X11 Mouse support
This commit is contained in:
@ -423,6 +423,8 @@
(define x11-hilite-mouse-tracking-mode "?1001")
(define x11-button-event-mouse-tracking-mode "?1002")
(define x11-any-event-mouse-tracking-mode "?1003")
(define x11-focus-event-mode "?1004") ;; Send FocusIn/FocusOut events
(define x11-extended-mouse-tracking-mode "?1006") ;; "SGR" mode
(define alternate-screen-buffer-mode "?1047")
(define save/restore-cursor-pseudomode "?1048")
(define save/restore-cursor-and-alternate-screen-buffer-pseudomode "?1049")
@ -5,18 +5,31 @@
(struct-out unknown-escape-sequence)
(struct-out position-report)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/string string-split))
(define lcd-terminal-utf-8? (make-parameter #t))
(define lcd-terminal-basic-x11-mouse-support?
(match (getenv "TERM")
[(pregexp #px"^st-.*") #f]
;; ^ basic mouse events OVERLAP with control-delete in st!
;; This isn't a problem for SGR mouse event reports, though.
[_ #t])))
(struct unknown-escape-sequence (string) #:prefab)
(struct key (value modifiers) #:prefab)
(struct position-report (row column) #:prefab)
(struct any-mouse-event () #:prefab)
(struct mouse-focus-event any-mouse-event (focus-in?) #:prefab)
(struct mouse-event any-mouse-event (type button row column modifiers) #:prefab)
(define (simple-key value) (key value (set)))
(define (S- value) (key value (set 'shift)))
(define (C- value) (key value (set 'control)))
@ -78,12 +91,14 @@
["F" (decode-shifting params 'end)]
["G" (decode-shifting params 'begin)] ;; linux console (!)
["H" (decode-shifting params 'home)]
["I" (mouse-focus-event #t)]
["J" #:when (equal? params '(2)) (S- 'home)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/
["J" #:when (not params) (C- 'end)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/
["K" #:when (equal? params '(2)) (S- 'delete)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/
["K" #:when (not params) (S- 'end)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/
["L" (C- 'insert)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/
["M" (C- 'delete)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/
["M" (C- 'delete)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/. Overlaps with mouse events!
["O" (mouse-focus-event #f)]
["P" #:when (not params) (simple-key 'delete)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/
["P" (decode-shifting params 'f1)]
["Q" (decode-shifting params 'f2)]
@ -145,9 +160,78 @@
[(<= #x20 b #x7e) (simple-key (integer->char b))]
[(= b #x7f) (simple-key 'backspace)]))
(define (lex-lcd-input port #:utf-8? [utf-8? (lcd-terminal-utf-8?)])
(define (decode-mouse-event-type type)
(define type-code (arithmetic-shift type -5))
(define modifier-code (bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift type -2) 7))
(define modifiers
(set-union (if (zero? (bitwise-and modifier-code 1)) (set) (set 'shift))
(if (zero? (bitwise-and modifier-code 2)) (set) (set 'super))
(if (zero? (bitwise-and modifier-code 4)) (set) (set 'control))))
(define button (bitwise-and type 3))
(match type-code
[1 ;; Press or release
(if (= button 3) ;; basic events don't distinguish specific release buttons
(values 'release-all modifiers #f)
(values 'press modifiers (+ button 1)))]
[2 ;; Motion
(values 'motion modifiers (if (= button 3) #f (+ button 1)))]
[3 ;; Scroll (really, press events for buttons 4, 5)
(values 'scroll modifiers (+ button 4))]
(values #f modifiers (+ button 1))]))
(define (decode-basic-mouse-event lexeme event-bytes)
(define-values (type modifiers button) (decode-mouse-event-type (bytes-ref event-bytes 0)))
(define x-raw (bytes-ref event-bytes 1))
(define y-raw (bytes-ref event-bytes 2))
;; Very large terminals (more than 256-32=224 columns/rows) report 0
;; for a column/row position when the mouse is to the right of the
;; maximum representable position. We report #f in these cases.
(define x (if (zero? x-raw) #f (- x-raw 32)))
(define y (if (zero? y-raw) #f (- y-raw 32)))
(if (not type)
(simple-key (unknown-escape-sequence lexeme))
(mouse-event type button x y modifiers)))
(define (decode-extended-mouse-event lexeme type-byte x y release? input-next)
(define-values (type modifiers button) (decode-mouse-event-type (+ type-byte 32)))
[(not type)
(simple-key (unknown-escape-sequence lexeme))]
[(eq? type 'release-all) ;; This is one of the things the extended format can do better!
(mouse-event 'release button x y modifiers)]
[(eq? type 'press)
(mouse-event (if release? 'release 'press) button x y modifiers)]
;; Ignore the event -- it's likely a spurious "scroll" release event from st
(mouse-event type button x y modifiers)]))
(define (lex-lcd-input port
#:utf-8? [utf-8? (lcd-terminal-utf-8?)]
#:basic-x11-mouse-support? [basic-x11-mouse-support?
[(eof-object? (peek-byte port)) eof]
[(regexp-try-match #px#"^\e\\[<([0-9]+);([0-9]+);([0-9]+)(m|M)" port) =>
(lambda (match-result)
(match-define (list lexeme type row column kind) match-result)
(decode-extended-mouse-event lexeme
(string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 type))
(string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 row))
(string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 column))
(match kind [#"m" #t] [#"M" #f])
(lambda ()
(lex-lcd-input port
#:utf-8? utf-8?
[(and basic-x11-mouse-support?
(regexp-try-match #px#"^\e\\[M(...)" port)) =>
(lambda (match-result)
(match-define (list lexeme mouse-event-bytes) match-result)
(decode-basic-mouse-event lexeme mouse-event-bytes))]
[(or (regexp-try-match #px"^\e\\[([0-9]+(;[0-9]+)*)?(.)" port)
(regexp-try-match #px#"^\x9b([0-9]+(;[0-9]+)*)?(.)" port)) =>
(lambda (match-result)
@ -17,10 +17,18 @@
(plumber-add-flush! (current-plumber)
(lambda (handle)
(display (reset-mode x11-any-event-mouse-tracking-mode))))
(for-each display
(reset-mode x11-extended-mouse-tracking-mode)
(reset-mode x11-any-event-mouse-tracking-mode)
(reset-mode x11-focus-event-mode)
;; lcd-terminal isn't bright enough to parse mouse events yet, so this is disabled for now
;; (for-each display (list (set-mode x11-any-event-mouse-tracking-mode)))
(for-each display (list
(set-mode x11-focus-event-mode)
(set-mode x11-any-event-mouse-tracking-mode)
(set-mode x11-extended-mouse-tracking-mode)
(display "Type keys. Press control-D to exit.\r\n")
(let loop ()
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