Disabled changing password / unregistering if global password is enabled. Updated unregitser lang config.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import net.minecraft.server.command.ServerCommandSource;
import net.minecraft.server.network.ServerPlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.text.LiteralText;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth;
import org.samo_lego.simpleauth.utils.AuthHelper;
@ -20,6 +19,7 @@ public class ChangepwCommand {
private static Text enterPassword = new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.enterPassword);
private static Text wrongPassword = new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.wrongPassword);
private static Text passwordUpdated = new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.passwordUpdated);
private static Text cannotChangePassword = new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.cannotChangePassword);
public static void registerCommand(CommandDispatcher<ServerCommandSource> dispatcher) {
// Registering the "/changepw" command
@ -50,7 +50,11 @@ public class ChangepwCommand {
// Getting the player who send the command
ServerPlayerEntity player = source.getPlayer();
if (AuthHelper.checkPass(player.getUuidAsString(), oldPass.toCharArray())) {
if (SimpleAuth.config.main.enableGlobalPassword) {
return 0;
else if (AuthHelper.checkPass(player.getUuidAsString(), oldPass.toCharArray())) {
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher;
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException;
import net.minecraft.server.command.ServerCommandSource;
import net.minecraft.server.network.ServerPlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.text.TranslatableText;
import net.minecraft.text.LiteralText;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import org.samo_lego.simpleauth.SimpleAuth;
import org.samo_lego.simpleauth.utils.AuthHelper;
@ -14,9 +15,10 @@ import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.argument;
import static net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager.literal;
public class UnregisterCommand {
private static TranslatableText enterPassword = new TranslatableText("§6You need to enter your password!");
private static TranslatableText wrongPassword = new TranslatableText("§4Wrong password!");
private static TranslatableText accountDeleted = new TranslatableText("§4Your account was successfully deleted!");
private static Text enterPassword = new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.enterPassword);
private static Text wrongPassword = new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.wrongPassword);
private static Text accountDeleted = new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.accountDeleted);
private static Text cannotUnregister = new LiteralText(SimpleAuth.config.lang.cannotUnregister);
public static void registerCommand(CommandDispatcher<ServerCommandSource> dispatcher) {
// Registering the "/unregister" command
@ -39,7 +41,11 @@ public class UnregisterCommand {
private static int unregister(ServerCommandSource source, String pass) throws CommandSyntaxException {
// Getting the player who send the command
ServerPlayerEntity player = source.getPlayer();
if (AuthHelper.checkPass(player.getUuidAsString(), pass.toCharArray())) {
if (SimpleAuth.config.main.enableGlobalPassword) {
return 0;
else if (AuthHelper.checkPass(player.getUuidAsString(), pass.toCharArray())) {
SimpleAuth.db.delete(player.getUuidAsString(), null);
return 1;
@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ public class AuthConfig {
public String passwordUpdated = "§4Your password was updated successfully!";
public String loginRequired = "§cYou are not authenticated!\n§6Use /login to authenticate!";
public String globalPasswordSet = "§aGlobal password was successfully set!";
public String cannotChangePassword = "§aYou cannot change password!";
public String cannotUnregister = "§aYou cannot unregister this account!";
public String notAuthenticated = "§cYou are not authenticated!\n§6Try with /login or /register.";
public String alreadyAuthenticated = "§4You are already authenticated.";
public String successfullyAuthenticated = "§aYou are now authenticated.";
@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ public class AuthConfig {
public String registerSuccess = "§aYou are now authenticated.";
public String userdataDeleted = "§aUserdata deleted.";
public String userdataUpdated = "§aUserdata updated.";
public String accountDeleted = "§4Your account was successfully deleted!";
public String configurationReloaded = "§aConfiguration file was reloaded successfully.";
Reference in New Issue