control))) ;; ESC
(or (sync/timeout 0.5 (or (sync/timeout 0.5
(handle-evt (tty-next-key-evt tty) (handle-evt (tty-next-key-evt tty)
(lambda (k) (add-modifier 'meta k)))) (lambda (k) (ansi:add-modifier 'meta k))))
k) k)
k)) k))

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
editor-active-modeset editor-active-modeset
editor-mainloop editor-mainloop
editor-request-shutdown! editor-request-shutdown!
) )
(require racket/match) (require racket/match)
@ -99,21 +100,35 @@
(editor-mainloop editor))]) (editor-mainloop editor))])
(let loop ((total-keyseq '()) (let loop ((total-keyseq '())
(input '()) (input '())
(handler (root-keyseq-handler editor))) (handler (root-keyseq-handler editor))
(next-repaint-deadline 0))
(define (request-repaint) (or next-repaint-deadline (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) 20)))
(define (wait-for-input next-handler) (define (wait-for-input next-handler)
(render-editor! editor)
(when (editor-running? editor) (when (editor-running? editor)
(sync (handle-evt (tty-next-key-evt (editor-tty editor)) (sync (if next-repaint-deadline
(handle-evt (alarm-evt next-repaint-deadline)
(lambda (_)
(loop total-keyseq '() next-handler next-repaint-deadline)))
(handle-evt (tty-next-key-evt (editor-tty editor))
(lambda (new-key) (lambda (new-key)
(define new-input (list new-key)) (define new-input (list new-key))
(loop (append total-keyseq new-input) new-input next-handler)))))) (loop (append total-keyseq new-input)
(if (null? input) new-input
(wait-for-input handler) next-handler
[(and next-repaint-deadline (>= (current-inexact-milliseconds) next-repaint-deadline))
(render-editor! editor)
(loop total-keyseq input handler #f)]
[(null? input)
(wait-for-input handler)]
(match (handler editor input) (match (handler editor input)
[(unbound-key-sequence) [(unbound-key-sequence)
(if (invoke-command 'unbound-key-sequence (editor-active-buffer editor) (if (invoke-command 'unbound-key-sequence (editor-active-buffer editor)
#:keyseq total-keyseq) #:keyseq total-keyseq)
(loop '() '() (root-keyseq-handler editor)) (loop '() '() (root-keyseq-handler editor) (request-repaint))
(error 'editor-mainloop "Unbound key sequence: ~a" (error 'editor-mainloop "Unbound key sequence: ~a"
(keyseq->keyspec total-keyseq)))] (keyseq->keyspec total-keyseq)))]
[(incomplete-key-sequence next-handler) [(incomplete-key-sequence next-handler)
@ -127,13 +142,20 @@
(invoke-command selector (editor-active-buffer editor) (invoke-command selector (editor-active-buffer editor)
#:keyseq accepted-input #:keyseq accepted-input
#:prefix-arg prefix-arg) #:prefix-arg prefix-arg)
(loop '() remaining-input (root-keyseq-handler editor))]))))) (loop '() remaining-input (root-keyseq-handler editor) (request-repaint))])]))))
(define (editor-request-shutdown! editor) (define (editor-request-shutdown! editor)
(set-editor-running?! editor #f)) (set-editor-running?! editor #f))
(define (editor-force-redisplay! editor)
(tty-reset (editor-tty editor)))
;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-command kernel-mode (save-buffers-kill-terminal buf) (define-command kernel-mode (save-buffers-kill-terminal buf)
#:bind-key "C-x C-c" #:bind-key "C-x C-c"
(editor-request-shutdown! (buffer-editor buf))) (editor-request-shutdown! (buffer-editor buf)))
(define-command kernel-mode (force-redisplay buf)
#:bind-key "C-l"
(editor-force-redisplay! (buffer-editor buf)))

View File

@ -15,4 +15,6 @@
(editor-mainloop e)) (editor-mainloop e))
(module+ main (module+ main
(local-require racket/trace)
(current-trace-notify (lambda (s) (log-info "TRACE: ~a" s)))
(void (main))) (void (main)))

View File

@ -49,15 +49,10 @@
new-top-of-window-pos)]))) new-top-of-window-pos)])))
(define (tty-body-style t is-active?) (define (tty-body-style t is-active?)
(tty-style t (tty-set-pen! t (pen color-white color-blue #f #f)))
#:foreground-color color-white
#:background-color color-blue
#:bold? #f))
(define (tty-statusline-style t is-active?) (define (tty-statusline-style t is-active?)
(tty-style t (tty-set-pen! t (pen color-black color-white #f #f)))
#:foreground-color color-black
#:background-color color-white))
(define (format-line line window-width cursor-input-pos) (define (format-line line window-width cursor-input-pos)
(let loop ((chars (string->list line)) (let loop ((chars (string->list line))
@ -117,8 +112,9 @@
cursor-coordinates))]))) cursor-coordinates))])))
(tty-statusline-style t is-active?) (tty-statusline-style t is-active?)
(tty-display t (if is-active? "== " "-- ") (buffer-title b) " ") (tty-display t (if is-active? "== " "-- ") (buffer-title b) " ")
(tty-display t (make-string (- (tty-columns t) 4 (string-length (buffer-title b))) (let ((remaining-length (- (tty-columns t) 4 (string-length (buffer-title b)))))
(if is-active? #\= #\-))) (when (positive? remaining-length)
(tty-display t (make-string remaining-length (if is-active? #\= #\-)))))
cursor-coordinates) cursor-coordinates)
(define (layout-windows ws total-height [minimum-height 4]) (define (layout-windows ws total-height [minimum-height 4])
@ -160,4 +156,5 @@
(define window-cursor-position (render-buffer! t b window-top window-height is-active?)) (define window-cursor-position (render-buffer! t b window-top window-height is-active?))
(if is-active? window-cursor-position cursor-position))) (if is-active? window-cursor-position cursor-position)))
(when active-cursor-position (when active-cursor-position
(tty-goto t (car active-cursor-position) (cadr active-cursor-position)))) (tty-goto t (car active-cursor-position) (cadr active-cursor-position)))
(tty-flush t))