40 lines
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40 lines
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#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket/base
@title{@exec{SASS}: Bindings to libsass}
@author[(author+email "Bogdan Popa" "bogdan@defn.io")]
@section[#:tag "intro"]{Introduction}
@(define libsass-uri "https://github.com/sass/libsass")
@exec{sass} exposes bindings to @link[libsass-uri]{libsass} via the FFI.
@section[#:tag "reference"]{Reference}
(@defproc[(compile/file [path path-string?]) string?]
@defproc[(compile/bytes [data bytes?]) string?]
@defproc[(compile/string [data string?]) string?])]{
Compile a SCSS file, bytes or a string into a string of CSS. Raises
@racket[exn:fail:sass?] on error.
Files referenced in @exec{@"@"import} statements are searched using
the value of @racket[current-include-paths].
(@defproc[(exn:fail:sass? [v any/c]) boolean?]
@defproc[(exn:fail:sass-code [e exn:fail:sass?]) exact-integer?])]{
@defparam[current-include-paths paths (listof path-string?) #:value null]{
A parameter that controls where SCSS imports should be looked up.