* In main menu, set ALSA Bridge Type to `ALSA → PulseAudio → JACK (Plugin)`
![Engine settings tab: Realtime is checked, Realtime priority is 95. Everything else is default.](https://i.imgur.com/dDAdm1m.png)
![Driver settings tab: ALSA driver selected, with duplex mode on. The input device is the audio interface and the output device is the default audio output. Input and Output channels are both at 0. Sample rate is 44100 and buffer size is 2048. Periods per Buffer are set to 2.](https://i.imgur.com/22O1Lne.png)
Sample rate and buffer size values might need to be adjusted.
In FL Studio audio settings, select WineASIO.
Before starting any DAW that uses WineASIO, remember to start the JACK server through Cadence and don't forget to switch your system audio output to the JACK sink.
![Jack sink (PulseAudio JACK Sink) is selected as audio output in gnome settings.](https://i.imgur.com/E3KwJOs.png)