Update help and info commands to look better.

Remove hardcoded author name
This commit is contained in:
Agatha Rose 2020-05-05 04:07:08 +03:00
parent 6064e661ba
commit 4f1b628108
1 changed files with 19 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -507,28 +507,28 @@ fn help(ctx: &mut Context, message: &Message) -> CommandResult {
e.title("Availble commands:")
.description("All commands are case-insensitive")
("owo init", "Introduce me", false),
("owo ping", "Pong", false),
("owo sausage", "sosig", false),
("owo help", "Help the fellow humanz!", false),
("owo info", "Show information about me!", false),
("owo!init", "Introduce me", true),
("owo!ping", "Pong", true),
("owo!sausage", "Sosig", true),
("owo!help", "Help the fellow humanz!", true),
("owo!info", "Show information about me!", true),
"owo what's this ``word``",
"owo!what's this ``word``",
"Find a definition of word",
"owo embed ``[args]``",
"owo!embed ``[args]``",
"Create an embed from a Toml object",
("owo ship ``[names]``", "*shipping intensifies*", false),
("owo headpat ``name``", "Headpat someone", false),
("owo owo ``text``", "owoify input text", false),
("owo!ship ``[names]``", "*Shipping intensifies*", true),
("owo!headpat ``name``", "Headpat someone", true),
("owo!owo ``text``", "owoify input text", true),
("\u{200B}", "**Admin commands:**", false),
("owo halt", "kill me", false),
("owo list_srv", "list my servers", false),
("owo host", "Display host info", false),
("owo!halt", "Kill the bot process", true),
("owo!list_srv", "List my servers", true),
("owo!host", "Display host info", true),
@ -544,15 +544,17 @@ fn info(ctx: &mut Context, message: &Message, args: Args) -> CommandResult {
let num = ctx.cache.read().guilds.len();
let aganame = OWNERS.clone()[0].to_user(ctx.http.clone()).unwrap().tag();
let _ = message.channel_id.send_message(&ctx.http, |m| m
.embed(|e| e
.title("Discordinator9000's info:")
.field("Author:", "Ahtågä lrig etüc#9000 / Agatha", false)
.field("Author:", format!("{} / Agatha", aganame), false)
.field("Server count:", num , false)
.field("Invite:", "[Invite link](https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=470350233419907129&permissions=2048&scope=bot)", false )
.footer(|f| f
.text("Written in Rust using Serenity, OwOify and a few other libraries"))