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Agatha Lovelace 2021-12-04 22:44:27 +02:00
parent 1a41096917
commit c2db929c35
2 changed files with 144 additions and 0 deletions

Day4.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
module Day4 where
import System.IO (openFile, IOMode (ReadMode), hClose, hGetContents)
import Data.Text (splitOn, unpack, pack)
import Prelude hiding (splitAt)
type Board = [[Int]]
column :: Board -> Int -> [Int]
column board i = map (!! i) board
splitAt :: String -> String -> [String]
splitAt delimiter str = map unpack $ splitOn (pack delimiter) $ pack str
-- remove padding spaces and turn a board line into ints
lineToInts :: String -> [Int]
lineToInts str = map read $ filter (/= "") $ splitAt " " str
isLineWinning :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
isLineWinning nums = all (`elem` nums)
-- in: random numbers, board
-- out: only unmarked numbers in board
unmarkedNums :: [Int] -> Board -> Board
unmarkedNums nums = map (filter (`notElem` nums))
-- in: random numbers, board
-- out: sum of all unmarked numbers
unmarkedSum :: [Int] -> Board -> Int
unmarkedSum nums board = sum . concat $ unmarkedNums nums board
-- in: board, list of random numbers
-- out: true if board won
checkBoard :: Board -> [Int] -> Bool
checkBoard board nums = any (isLineWinning nums) allLines
allLines = board ++ map (column board) [0..4]
-- in: list of boards, list of random numbers
-- out: board that won, number of iterations
checkBoards' :: [Board] -> [Int] -> (Board, Int)
checkBoards' [] nums = ([], length nums)
checkBoards' (x:xs) nums
| checkBoard x nums = (x, length nums)
| otherwise = checkBoards' xs nums
-- in: list of boards, list of random numbers
-- out: board that won, number of iterations
-- will error if none of the tables are solvable
checkBoards :: [Board] -> [Int] -> Int -> (Board, Int)
checkBoards boards nums iter
| null $ fst $ checkBoards' boards list = checkBoards boards nums (iter + 1)
| otherwise = checkBoards' boards list
list = take iter nums
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- openFile "inputs/4.txt" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents input
-- random numbers from the first line
let list = map read $ splitAt "," $ head $ splitAt "\n\n" contents :: [Int]
-- the remaining lines are bingo boards
let bingus = map lines $ tail $ splitAt "\n\n" contents
let boards = map (map lineToInts) bingus
let (board, num) = checkBoards boards list 1
let sum = unmarkedSum (take num list) board
print $ sum * list !! (num - 1)
hClose input

Day4_1.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
module Day4_1 where
import System.IO (openFile, IOMode (ReadMode), hClose, hGetContents)
import Data.Text (splitOn, unpack, pack)
import Prelude hiding (splitAt)
type Board = [[Int]]
column :: Board -> Int -> [Int]
column board i = map (!! i) board
splitAt :: String -> String -> [String]
splitAt delimiter str = map unpack $ splitOn (pack delimiter) $ pack str
-- remove padding spaces and turn a board line into ints
lineToInts :: String -> [Int]
lineToInts str = map read $ filter (/= "") $ splitAt " " str
isLineWinning :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
isLineWinning nums = all (`elem` nums)
-- in: random numbers, board
-- out: only unmarked numbers in board
unmarkedNums :: [Int] -> Board -> Board
unmarkedNums nums = map (filter (`notElem` nums))
-- in: random numbers, board
-- out: sum of all unmarked numbers
unmarkedSum :: [Int] -> Board -> Int
unmarkedSum nums board = sum . concat $ unmarkedNums nums board
-- in: board, list of random numbers
-- out: true if board won
checkBoard :: Board -> [Int] -> Bool
checkBoard board nums = any (isLineWinning nums) allLines
allLines = board ++ map (column board) [0..4]
-- in: list of boards, list of random numbers
-- out: boards that won, number of iterations
checkBoards' :: [Board] -> [Int] -> [(Board, Int)] -> [(Board, Int)]
checkBoards' [] nums acc = acc
checkBoards' (x:xs) nums acc
| checkBoard x nums = checkBoards' xs nums (acc ++ [(x, length nums)])
| otherwise = checkBoards' xs nums acc
checkBoards :: [Board] -> [Int] -> [(Board, Int)]
checkBoards boards nums = filter (\x -> fst x /= []) solutions
where solutions = [ k | i <- [1..length nums],
let j = take i nums,
k <- checkBoards' boards j [] ]
dedup :: Eq a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
dedup [] = []
dedup (x:xs) = x : dedup (filter (\y -> fst x /= fst y) xs)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- openFile "inputs/4.txt" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents input
-- random numbers from the first line
let list = map read $ splitAt "," $ head $ splitAt "\n\n" contents :: [Int]
-- the remaining lines are bingo boards
let bingus = map lines $ tail $ splitAt "\n\n" contents
let boards = map (map lineToInts) bingus
let (board, num) = last . dedup $ checkBoards boards list
let sum = unmarkedSum (take num list) board
print $ sum * list !! (num - 1)
hClose input