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initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Error","An error that occurred during parsing or compiling a regular expression."]],"fn":[["escape","Escapes all regular expression meta characters in `text`."]],"mod":[["bytes","Match regular expressions on arbitrary bytes."]],"struct":[["CaptureLocations","CaptureLocations is a low level representation of the raw offsets of each submatch."],["CaptureMatches","An iterator that yields all non-overlapping capture groups matching a particular regular expression."],["CaptureNames","An iterator over the names of all possible captures."],["Captures","Captures represents a group of captured strings for a single match."],["Match","Match represents a single match of a regex in a haystack."],["Matches","An iterator over all non-overlapping matches for a particular string."],["NoExpand","`NoExpand` indicates literal string replacement."],["Regex","A compiled regular expression for matching Unicode strings."],["RegexBuilder","A configurable builder for a regular expression."],["RegexSet","Match multiple (possibly overlapping) regular expressions in a single scan."],["RegexSetBuilder","A configurable builder for a set of regular expressions."],["ReplacerRef","By-reference adaptor for a `Replacer`"],["SetMatches","A set of matches returned by a regex set."],["SetMatchesIntoIter","An owned iterator over the set of matches from a regex set."],["SetMatchesIter","A borrowed iterator over the set of matches from a regex set."],["Split","Yields all substrings delimited by a regular expression match."],["SplitN","Yields at most `N` substrings delimited by a regular expression match."],["SubCaptureMatches","An iterator that yields all capturing matches in the order in which they appear in the regex."]],"trait":[["Replacer","Replacer describes types that can be used to replace matches in a string."]]}); |